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OR 88-427 Annexes territory south of Coppell-Lewisville boundary & extends the City boundary ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 88427 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, ANNEXING THE ItEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO ALL INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY, ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVII~EGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ORDINANCES, ACTS, RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, finds that the hereinafter described territory is contiguous and adjacent to the corporate limits of the City of Coppell; and WHEREAS, the Building Official of the City, at the direction of the City Council, prepared a service plan for the area, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 'A"; and WHEREAS, after notice was duly given, public hearings on the proposed annexation were held by the City Council all in compliance with Article 970-A, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas (now V.T.C.A., Local Government Code § 43.052; and WHEREAS, the City Council has concluded that such area should be annexed into and made a part of the City of Coppell, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the following described territory be, and the same is hereby, annexed into and made a part of the corporate limits of the City of Coppell, Texas, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City, and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City, and shall be bound by the ordinances, acts, resolutions and regulations of the City of Coppell, Texas. The area covered by this annexation includes in part certain areas which have been previously annexed by City of Coppell Ordinance. The City of Coppell does not waive any right it has under any such previous annexation ordinance and the inclusion of such previously annexed area within this annexation proceeding shah have no effect upon any such previous annexation ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Said territory hereby annexed is described by metes and bounds in the attached Exhibit "1" and designated on the map attached hereto as Exhibit "2". Exhibit A, Exhibit 1, and Exhibit 2, are each attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. SECTION 2. It is the intention of the City to annex only that territory which is legally subject to being annexed by the City and should any portion of the above described territory be not subject to legal annexation by the City of Coppell, Texas, or is an area which has heretofore been annexed by the City of Coppel], Texas, such fact shall not prevent the City from annexing such portion of said territory which is subject to legal annexation by the City of Coppell, Texas. If any provision or portion of the territory herein described is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision or portion of ]and shall be deemed as separate, distinct and independent and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or portions of land annexed by this ordinance. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage as the law in such cases provides. DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, on this the 31th day of December, 1988. APPROVED; Lou Duggan, Mayor ATTEST: Linda L. Grau, City Aecretary, Asst. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY CO88-1281 SERVICE PLAN FOR AREA OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION TRACT SOUTH OF AGREEDED BOUNDARY BETWEEN COPPELL AND LEWISVILLE Public Hearings November 22, 1988 When annexed the services proposed to be provided by the City of Coppell shall be as follows: Police and Fire services will be provided immediately to the same extent as provided other areas already in the city. Ga-bage collection will be provided immediately to the same extent as provided other areas already in the city. Zoning protectlot, will be provided immediately to the same extent as provided other areas already in the city. Subdivision regulation and protecttion, which includes provisions for maintenance f any streets, street lighting, parks, playgrounds and swimming pools that may be located within the area, will be provided immediately to the same extent as prorider2 other areas already in the city. City inspection and enforcement of building, electrical and other ordinances will be enforced immediately to the same extent as enforced in other areas already in the city, thereby protecting the health and safety of persons and property in the area. Gas, electric and telephone services will be provided through city franchise. Connection to existing water and sewer lines will be provided in accordance with City ordinances, pol;cies and regulations or in certain areas through an interlocal agreement with the City of Lewisville or other provider. Extensicn of water and sewer into areas will be done in accordance with c!ty ordinances, policies and regulations or in accordance with said interlocal agreement, as development, imprqvement or construction commences within the area and in accordance with city policy as to city participation. EXHIBIT "A" Being a line and part of certain tracts or parcels of land situated in Dallas and Denton Counties and part of the B.B.B. & C.R.R. Co. Survey, Abstract No. 145; the ?. Harmonson Survey, Abstract No. 530; the P. Harmonson Survey, Abstract No. 604; the H. Smith Survey, Abstract No. 1576; the W.T. Hyde: Survey, Abstract No. 1701; the R. Thompson Survey, Survey No. 1274; the G. Wcolsey Survey, Abstract No. 1402; the Clarinda Squires Survey, Abstract No. 1682; the W. Trimb!e Survey, Abstract 1268; the T. Garyin Survey, Abstract No. 506; the J.H. Donald Survey, Abstract 1~o. !696; the B.B.B. & C.R.R. Co. Survey, Abstract No. 144: being a common boundary line as "agreed" to by the City of Lewisville and the City of Coppell and being more particularly described as fellows: Beginning at the intersection cf the southerly right of way line cf S-H. 121 and Denton Creek; THENCE in a north and easterly direction along the said southerly right of wav line cf S.H. 121 to a point of intersection with the south City limit line of the City of Lewisville, as described in the Annexation Ordinance No- 1060A, as approved by C Council on December 25, 1972; said point being a P.C. of a curve to the right~ · THENCE North 89 degrees, 41 minutes, 40 seconds East, a distance ofcO 890 feet, more or less, to a ps!nt at the southwest corner of the H. Smith Survey, Abstract No. 1576 said point being the northwest corner of W.T. Hyde: Survey Abstract No. 1701; THENCE East, along the south line .of the H. Smith Survey Ab tract No. . 1576, and the north line of the W.T. Hyde: Survey Abstract No. 1701; a distance of (2) 666.6 feet to a point at the southeast corner cf said H. Smith Survey: said point also being the southwest corner of the R- Thompson Survey, Abstract THENCE East along the south line cf the R. Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1274 and the north line of W.T. Hyde: Survey, Abstract No. 1701, to a point of intersection with the west right of way line of Denton Tap Road: said point also being the northeast corner of a 94.85B3 acre Jack Lively Tract as recorded in Vol. 4608, Page 8 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South along the west right of way line of Denton Tap Road and the east boundary line the Jack Lively Tract to a point of intersection with the southwest corner (as measured . along the corner clip) of Highland Drive; as desribed in the Vista Ridge Addition, an addition to the City of Lewisville, as recorded in Cabinet F, Pages 271 through 276 of the Deed Records of DenTon County, Texas; EXHIBIT "1" THENCE Easterly crossing Denton Tap Road (variable right of way to the said southwest corner of Highland Drive); THENCE North 43 degrees, 09 minutes, 35 seconds East, a distance of 89.02 feet, more or less, to a point: THENCE North 85 degrees, 36 minutes, 09 seconds East, a distance of 68.56 feet, more or less, to a point: THENCE South 88 degrees, 41 minutes, 13 seconds East, a distance of 864.80 feet, more or less, to a point for corner: said point being the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block D, of Vista Ridge Addition; THENCE South O0 degrees, 45 minutes, 51 seconds West, a distance of 1077.01 feet to a point on the north right cf way line of vista Ridge Boulevard (SPUR 553) westbound; said point being also the beginning of a curve to the right, with a central angle of 21 degrees, 14 minutes, 58 seconds, a radius of 2665 feet: and a tangent distance cf 499.93 feet: THENCE North-Westerly along the said curve to the rich- distance of 982.38 feet to the er.d cf the curve: THENCE North 32 degrees, 30 minutes, 16 seconds Wast, a distance of 65.65 fees (as measured along the corner clip) to the northwest corner of Vista Ridge Boulevard (SPUR 553) westbound; said point being in the east right of line of Denton Tap Road: THENCE South O0 degrees, 43 minutes, 00 seconds West, along the east right of way line of Denton Tap Road, a distance of 622.25 feet, more cr less, to a point cf intersection with the southwest corner of Vista Ridge Boulevard (SPUR 553) eastbound; THENCE North 28 degrees, 03 minutes, 50 seconds East, a distance cf 80 85 feet (as measured along the corner clip) to a point; THENCE North 84 degrees, 40 minutes, 44 seconds East, a distance of 79.52 feet to a point, which is the beginning of a curve to the left, with a central angle of 11 degrees, 47 minutes, 57 seconds, a radius of 2879.79 feet, a tangent distance of 297.58 feet; THENCE along the length of said curve, 593.05 feet tc she end cf the curve and the beginning of another curve to tne left, with a central angle of 35 degrees, 03 minutes, 38. seconds, a radius cf 2579.79 feet, a tangent distance cf 909 67 feet THENCE along the length cf said curve, 1762.21 feet to the end of the curve, and the beginning of another curve to the left, with a central angle cf 10 degrees, 38 minutes, 09 seconds, a radius of 2879.79 feet, a tangent florence of 268.06 feet: THENCE alcng the length of said curve, 534.58 feet to the end of the curve; THENCE North 52 degrees, 36 minutes, 37 seconds East, a distance of 2201.63 feet, more or less, to a point which is the beginning of a curve to the right, with a central angle of 17 degrees, 47 minutes, 42 seconds, a radius of 3804.72 feet, a tangent distance of 595.64 feet; THENCE along the length of said curve, 1181.68 feet to the end of the curve: said point being the intersection of Vista Ridge Boulevard (SPUR 553) (eastbound) with the west right of way line at MacArthur Boulevard; THENCE South 64 degrees, 00 minutes, 04 seconds East, a distance of 105.72 feet (as measured along the corner clip) to a point; THENCE South 18 degrees, 11 minutes, 15 seconds East, a distance of 98.20 feet to a point, which is the beginning of a curve to the right, with a central angle of 07 degrees, 53 minutes, 03 seconds, a radius of 2804.79 feet, a tangent distance cf !g3.28 feet: THENCE aloNG the lenGth of said curve, 585.96 feet in a southerly direction, to, a point of intersection with the west-southwest corner (extended) of Lake Vista Drive; THENCE North 79 degrees, 41 minutes, 48 seconds East~crossing MacArthur Boulevard, 120.00 feet, to the said west-southwest corner of Lake Vista Drive; THENCE North 52 degrees, 17 minutes, 00 seconds East, a distance of 42.32 feet (as measured along corner clip) to a point: THENCE North 72 degrees, 44 minutes, 24 seconds East, a distance of 99.95 feet to a point; THENCE North 78 degrees, 27 minutes, 02 seconds East, a distance of 145.11 feet to a point, which is the beginning of a curve to the right, with a central angle of 10 degrees, 40 minutes, 45 seconds, a radius of 1465 feet, and a tangent distance of 136.92 feet: THENCE easterly along the length of said curve, 273.05 feet to the end of the curve; THENCE North 89 degrees 07 minutes, 47 seconds East, a · distance 812.75 feet to a point which is the beginning of a curve to the the right with a central angle of 43 degrees, 42 minutes, 43 seconds, a radius cf 615' feet, and a tangent distance of 246.68 feet; THENCE South and easterlv along the length of said curve, 469.19 feet to the end of the curve. THENCE South 47 degrees, 09 minutes, 30 seconds East, a distance of 341.49 feet to a point, which is the beginning of a curve to the left, with a central angle of 29 degrees, 25 minutes, 11 seconds, a radius of 685 feet, and a tangent distance of 179.83 feet: THENCE South and easterly along the length of said curve, 351.73 feet to the end cf the curve: said point also being the point of intersection of Lake Vista Drive with an existing levee: THENCE South O1 degrees, 41 minutes, 50 seconds West, a distance of 461.45 feet, more or less, to a point for corner in the centerline of Denton Creek: THENCE SouthI 01 degrees, 41 minutes, 50 seconds West, to the South bank of Denton Creek; THENCE along the meandering South bank of Denton Cr'eek to the place of beginning. DENTON COUNTY TARRANT COUNT GRAPEVINE CITY LIMITS H. RIDDLE CONST. CO 31.180 ACRES 1380 I J w I I I 1 I > a S. JACKSON 1 o: i 4.85 ACRES a6 w U � � z Z Q Q O 3 W O Z p O W N U B.B.B. & C.R.R. P. Harmonson Co. Survey,A-145 P.O.B.-EXHIBIT 2 0 10 a C; a CO c 0 N C O E 0 0 0 V, C p E 0 a. ? JACKSON SAND & GRAVEL w 75.05 ACRES U Q O w W EXHIBIT 3 O 83.82 ACRES N JTY le 2 OFR q C. KgRR R B 90 �C ,/ /090kN 4 C. i OeNT 0 N C RFe i _Survey, I A- 530 - COPPELL --' -EXISTING CITY LIMITS 5? __ _ Burrell Hunter Survey, A-554 P. Harmon on Survey, A-604 H.H. Smith Survey, A-1576 LEWISVILLE ORD. 1060A DEC. 28,19 72 ' I � a T d > LEWISVILLE CITY LIMITS ° M.C. ROBERTS \ a 16.409 ACRES � y a \� m E E > o t r• oa U) xIF 4 MIX 5' m Eri- co E R PAYNE > I`). 12.922 AC. a = H.H. Smith Surve A -I 7 /. -- - + , 1 465. 301 - - UI > ~ o w N z � i o D W / E 0 v j = U Q = I / Q to R.0/8T. P AY N E 65.3 ACRES ANNIE ROBERTS 89.870 ACRES I i ; I ! I I ! i a 1 I W ! 0 N E I 0 cr VISTA MORT. & REATY CO. Q 99.680 ACRES o - (L �? y Q Q ` 3 \ Z�� o O I . U ---LEWISVILLE CITY LIMITS z 7 I 7:� p I o n Z WEgf80UNDl � � G GE BLVp l R. Thom son Surve A-1274 -!Io A VISTRSD Survey A - 1701 -- _ J. Mounts Survey A- 874 MAGNOLIA INV. PROP, MAGNOLIA INV, PROP, 39.699 ACRES 22. 934 ACRES EXHIBIT 4 BOUNDARY LINE DESCRIPTION --� IN EXHIBIT 2 COPPELL ORDINANCE 0.88-410 LEWISVILLE ORDINANCE NO.1311A Y Y As VISTA MTG.Ek RLTY. > B�VID �E \ F Im 22.540 ACRES VISTA MTG.a RLTY. o26.139 ACRES 3 VISTA MTC. & RLTY. 49.087 ACRES , o F- 0$ cp VISTA MTG.& RLTY. \ 68 16.695 ACRES -� - - 'Q w � - 1r� 145.11 T.B. Garvin SurveyA-506 > i� u, ,0: �$DA` I 00 AK E VISTA DRIVE a VISTA ACRES RLTY. INC. / a Q _1273.05 812.75 Rr61 > ao; SureA--f- , J. Donald B.B.B. C.R.R. Co. Survey A-144 J.Mounts Surve A-8 ,I m ,.� 120 __'-_W. A. Trimble Survey A-1268 - f— --42.32' j VISTA MTG. & RLTY. �� �-9 I VISTA MTG. RLTY. INC. 21.629 ACRES 68.56' 12.924 ACRESj VISTA MTG. RLTY. j 3 24.61 ACRES +I � HIGHLAND DRIVE 864.80 EN ON COUNTY - o ! DALLAS COUNTY 89.02' O VISTA MTG. & m RLTY. INC. 11 � .036 ACRES `- VISTA MTG. a RLTY O 10.152 ACRES 12.801 ACRES r VISTA MTG. a RLTY. INC. VISTA MTG.& RLTY. INC. Z i 1 -_ i VISTA MTG. a RLTY. LOT I, BLOCK D O = 16.451 ACRES i % 24.61 ACRES CARROL I / 22.913 ACRES � f 23.197 ACRES �o \ 0RD.92: 00 i O G / ' cRFF� . !(4n r' ONG DEC. 2ev L a65.65' 2 4 70 A C RES (a 16.015 ACRES +I VIVISTA MTG & RLTY. m cor O 66$r wss(9 J� j a 0 E N �� 9 C 88.38' l ,fig . , _ / �/ �j �' R F0 0 8.85, VISTA RIDGE BLVD. o�N01 ��Q03pk:- VISTA MTG. 8 RLTY. INC. EXHI B I T 4� 1 I 42.140 ACRES \ cn �R. ,- �� ; BOUNDARY LINE DESCRIPTION � VIS i i r E P.O.T.-EXHIBIT 2 TA RIDGE BLVD. ?_ / 23.0$'9 (` R-2879.79 L-1762 21 IN EXHIBIT 2 - v - _ COPPELL ORDINANCE NO. 88-410 1' i 79.52 ________ VISTA MTG a RLTY. INC. c LEWISVILLE ORDINANCE N0.1311A w Z� 3 I Z U VISTA MORT. & RLTY. 21.492 ACRES 8.70 ACRES i - --� ! G.C.Woolse_y Survey,A-1412 i i I Q ;v CL F_ I O PENTON 1 Z W EXHIBIT "2" N W E I S SCALE I"= 300' CITY OF COPPELL JUST MAPS CO. DALLAS, TEXAS JUNE 1988 TOMMY J. PHILLIPS: CHIEF CARTOGRAPHER C S. JACKSON 1 H. JACKSON 2.81 ACRES i 4.85 ACRES ��/ i 01 r` 450 / P.O.B.-EXHIBIT 3 �C3 pF PGP D. R 1 S / I. 7AC. P B.B.B. & C.R.R. P. Harmonson Co. Survey,A-145 P.O.B.-EXHIBIT 2 )AD ANNIE ROBERTS 89.870 ACRES I i ; I ! I I ! i a 1 I W ! 0 N E I 0 cr VISTA MORT. & REATY CO. Q 99.680 ACRES o - (L �? y Q Q ` 3 \ Z�� o O I . U ---LEWISVILLE CITY LIMITS z 7 I 7:� p I o n Z WEgf80UNDl � � G GE BLVp l R. Thom son Surve A-1274 -!Io A VISTRSD Survey A - 1701 -- _ J. Mounts Survey A- 874 MAGNOLIA INV. PROP, MAGNOLIA INV, PROP, 39.699 ACRES 22. 934 ACRES EXHIBIT 4 BOUNDARY LINE DESCRIPTION --� IN EXHIBIT 2 COPPELL ORDINANCE 0.88-410 LEWISVILLE ORDINANCE NO.1311A Y Y As VISTA MTG.Ek RLTY. > B�VID �E \ F Im 22.540 ACRES VISTA MTG.a RLTY. o26.139 ACRES 3 VISTA MTC. & RLTY. 49.087 ACRES , o F- 0$ cp VISTA MTG.& RLTY. \ 68 16.695 ACRES -� - - 'Q w � - 1r� 145.11 T.B. Garvin SurveyA-506 > i� u, ,0: �$DA` I 00 AK E VISTA DRIVE a VISTA ACRES RLTY. INC. / a Q _1273.05 812.75 Rr61 > ao; SureA--f- , J. Donald B.B.B. C.R.R. Co. Survey A-144 J.Mounts Surve A-8 ,I m ,.� 120 __'-_W. A. Trimble Survey A-1268 - f— --42.32' j VISTA MTG. & RLTY. �� �-9 I VISTA MTG. RLTY. INC. 21.629 ACRES 68.56' 12.924 ACRESj VISTA MTG. RLTY. j 3 24.61 ACRES +I � HIGHLAND DRIVE 864.80 EN ON COUNTY - o ! DALLAS COUNTY 89.02' O VISTA MTG. & m RLTY. INC. 11 � .036 ACRES `- VISTA MTG. a RLTY O 10.152 ACRES 12.801 ACRES r VISTA MTG. a RLTY. INC. VISTA MTG.& RLTY. INC. Z i 1 -_ i VISTA MTG. a RLTY. LOT I, BLOCK D O = 16.451 ACRES i % 24.61 ACRES CARROL I / 22.913 ACRES � f 23.197 ACRES �o \ 0RD.92: 00 i O G / ' cRFF� . !(4n r' ONG DEC. 2ev L a65.65' 2 4 70 A C RES (a 16.015 ACRES +I VIVISTA MTG & RLTY. m cor O 66$r wss(9 J� j a 0 E N �� 9 C 88.38' l ,fig . , _ / �/ �j �' R F0 0 8.85, VISTA RIDGE BLVD. o�N01 ��Q03pk:- VISTA MTG. 8 RLTY. INC. EXHI B I T 4� 1 I 42.140 ACRES \ cn �R. ,- �� ; BOUNDARY LINE DESCRIPTION � VIS i i r E P.O.T.-EXHIBIT 2 TA RIDGE BLVD. ?_ / 23.0$'9 (` R-2879.79 L-1762 21 IN EXHIBIT 2 - v - _ COPPELL ORDINANCE NO. 88-410 1' i 79.52 ________ VISTA MTG a RLTY. INC. c LEWISVILLE ORDINANCE N0.1311A w Z� 3 I Z U VISTA MORT. & RLTY. 21.492 ACRES 8.70 ACRES i - --� ! G.C.Woolse_y Survey,A-1412 i i I Q ;v CL F_ I O PENTON 1 Z W EXHIBIT "2" N W E I S SCALE I"= 300' CITY OF COPPELL JUST MAPS CO. DALLAS, TEXAS JUNE 1988 TOMMY J. PHILLIPS: CHIEF CARTOGRAPHER C