Annual Repair Contract: F&F Concrete, LLCCity of Coppell Public Works Department Routing Sheet for Approval of Contracts and Agreements Vendor Name: F&F Concrete LLC Date: 1211112021 Co ntracted Work/Project: Sidewalk, Street & Alley Pavement Repairs Explanation: Contract Renewal 1 250 000.00 for Sidewalk Street & Alie D 0 □ Council Approved: Yes / No If yes, Date: 1211412021 Budget Approved: Yes / No \rtF-~~ Ethics Certificate Required: Yes / No If Yes, Copy is Attached: Yes / No D New Vendor Routing Sequence: ~ Existing Vendor ~ Renewing Contract 1. Employee initiating contract/agreement: Frank Garza {Include W-9 & CIQ form if vendor is not in system.) 2. Supervisor Authorization: Jamie Brierton 3. Purchasing Manager/Technician: Initials Date (Signature needed only if vendor is new to system or contract has been changed since last t i me used) 4. Director of Public Works Authorization: 5. Deputy City Manager Authorization: o n-/7-1-/1-1 Traci Leach/Vicki Chiavetta VC l'J/:)3/4 / Kent Collins Comments: ___________________________ _ 6. City Manager: Mike Land Comments: ---------------------------- 7. Originals back to Administrative Manager : Kyra Jansen 8. Copy of contract/agreement to Jennifer Miller: DYES / NOc=J. THE •ClTY •OF MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Jamie Brierton, Capital Programs Administrator Kent Collins, P.E., Director of Public Works Date: December 14, 2021 Reference: Annual Sidewalk, Street & Alley Pavement Repair Contract 2040: Pillar 0 -Foundation of Sustainable Government Goal 3: Well-maintained City Infrastructure General Information: • The FY 2021-2022 budget amount is $1 ,250 ,000.00 in the Infrastructure Maintenance Fund. • F&F Concrete, LLC, has a I-year renewable contract for up to 3 years, which was originally awarded in November 2020. • FY 2021-2022 will be the 2 nd year of the 3-year contract renewal option. Introduction: This agenda item is being presented for approval to renew the second year of the Annual Sidewalk, Street & Alley Pavement Repair Contract to F&F Concrete, LLC, to perform the ADA & sidewalk repairs and annual street & alley pavement repairs program in the amount totaling $1 ,250,000.00 , as budgeted in the Infrastructure Maintenance Fund (IMF); and authorizing the City Manager to sign all necessary documents. Analysis: To provide well-maintained City infrastructure, our concrete sidewalks, streets , and alleys require ongoing maintenance and repair. Preventative maintenance and repair work will extend the life of the concrete paving. To increase the level of proactive maintenance and decrease the repair "down" time for resident requested repairs, a bid package was assembled to encompass sidewalks, alleys, and streets. This should allow the contractor to service all concrete issues in one location with a single mobilization, to reduce resident inconvenience and increase contractor efficiency. In the past, two contracts were awarded annually on a 60/40 split of the work to complete the needed maintenance and repairs. The two contractors were selected through the competitive low bid process (see attached bid tab). Staff re-bid this contract in 2020 to ensure the City was receiving current competitive unit pricing. At that time, F&F Concrete was the low bidder and was awarded 60% of the work, and New World Contracting was second lowest bid and received 40% of the work. The split award was intended to ensure adequate resources to complete all repairs in a timely manner. However, this year during the renewal process, New World Contracting requested a 10% pricing increase across the board. F&F Concrete, LLC did not request a pricing increase this year. Upon receiving these renewal responses, staff confirmed that F&F Concrete has the resources to complete the work under the full value of the contract during the fiscal year. Due to the pricing increase request by New World Contracting, it is recommended that the entire contract be awarded to F&F Concrete, LLC in the amount of $1,250,000.00. This contract will be used to repair or replace concrete along the streets , alleys, and sidewalks as well as continue implementation of the City's ADA Transition Plan presented to City Council in 2016. Again , staff confirmed that F&F Concrete can deliver the full annual maintenance work plan during the fiscal year. Legal Review: The Purchasing Department has reviewed the documents and determined that this is an appropriate method of contracting with this firm. The City Attorney reviews the standard contract documents periodically with changes made as necessary. Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact of this agenda item is $1 ,250,000.00, as budgeted in the Infrastructure Maintenance Fund. Recommendation: The Public Works Department recommends approval of this item. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Bid Tabulation Summary Project Name: Sidewalk, Street & Alley Pavement Repairs PROJECT NO. 1021-03 BID NO. Q-1021-03 City of Coppell Bid Date: 10/22/2020 Date: 10/27/2020 Total Bids Submitted: 9 2020-2021 F&F Concrete $ New World ContractinQ,LLC $ NPL Construction* $ SAZ. Infrastructure $ A T Construction, LLC $ Arrequin Group, Inc.** $ Advance Contracting Group $ Ti-Zack Concrete Inc. $ HOS Construction, LLC $ *Calculation error for total submitted by bidder **Total not provided on the submitted bid form 56,193.80 59,438.00 63 743.97 87,894.99 93 474.50 93 920.56 118,588.50 125,317.00 221,250.00 2021-2022 $ 56 193.80 I $ 65 381.80 I 11/18/2021 1 . • 2021-2022 Street, Alley, Sidewalk & Ramps Available Funds Street & Alley Repair Sidewalks $100,000.00 ADA Improvements $250,000.00 Combined Sidewalk/ ADA Total Funds $900,000.00 $350,000.Qg $1,250,000.00 F&F Concrete LLC $900,000.00 $350,000.00 $1,250,000.00