CM 1969-11-17 COUNTY OF DALLAS }'~/~',~'
The Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, ,et om regular
session Nov. 17, 1969, with the following members present
to -wit:
W, T. Cozby, Mayor
John Dovecka, Councilman
W. M.Wilson, Councilman
Jim McGiboney, Councilman
constituting a quorum, where among other proceedings had
was the following:
Pete Styner brought appication for the new additional sewer
system and to have the engineering agreement decided upon.
Motion was made by W. H. Wilson that the City of Coppell
and Fowler & Grofs Inc. for engineering to construct a Sewage
Outfall Line and Collection System in the Denton Creek Water-
shed in the City. Jim McGiboney second the motion. Vote
was unanimous · '
John Dobecka made the motion to pass a resolution as
read for Mayor Cozby to make application for preliminary
engineering grant. Jim McGiboney second the motion. Vote
was unanimous.
Pete Styner also read a lettle from the Health Department showing
them in agreement.
W. H. Wilson made motion to pay the following bill:
Glendinning Construction Co. --- $6281.20 .... for curbing
"K" Street.
Second by John Dobecka. Vote was unanimous.
Jim McGiboney made motion to give Mrs.J. Shockey a special
permitt for a Day Nursery at her present home for a maximum
of ten children for a period of a one year. Second by
W. H. Wilson. Vote was unanimous.
Meeting adjourned.
W. T. Cozby, mayor
Passed and approved this day of , 1969.
E. C. Gentry, Secretary