ADA ConcreteCity of Coppell Publi c Works Department Routing Sheet for Approval of Contra cts and Agreements Vendor Name: l/t/v11ncu/ j,,.f.rtJrc).,,~ C.,r.? "JfJ Contracted Work/Project: /}pl} (~t'lt ~k a.f 1,,h5' fJArl'-woy tJyr_,a/ r:~s+a.+ro,,., ~ ~ .i1t'{ro /(ii01..w4 Explanati on. 1/01}-,{2,0 .,..f fltf&t..uvv.;,.I-~ M.l~Wo. ~/J{~C.hY\,,v,f-~-A 12.,.("''Z. I Council Approved: Yes /~If yes, Date: ____ _ y r t .,~,nz.. Budget Approved:~/ No GL Account: 3Soo 3320 -(o3 \0 Ethics Cert ificate Required : Yes @ it Ye s, Copy is Attached: Yes / No O New Vendor ~sting Vendor O Renewing Contract Routing Sequence: Initials Date ~t-ev-<-rh()r'-< r e;· 1 1-2ti~?1 1. Employee initiating co ntract/ag reement: J } t· (. I (Include W -9 & CIQ form if vendor is not in system.) 2. Supervisor Authorization: 3. Purchasing Manager/Technician: (Signature needed only if vendor is new to system or contract has been changed since last t ime used) 4. Director of Public Works Authorization : Kent Collins 5. Deputy City Manager Authorization: Comments: -------------------------- 6. City Manager: __ M i ke Land __ Comme nts: _________________________ _ 7. Copy of co ntract/agreement to Jennifer Mi ll er: _ YES/ NO __ ADVANCE CONTllAC'l"I NG G l <OU I' Su bmittal Data F orm: Contract: Owner: Date: Specification Section: Description: S u bcon tractor/Su pp lier Total Sum: Review/Disposition Stamp 1---------APPROVED 1---------APPROVED , AS NOTED CORRECT AND 0 RESUBMIT □ CONFIRM DISAPPROVED 1---------A ppr ova I does not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for any errors or omissions in these submittals and/or shop drawings or from the responsibility for complying with the requirements of this Contract (except as otherwise provided under the provisions of the "Specifications and Drawings" clause of this Contract). Project Name 6922 Date: By: I Maintenance at 265 Parkway Blvd. I City of Coppell I 11115/2021 To repair concrete in the three differ ent areas of 265 Parkwa Blvd. Sidewalk to be HC compliance at the front of 265 Parkway, Concrete Pad at the back of the building to be sloped from F.F. to the sidewalk, Brick area to be replaced with stamped concrete, Slope by the fire station and the raised area opposite to be repaired I Advance Contracting Group I A ($7,400.00), B ($12,692.00), C ($8,172.00) Contractor's Certification "Having checked this submission. We certify that it conforms to the requirements of the contract in all respects, except as otherwise indicated Company name: Advance Contracting Group Signature:~ Name: Mort T abaie T itle : Project Mana ger Date: 11/15/2021 2512 P rogram Drive# l 09 ma i l@advancecontractionggroup.com Phone: 972-385-7574 Progress Estimate -Unit Price Work City Of Coppell For (Contract): 265 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, TX. HC Ramp at the Front of265 Parkway (Area A) Application Period: 3Days Area A A Item Contract Information Bid Item No. Description Item Units Unit Price Total Value Quantity ofitem ($) 1 SA WCUT, REMOVE & DISPOSE EXISTING CONCRETE (ALL TI-IlCKNESS) 17 SY $14.00 $238.00 3 FLEXBASE (UNIT RA TE) 2 TON $16.00 $32.00 4 4" REINFORCED CONCRETE SIDEWALK 17 SY $110.00 $1,870.00 5 Two Ramp in the Front 2 LS $1,200.00 $2,400.00 6 Adjust Sewer Clean out 1 LS $1,000.00 $1,000.00 7 Reconstruction of Curb 24 SY $65.00 $1,560.00 9 Crack & Joint Sealant 30 LF $10.00 $300.00 TOTAL AMOUNT $7,400.00 EJCDC® C-620 Contractor's Application for Payment © 2013 National Society of Professional Engineers for EJCDC. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 1 Progress Estimate -Unit Price Work City Of Coppell For (Contract): Rear Entery of265 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, TX. (Area B) Application Period: 3Days for area B A Item Contract Information Item Units Unit Price Total Value Bid Item No. Description Quantity of Item($) 1 SA WCUT, REMOVE & DISPOSE EXISTING CONCRETE (ALL THICKNESS) 60 SY $14.00 $840.00 2 FLEXBASE (UNIT RA TE) 2 TON $16.00 $32.00 3 4" REINFORCED CONCRETE SIDEWALK 26 SY $110.00 $2,860.00 4 4" STAMPED REINFORCED CONCRETE SIDEWALK 34 SY $150.00 $5,100.00 5 6" Reinforced Concrete Pad (9'x 11 ') 11 SY $110.00 $1,210.00 6 Remove and Dispose Brick 34 SY $50.00 $1,700.00 7 Crack & Joint Seal 95 LF $10.00 $950.00 TOTAL AMOUNT $12,692.00 EJCDC® C-620 Contractor's Application for Payment © 2013 National Society of Professional Engineers for EJCDC. All rights reserved. Page I of l Progress Estimate -Unit Price Work City Of Coppell For (Contract): Raised area to continue by the Fire station & The HC Ramp at 265 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, TX. ( Area C) Application Period: 3 Days Area C A Item Contract Information Description Item Units Unit Price Total Value Bid Item No. Quantity of Item($) 1 SA WCUT, REMOVE & DISPOSE EXISTING CONCRETE (ALL THICKNESS) 35 SY $14.00 $490.00 2 FLEXBASE (UNIT RATE) 2 TON $16.00 $32.00 3 4" REINFORCED CONCRETE SIDEWALK TO BE CONTINUED 35 SY $110.00 $3,850.00 4 One Ramp 1 LS $1,200.00 $1,200.00 5 Reconstruction of the Curbe 40 LF $65.00 $2,600.00 TOTAL AMOUNT $8,172.00 EJCDC® C-620 Contractor's Application for Payment CO 2013 National Society of Professional Engineers for EJCDC. All rights reserved. Pagel of I C I T Y COPPELL .. City of Coppell Streets /Alleys/ Sidewalks C & Js e>es,gn1 and Sohruons ol Eesl Texas LLC 1012 W "4atn SI Como. T, 75-431 • -430-252-9-452 CONTRACTOR: C & J's Designs and Solutions of East Texas, LLC C o ntrac t No. ____ O_,_p_e_n ___ _ OPR#: Coppell Signature S ign Date: ---------Se nt O a tc: __ l_0c.:../_1 _;5 /c...2_0_2_1 __ Work Location: 265 Parkway Blvd Coppell, Tx (Front Quote A) J ob /Phase: 001-015 --------- 24' S.W 6" Cu rb, 1 Clean o ut ADJ , & 2 BFR's No Do mes o r Brick s In stalled Item # Unit Q tv C & J·s Price $ C &J's 7A ll[MOVl •• TO s• C0'ICll[Tt !dO(WAUt o-sos SY 20 s 10_6,l s 212.85 10 •• COHCJlllHll)(WAlJt (JOOO •.SJ NO RY) SY 20 $ 6918 s 1,383.53 59 L\JWIA IRU IIAM,S 15' 510£WAUQ EA 2 $ 2.50000 s S.000 00 62 SlDCWW<CUU Lf 24 s 1183 s 283 80 n SOHJ'T IGIW>C 1) TVPf A FlDC IIASl PltOVID( TON 4 s 118 25 s 473 00 117 SAW CVT FIJU DO'Tll CDNCRm 51O£WAUt l f 16 s 2 96 s 47 30 105 ADJUST SlWlll Q.LANOUTS EA 1 $ 53 21 s S321 12J au.ex AHO IOCNT WWNG Lf 24 $ 4 14 s 99 33 Totals: s 7,553 .02 Name of Company C & J's Designs and So l utions of East Texas, LLC Ch ri s Mertes Date 10/15/2021 CONTRACTOR: Coppell Signature Wort< Loc.Uon: City of Coppoll Streets / Alleys / Sidewalks C & J'1 Desiga. W1d Solutions ol Ea11 Teas, LLC 1012 W Matn St Como, fi 75431 • 430,~2•9452 C & J's Designs and Solutions of East Texas, LLC 265 Parkway Blvd Coppell, Tx (Rear Quote B) Contract No. ---~O_,,p-'e:...n ___ _ OPR#: Sign Date:----,--,----- Sent Date: _ ___:1:.:0:.:../.::.;15;;.!/.;;;2.;;:.0.::;21;;___ Job/Phase: __ __:OO...:....l_-0:...1...:5'---- 8 x 10 Concrete Pad 6", 36 x 4 S.W Concrete Finish, & 102 X 4,15 X 4, 7 X 6, 5 X 12 Stamped Concrete ltemtl Un it ""' C & J's Price S C&J's I -,·rornooc1111NFOlt([OCX>HCRrT SY 10 s llJO s 133.03 7A llfMOYt 4" TO s• C0HCIIEn SIO(WAIJt 0.50S SY 18 s 1064 s l9l.S7 10 •• <XlNCRlTt PIKWAUt IJOOO r .$.I. 110 R YI SY 18 s 6'J 18 s 1,245 17 u &" 1J600 r.s.L NO F\.Y "S>I Ml) CONCRfft SY 10 s 12.71 s 117.75 n SOOl'T (GIWX lJ TYPE A fl.ll( ..UC l'IICM0£ TON 8 s 11825 $ 946.00 71 STAMND ,ATTfRHCO CXlNCR£Tf SY 44 s 372 49 s 16,339.4S J7 SAW CUT FUU. OCl"IM CDNCRrTf $11)(WAIJt Lf 20 s 296 $ 59.13 ta SOO ALL omuitalNG SID£S CONntlUCllON SY 24 s 946 s 227.04 ti UNQ..\S1ffl[D DCAVA TIOH O • 50 C. Y, C'( 10 s 118.25 s 1.182.50 ICM ADJ\/STWATDI M£TDI CANS A>OO IMJCATION 119AIR EA 0 s 5321 s . Ul CRAOC AIOO iOIHT Sl.WNG Lf 60 s 414 s 248.3) Tot.all: $ 21,M9.97 PwnealCompany C & J's Designs and Solutions of East Texas, LLC Chris Mertes Dott 10/15/2021 CONTRACTOR : Coppell Signature Work Locatlon: Item# 7A 10 S9 62 " " 17 " 17 ,0 104 121 Nlffie of Compony Print Nome COPPELL City of Coppell Streets/ Alleys/ Sidewalks c & J'o Des,gn1 and Solutions of Eut Texas. LLC 1012 w Main S t Como Tx 75-431 -430-2 52-9-452 C & J's Designs and Solutions of East Texas, LLC Contract No . ____ O..._p_e_n ___ _ DPR#: Sign Dato: ---------Sent Date: __ 1~0~/~1 ~5 /~2~0~2~1 __ 133 Parkway Blvd Coppell, T x (Front Quote C F .S 3) Job/Phase: ___ 0_0_l-_0_l_S __ _ 1 BFR, 12 X 22 S.W, 40' 6 11 Curb & 4 x 21 Median Unit Qtv C &J'a Price$ C&J's aiMOYt 4" TO s-COHClll'lt SID(WAIJt l>-SOS SY 40 s 1064 s 425.70 4" CONCl\m SIO(WAIJt (3000 P.S.L NO Fll') SY 40 s 6918 s 2,767.05 IAIUUDI FRll UMPS EA l $ 2,660 83 s 2.660.63 SIO(WAIJ( Cl/a LF 8 $ 11 83 s 94 60 UMOVl QJQ ANO GUTTUl O • 1SO U . lF 40 s 591 s 236SO 24" QJQ ANO GUTTOI TO INCl.UDl 5" QJQ 0 LF 40 $ 3548 s 1,419.00 SOHPT (GM.Ol 2) ~ A fUX IAS£ PaOVIO( TON 4 $ 118 25 s 4n.OO SAW QJT RJU. Oll'Tll COHCll(Tl lF 42 $ 2.96 s 124.16 SAW QJT I\JIL OU'ffl CDHCMTt SID£WAUt LF 40 $ 296 s 118.25 SOO AU DISl\lQIHG SIOlS CDHSTIIUCTlOH SY 15 $ 9 46 s 141.90 ADIUSTWATtll MCTlllCAHS AHO IIWGATION UPAlll EA 0 s 53 21 s . caAOCAHOIONTSUUNG lf 80 $ 4 14 s 33L10 Totals: $ -1791.19 C & J's Designs and Solutions of East Texas, LLC Ch r is Mertes ~ el-lid 10/15/2021 CUSTARD CONSTRUCTION SERVICES PO BOX 271080 FLOWER MOUND, TEXAS 75027-1080 214-415-2383 T XA H TIPS CON t:ERTIFICAT ON # 1454 32931 00 ACT 18110 CITY OF COPPELL 265 ADA Concrete II November 10, 2021 1 OVERVIEW Andrew Moore City of Coppell 469-418-0090 amoore@co ppelltx.gov 1. Projec t Background and Description Demo and concrete work Scope based on site walk with A nd rew 2. Project Scope • ProjectA • Provide material and labor • Remove front ramp and sidewalk • Insta ll new ramp and sidewalk to ADA complaint • Project 8 • Remove back entry and sidewalk • New concreter to be raised to meet threshold • Sidewalk leading to Town Center to be stamped concrete to meet ADA complaints • Project C • Remove FS#3 r amp and install back to meet ADA complaints • C lea n and haul off debris • Work to be done during nor mal hours 7-5 Monday/Friday • Continuo us clean during project • Fina l clean 3. Specific Exclusions from Scope • Anything not specifically stated in scope of work • Painting of doors or frames • Plumbing • Moving of furniture • Painting of mill work • Taking down or installing TV's • Any Engineering or Design associated with proj ect • Perm its or any fees associated with permits • Sales Tax Total Project A Total Project B Total Project C Invoice to be paid in full within 30 days of completion and /I-lo-Ji A pproved By Date $8,500.00 $25,000.00 $9,500.00 Custard Construction Services/ 214-415-2383 / ch ris@custardconstructionsvcs.com 2