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Businesses that erect signs under the provisions of this section shall not display a sign that states "Going Out of Business" or similar message more than one time. (B) During the initial year of operation, a business shall be permitted to erect one temporary banner sign a maximum of five times. Such signs shall be erected a maximum of 14 days for each permit except the initial sign may be erected for a maximum of 45 days. In addition, a business shall also be permitted to erect one grand opening temporary banner sign at the same time as the initial 45day banner is up. Such sign shall be erected a maximum of 14 days. A permit shall not be issued within 15 days of the date that any temporary banner sign was erected at the occupancy. The permit application for the sign must include the date the sign will be erected, the date the sign will be removed and a drawing showing the location of the sign. The effective area for such signs shall not exceed 40 square feet. (C) A business that has been in operation for a period of one year or more, and non-profit organizations, shall be permitted to erect one temporary banner sign at a location five times per calendar year. Such signs shall be erected a maximum of 14 days for each permit. A permit, for such a sign, shall not be issued within 15 days of the date that any temporary banners sign was erected at the location. The effective area for such signs shall not exceed 40 square feet. (D) New multi-family developments shall be allowed to display one banner sign as provided in this section. Signs shall refer to leasing information only and shall be removed within six months of the date the permit was issued. Signs shall not exceed 150 squarefeet in effective area. Signs shall be constructed of vinyl cloth or canvas material and must be anchored in such a way that would prevent the sign from moving freely in the wind. (E) A banner may be erected on a lot adjacent to structure if the business owns both lots. (B) During the initial year of operation, a business shall be permitted to erect one temporary banner sign a maximum of fivetwelvetimes. Such signs shall be erected a maximum of 14 days for each permit except the initial sign may be erected for a maximum of 45 days. In addition, a business shall also be permitted to erect one grand opening temporary banner sign at the same time as the initial 45day banner is up. Such sign shall be erected a maximum of 14 days. A permit shall not be issued within 15 days of the date that any temporary banner sign was erected at the occupancy. The permit application for the sign must include the date the sign will be erected, the date the sign will be removed and a drawing showing the location of the sign. The effective area for such signs shall not exceed 40 square feet. (C) A business that has been in operation for a period of one year or more, and non-profit organizations, shall be permitted to erect one temporary banner sign at a location fivetwelvetimes per calendar year. Such signs shall be erected a maximum of 14 days for each permit. A permit, for such a sign, shall not be issued within 15 days of the date that any temporary banners sign was erected at the location. The effective area for such signs shall not exceed 40 square feet. Legal Review: Fiscal Impact: Recommendation:  !" #$%&'$( )*+,-.$%/ $%!&'()'$(**"++,'-". 0*11-,,2 3-4$5 6789:9;6<  !"# /%+"'0123"#4'565578698 7:=79=>?-@/$ AB-C#%*D,$C$BE*@5 /%+"':;4'-&*"4'<!!1 4' 80EB( 0*+@DE, ="# %(>4'?")"#">@"4':>'$(>!#(+4' 78F8F7 /%+"'$#"!"A4' G" HE,,-% #%*D,$C$BE*@ /%+"'02"4'/%>+'B@!%(>4' -%!+"4' 0*@5E/-% $11%*.$, *I $ #%*D,$C$BE*@ /-5E?@$BE@? G$@+$%( 2 72 $5 JG-@@EI-% HE,,-% >11%-DE$BE*@ K$(2L $@/ $+BM*%ENE@? 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(1#@"'>F"2">! <1 !%>3+"'Q(G"#>2">! $%&'"()"$(**!++,"-!./0%1&!2"(1"#34#34544  !"4 PROJECT SPECIFIC AGREEMENT TO THE MASTER AGREEMENT GOVERNING MAJOR CAPITAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, NOW THEREFORE THIS PSA Article I. Project Specific Agreement Article II. Incorporated Documents PSA-City of Coppell for Denton Tap Intersection Improvements, MCIP 20601 2 Article III. Term of Agreement Article IV. Project Description Article V. Fiscal Funding PSA-City of Coppell for Denton Tap Intersection Improvements, MCIP 20601 3 Article VI. Agreements PSA-City of Coppell for Denton Tap Intersection Improvements, MCIP 20601 4 PSA-City of Coppell for Denton Tap Intersection Improvements, MCIP 20601 5 Article VII. Funding Article VIII. Miscellaneous Indemnification. County and City agree that each shall be responsible for its own negligent acts or omissions or other tortious conduct in the course of performance of this PSA, without waiving any governmental/sovereign immunity available to the County or City or their respective officials, officers, employees, or agents under Texas or other law and without waiving any available defenses under Texas or other law. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to create or grant any rights, contractual or otherwise, in or to any third persons or entities. PSA-City of Coppell for Denton Tap Intersection Improvements, MCIP 20601 6 PSA-City of Coppell for Denton Tap Intersection Improvements, MCIP 20601 7 County of Dallas:City of Coppell: PSA-City of Coppell for Denton Tap Intersection Improvements, MCIP 20601 8 ATTACHMENT “A” Project SAgreement to MasterAgreement Governing Transportation Major Capital Improvement Projects PROJECT SCOPING SHEETS Project Name: ______________________________________________________ MCIP Project No: ___________________________________________________ PAVEMENT AND ALIGNMENT TOPICS Њ 9 ATTACHMENT “A” Project SAgreement to MasterAgreement Governing Transportation Major Capital Improvement Projects PROJECT SCOPING SHEETS Project Name: ______________________________________________________ MCIP Project No: ___________________________________________________ Ћ : ATTACHMENT “A” Project SAgreement to MasterAgreement Governing Transportation Major Capital Improvement Projects PROJECT SCOPING SHEETS Project Name: ______________________________________________________ MCIP Project No: ___________________________________________________ Ќ 21 ATTACHMENT “A” Project SAgreement to MasterAgreement Governing Transportation Major Capital Improvement Projects PROJECT SCOPING SHEETS Project Name: ______________________________________________________ MCIP Project No: ___________________________________________________ DRAINAGE TOPICS Ѝ 22 ATTACHMENT “A” Project SAgreement to MasterAgreement Governing Transportation Major Capital Improvement Projects PROJECT SCOPING SHEETS Project Name: ______________________________________________________ MCIP Project No: ___________________________________________________ PERMITS Ў 23 ATTACHMENT “A” Project SAgreement to MasterAgreement Governing Transportation Major Capital Improvement Projects PROJECT SCOPING SHEETS Project Name: ______________________________________________________ MCIP Project No: ___________________________________________________ UTILITIES Џ 24 ATTACHMENT “A” Project SAgreement to MasterAgreement Governing Transportation Major Capital Improvement Projects PROJECT SCOPING SHEETS Project Name: ______________________________________________________ MCIP Project No: ___________________________________________________ R-O-W ACQUISITION А 25 ATTACHMENT “A” Project SAgreement to MasterAgreement Governing Transportation Major Capital Improvement Projects PROJECT SCOPING SHEETS Project Name: ______________________________________________________ MCIP Project No: ___________________________________________________ USUAL CITY TOPICS OF CONCERN Б 26 ATTACHMENT “A” Project SAgreement to MasterAgreement Governing Transportation Major Capital Improvement Projects PROJECT SCOPING SHEETS Project Name: ______________________________________________________ MCIP Project No: ___________________________________________________ В 27 ATTACHMENT “A” Project SAgreement to MasterAgreement Governing Transportation Major Capital Improvement Projects PROJECT SCOPING SHEETS Project Name: ______________________________________________________ MCIP Project No: ___________________________________________________ SPECIAL SCHOOL OR EMERGENCY VEHICLE CONSIDERATIONS Contractor must maintain pedestrian access during morning and afternoon school times PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT ЊЉ 28 ATTACHMENT “A” Project SAgreement to MasterAgreement Governing Transportation Major Capital Improvement Projects PROJECT SCOPING SHEETS Project Name: ______________________________________________________ MCIP Project No: ___________________________________________________ CONSTRUCTBILITY REPORT Primary issues are franchise utilities that are not properly located. Field adjustments will be made to accommodate. ADDITIONAL REMARKS Plans for this project were shared and the project was discussed with Dallas County prior to award and commencement. We still have several months of activity remaining before completion. ЊЊ 29 ATTACHMENT “B” Dallas County Capital Improvement Program Project Specific Agreement CURRENT COST ESTIMATES & FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT NAME: Denton Tap Intersection Improvements MCIP 20601 Estimated Project Cost Total $ 2,872,000 Funding Sources Total $ 2,872,000 PSA-City of Coppell for Denton Tap Intersection Improvements, MCIP 20601 2: ATTACHMENT “C” PSA-City of Coppell for Denton Tap Intersection Improvements, MCIP 20601 31  !" #$%&'$( )*+,-.$%/ $%!&'()'$(**"++,'-". 0*11-,,2 3-4$5 6789:9;6<  !"# /%+"'0123"#4'565578695 7:=79>?-@/$ AB-C0*@5-@B >?-@/$ /%+"':;4'-&*"4'<!!1 4' 80DB( 0*+@ED, ="# %(>4'?")"#">@"4':>'$(>!#(+4' 78F89F7 /%+"'$#"!"A4' )G0 /%+"'02"4'/%>+'B@!%(>4' -%!+"4' 0*@5D/-% $11%*.$, *H $EE-1BD@? 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Sfdpnnfoebujpo; Magnolia Park Trail – Design Alternative A($984,186) Magnolia Park Trail – Design Alternative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M+@/F@? $5 P+/?-B-/ %$BL-% BL$@ +5F@? >D#> M+@/5" =!))'@"A(22"?B!%(?4 3L- EF%- H-1$%BC-@B %-J*CC-@/5 $11%*.$, BLF5 $?-@/$ FB-C" $%&'"()"$(**!++,"-!./0%1&!2"(1"#34#34544  !"# 6/&!0"$(1&%17!2"845449:5;<= =!#!"G%A'K%++#';A(?4 =1 !%?3+"'L(H"#?2"?! $%&'"()"$(**!++,"-!./0%1&!2"(1"#34#34544  !"4 MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Reference: 2040: Introduction: Analysis: Legal Review: Fiscal Impact: Recommendation: Southern Emergency & Rescue Vehicle Sales 309 FM 3381 Comanche, Texas 76442 Sales Agreement Main: (800) 561-6070 Direct: (325) 356-2233 Customer: CITY OF COPPELL FIRE DEPT Date:1/11/2021 Contact: CAPTAIN BRAD SMITH Sales Rep:DAVE TAYLOR Address: 265 PARKWAY BLVD City/State/ZIP: COPPELL, TX 75019 Phone: Email: OLD CHASSIS BOX REMT EXTENSION MAKEYEARMODELTYPEVINPRICE QTY YEARMFRYEAR HORTONDODGE202355004X4I TBD$339,438.00EACH$339,438.00 ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONEXTRAS/OPTIONSEXTENSION PRICE QTY Damage: CUSTOM CONFIGURATION Warranty: DOMETIC ASCDU15HV 1161 15000 BTU AC/HEAT UNIT Licensing: MEPS GENERATOR SYSTEM Tax Status: GRAPHICS GPC/FIN:INSPECTION TRIPS County: TOTAL EXTRAS:$0.00 Other: TOTAL INCLUDING ALL EXTRAS: $339,438.004$1,357,752.00 TRADE-INTAXES & FEES TOTAL INCL EXTRAS:$1,357,752.00 4 UNITS INCLUDING POWER LOAD COTS & Sales Tax: Ford GPC $0.00 FULLY LOADED POWER PRO STRETCHERSState Fees:BUYBOARD FEE$800.00 IN EACH UNIT - $46,000 PER TRUCKTitle/License Fee:(CONTRACT #650-21) Delivery: TRADE ALLOWANCE:$184,000.00TOTAL TAXES & FEES:$0.00 LESS 4 TRADE INS$184,000.00 AMOUNT DUE$1,174,552.00 NOTICE TO BUYER This contract is subject to additional provisions set forth, which is incorporated here by inference, and which terms include a complete disclaimer of all warranties other than stated by Manufacturer. The purchaser agrees that this order includes all the terms and conditions of this order and that this order cancels and supersedes and prior agreement as of the date hereof comprises the complete exclusive statement of the terms of the agreement; relating to the subject matters covered hereby, and that this order shall NOT BECOME BINDING until accepted by the Dealer principal or his/her authorized representative. Purchaser by his/her execution of this order acknowledges that he/she has read the terms and conditions and has received a copy of the Buyer's Order. Payment is due for all ambulances at final inspection (at factory) or prior to release for delivery from factory. IF THE PURCHASED VEHICLE(S) SOLD TO PURCHASER BY DEALER UNDER THE ORDER IS SOLD AS A USED OR PRE-OWNED VEHICLE, THE VEHICLE IS SOLD "AS IS" AND "WITH ALL FAULTS". DEALER MAKES NO GUARANTEE OR WARRANTY OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THE PURCHASED VEHICLE(S), EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, (INCLUDING NO WARRANTY THAT THE ODOMETER READING ON THE PURCHASED VEHICLE(S) REPRESENTS THE ACTUAL MILEAGE TRAVELED) OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER. PURCHASER AGREES TO USE THE PURCHASED VEHICLE(S) AND/OR CHASSIS AT PURCHASER'S OWN RISK AND HEREBY RELEASES SELLER, ITS AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, SUCCESSSORS AND ASSIGNS, FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS FOR ANY DAMAGES OR INJURIES OR/AND NATURE WHATSOEVER TO THE FULL EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. TITLE INFORMATION Name & address on title should read: Physical address of vehicle (for 130-U)): Lien holder name & address (if any): Date of Sale required by Lien holder: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES Company:CITY OF COPPELL FIRE DEPARTMENT Purchase By: Name (Printed) (Title)SignatureDate THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! WE APPRECIATE THE OPPORTUNITY TO BE OF SERVICE TO YOU ! The {9w{ Team 1 of 1 January7,2022 CaptainBradSmith CityofCoppellFireDepartment 265ParkwayBlvd Coppell,Texas75019 DearCaptainSmith, Thankyouagainforallowingustheopportunitytoprovidethisquoteforyournextambulance purchases.BelowyouwillfindpricingforanewHortonambulancebuiltonaDodgeRAM55004x4 Dieselchassis.Earlier,Isentoverthedetailedspecsanddrawingsoftheproposedunitsforsoyoucan seeexactlyhowtheunitsarelaidout. Horton623TypeIAmbulanceΑ$339,438.30/each Thispriceincludesthecustomconfigurationyourequested,aDomesticASCDU15HV116115000BTU selfcontainedAC/Heatunit,MEPSgeneratorsystemplusgraphicsanddelivery.Ihavealsoincluded inspectiontripstotheplantforaPreConstructionmeetingaswellasinspectionwhiletheunitsarein Production. Iunderstandtheneedtotakedeliveryofanewambulancesasquicklyaspossible.However,duetothe currentchassissituation,Iamunabletoprovideyouwithanexacttimelineyourunitswillbecomplete. Obviously,theearliertheorderisconfirmed,thesoonerthedelivery.Securingslotsintheproduction scheduleiswhatwearetryingtoaccomplish.Productionandcompletiondatescanandwillchangeas theflowofchassisarrivingatHortonincreasesandIwillbeabletoprovideabettertimelineoncewe haveachassisassignedtothisproject.Frankly,itlooksbettertodaythanitdidacoupleofweeksago, butwearetryingourbesttoberealisticandhonestwithourcustomersaboutourdelivery commitments. Pleasefeelfreetocontactmeifyouneedanythingelse. Sincerely, DavidA.Taylor TerritoryManager DavidA.TaylorΑTerritoryManager2816203683dave.t@servsllc.com January7,2022 CaptainBradSmith CityofCoppellFireDepartment 265ParkwayBlvd Coppell,Texas75019 DearCaptainSmith, Afterreviewofthefour(4)unitscurrentlyownedbytheCityofCoppellFireDepartment,SERVScan offer$46,000.00 perunittradeinallowance.Thisamountisbasedonthecurrentconditionofthe ambulancesandincludesthePowerLoadcotmountsandthefullyloadedPowerProstretchersineach ambulance. ShouldtheCitydecidetoselltheseambulancesthemselves,SERVSwillbehappytoassistinattracting potentialbuyersbysendingpicturesandinformationabouttheunitstoourmultistatesalesforceas wellaslistingthemonourwebsite. Pleaseletmeknowifyouwishtoincludethesetradeinsaspartofthepackageforthenew ambulances. Sincerely, DavidA.Taylor TerritoryManager DavidA.TaylorΑTerritoryManager2816203683dave.t@servsllc.com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