Village Parkway Pump StationCity of Coppell Engineering Department Routing Sheet for Approval of Contracts and Agreements Vendor Name: j_;:::[}2_ A vi-M.or + l@S Date: I 1../:r I '2-I Contracted Work/Project Vi \l ~~~ '(k hf 15f@0,v Ex p lanation: Vi ~ 4-,-U, Council Approved : Yes /8 If yes, Date: _____ _ Budget Approved: Yes / No N/1-W -03 GLAccount: :r;6M / C.JP ~~(x)- Ethics Certificate Required: Yes /@ . lb. ltA1S If Yes , Copy 1s Attached: Yes / No 'ff ('t>,3'?0 ~ewVendor Routing Sequence: 0 Exist ing Vendor 1. Employee i nitiat ing contr act/agreement: (Include W -9 & CIQ form if ve ndor is not in syst em.) 2. Supervisor Authorization : 3. Purchasing Manager/Tech n ician : 0 Renewing Cont ract Initials Date (Signature need ed o n ly if ve ndo r is new t o syst em o r co nt ract has been changed si nce last time used) 4 . Di r ector of Engineeri ng Authorization: Kent Collins_ 5. Deputy City Manager Authorizat ion: Comments: --------------------------- 6. City Manager: __ Mike Land Comments: __________________________ _ 7 . Copy of contract/agr eement to Jennifer M i l ler: _ YES/ NO __ TO: FROM: DATE: REF: THE·CITY•OF COPPELL MEMORANDUM Charles Ellis, Purchasing Department Jerry Davis, Water Quality Supervisor 12/3/2021 Village Parkway Pump Station On October 27, 2021 I sent out 3 requests for quotes for services to expose the yard piping at Village Parkway Pump Station to the following contractors; Canary Construction -No Response J.B.&CO. LLC -No Response McMahon Contracting -Real busy and staffing issues unable to provide services Lina T . R a m ey & Associa tes, In c. PROJECT FEE SCHEDULE FOR: SCOPE: ESTI MATED T I ME TO COMPLETE: SUBM ITTAL : Job Descr iption Project Manaqer SUE Field Manager Senior SUE T ech SUE TECH 3 SUE TECH 2 SUE TECH 1 Senior Util ity Coordinator Utility Coordinator Sr. CADD Technician CADD T echnician Technical Support Desiqn atina Truck LocatinQ T ruck Field Supplies GPR eauipment -Sinale Channel Manhole Scanner-eauipment only Concrete cores Concrete b r eaking and restoration LodainQ Meals Traffic Control & Permits Mobilizati on 2 Man Survey Crew Engineering S urveyin g S ubsurface Utility Eng ineering Cons truction Management City of C o p pe ll -Villa ge Parkway Pump Sta.- Coppell TX Ad dit io n a l Tasking-2 Test Ho les Vacuum Excavatio n (See paQe 2 for Details) *1 Dav -3 Person Crew-10 hour Dav CAD deliverable. C lient provides CAD topo backQround and survey control. CURRENT PROJECT ESTIMATES Standard Rate Hrs ./Days/Miles Total $ 225.00 $ - $ 155.00 1 $ 155.00 $ 105.00 10 $ 1,050.00 $ 90.00 10 $ 900.00 $ 75 .00 $ - $ 57.00 10 $ 570.00 $ 150.00 $ - $ 105.00 $ - $ 11 5.00 3 $ 3 4 5.00 $ 99.00 $ - $ 60 .00 1 $ 60.00 $ 30.00 10 $ 300.00 $ 75.00 10 $ 750.00 $ 50.00 1 $ 50.00 $200/day $ - $300/day $ - $250 I core 2 $ 500.00 $200 I each $ - $85 I day $ - $35 I day $ - $ 750.00 $ - $ - $ 180.00 5 $ 900.00 PROJ ECT TOTAL $ 5 ,580.00 PROJECT SCOPE ITEMS: Vacuum Ex cavate utilities at 2 locations as depicted in provided exhibit. Mark, paint, flag and survey findings. Client provides existing utility as-built records if available . *Estimated time may vary due to extreme soil conditions, dirty ba ckfill , non toneable utilities requiring trenching and depths >10'. If you agree to this proposa l, please s ign below and ema il back. Your s ignature will serve as a written notice to proceed. Note: Geophysical search and records research does not guara nty all utilities will b e found . Residential services and irrigation/sprinkler systems are not included in this investigation. Non conductive material utilities, ie pvc waterli nes may require advanced Qeophysical methods to desiQnate and are not included in this proposal. Mi ke Gomez SUE Field Operations Manager 214-979-1144 office Project Name: Project or Purchase Order Number: Project Manage r Name: P roject Manager Email : Project Manager Phone: Ac counts Payable Contact Name: Accounts Payable Email: Mailing Address: Provide invoicing instructions below PROJECT FEE SCHEDULE FOR: SCOPE: ESTIMATED TIME TO COMPLETE: SUBMITTAL : Job Description Project Manaqer SUE Field Manaqer Senior SUE Tech SUE TECH 3 SUE TECH 2 SUE TECH 1 Senior Utility Coordinator Uti lity Coordinator Sr. CADD Technician CADD Technician Tech nical Support Desiqnatinq T r uck Locatinq T ruck Field Supplies GPR equipment -S i nale Channel Manhole Scanner-equipment onlv Concrete cores Concrete breakinq and restoration Lodaina Meals Traffic Control & Permits Mobilizat ion 2 Man Survey Crew E ngineerin g S urveying Subsurface Utility E ngineerin g Co nstruction Management City of Coppell-Village Parkway Pump Sta.- Coppell TX Additional Tasking-Trenching Vacuum Excavation {See paoe 2 for Details) *3 Day -3 Person Crew-12 hour Dav CAD deliverable. Client provides CAD topo background and survey control. CURRENT PROJECT ESTIMATES Standard Rate Hrs./Days/Miles Total $ 225.00 $ - $ 155.00 3 $ 465.00 $ 105.00 30 $ 3,150.00 $ 90.00 30 $ 2,700.00 $ 75.00 $ - $ 57.00 30 $ 1,710.00 $ 150.00 $ - $ 105.00 $ - $ 115.00 3 $ 345.00 $ 99.00 $ - $ 60.00 3 $ 180.00 $ 30.00 30 $ 900.00 $ 75.00 30 $ 2,250.00 $ 50.00 3 $ 150.00 $200/day $ - $300/day $ - $250 I core $ - $200 I each $ - $85 I day $ - $35 I day $ - $ 750.00 $ - $ - $ 180.00 5 $ 900.00 PROJECT TOTAL $ 12,750.00 PROJECT SCOPE ITEMS: Vacuum Excavate utilities at 2 locations as depicted in provided exhibit. Mark, paint, flag and survey findings. Client provides existing utility as-built records if available. *Estimated time may vary due to extreme soil conditions, dirty backfill, non toneable utilities requiring trenching and depths >10'. If you agree to this proposal, please sign below and email back. You r signature will serve as a written notice to proceed. Note: Geophysical search and records research does not guaranty all util ities will be fou nd. Residential services and irrigation/sprinkler systems are not included in this investigation. Non conductive material uti lities, ie pvc waterlines may require advanced qeophysical methods to desiqnate and a re not included in this proposal. Mike Gomez SUE Field Operations Manager 214-979-1144 office Project Name: Project or Purchase Orde r Number: Project Manager Name: Project Manager Email : Project Manager Phone: Accounts Payable Contact Name: Accounts Payable Email: Mailing Address: Provide invoicing instructions below l ~ /JP rr \I,! \\ i vl 11_1 1, 1, i I rl ~ 1 t ,I. 8 /I M "' ! { ti ! ~-,,, l t· _: f ' il l ----µ,:..,.., -'r: ul L. ~~ I~ ~ &. ~ ~ ~ t 7 Ii \~~ i ~ ..} ~. i ; ~,~l y· .,, it filU1,i,,, if-Uncover and expose valves ,. and piping: 1. Verify fitting type -flanged or welded. 2. Verify restraints on valves -flanged or MJ with restraint -. ' ,r;t,IIU~~ ... ---~~"'>Alf"¥' I i .l UM.V'flW. ~JilSdlO'f EX 4 MGAL GSTNO~ j FFEL45J.O , .. ~~~ ~. ---~, 1 I ~ N 'I; •~~,3 CC-I ·--~oc•· --'-, -------' --~-==-=----15'ALLEY ~:::::--· -9 I IP. I <•· -----, . -. _.., __ -~ ~ . ·~·' ~-·~· SCAL[; ,--~-l()· Uncover and expose piping from valve to edge of parking area. 50 LF: 1, Expose pipe bells, for distance measurement from valve. A N ~ 35• OUTLET PIPING (2} _/.~ oY.,ct t,.,. , rf,~,~ 41~ Y, ~~{?' 4'~~0~ ,8,... /<t. .. ~ ,/'">' ~-! ~ IMAW~8Y: 9G£ z ~ H m i-=~ ,tU ~h~ ~ z w :Em w~ >w ~l-a. . ~ :::l -w >-a. Oa. zo <i::o 0 u. ZO 6/'.: w_ o::o (f) a. a. _;::. _ § 0. ~ "' ~ t; x w ..,._ • ...., .. "It __ M•-~~-fllr...ti"ao,.. .............. QA> -~•:., __ .._.... ..... -...U.--.» . ..-Ulkl'.a ---_ .. ~lilm,.!~~e•1e t ~ 1,.__✓,_ ~-/::· ~~ ·.,,"---<l\ =:-r---0--A "': -.• ~ -a,·,~"@h•'·r::·~;;i0~1.r• 1 , 90% suaMrrTAL I °"'·~··,. 1 --~ -., ~:::..:. .... _ ·11 I~•'._ ,:_-:::---;_:-... rt,.. ,,;:,.,, 1 : r RE w /',. 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