CM 1970-03-02 COUNTY OF DALLAS STATE. OF TEXAS The Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, met in regular session-March 2, 1970, with "the following members present to-wit: W. T. Cozby, Mayor Jim McGiboney, Councilman W. H. Wilson, Councilman Johnny Dobecka, Councilman B. C. Gentry, City Secretary constituting a quorum, where among other proceedings had was the following: Minutes of the February 2nd and February 16th meetings were read and approved. Mr. C. F. Hitchcock appeared before the council and stated that he evidently had misunderstood the council at the February 16th meeting since he had just learned that he,was going to have to pay for the tap to come across the road in addition to laying his own lines and paying $100.00 per meter. He requested that the city-run the water line from the South side of Sandy Lake Road-over to his property on the north side of the roade involving a distance of approximately , 50 or 60 feet. The council voted unanimously to grant Mr. Hitchcock's request. Mr. T. L. Wheeler appeared before the council to request permission to put a few trailers on Allen Road and to find out if he would be able to obtain city water for them. The area involved is 20 acres. Mayor Cozby told him that since the property is zoned for agriculture, Mr. Wheeler would have to apply for a zoning change before the zoning commission and then a special permit issued. Both Mr. McGiboney and Mr. Wilson informed Mr. Wheeler that the council felt that the city's 100 acres of mobile home parks was in excess of what it should have in relation to the number of houses and that no more mobile homes were desired until there were more houses. Mr. Cozby Said that although B. B. Parker was on the agenda, he would not need to appear since he had agreed to go ahead and put 6" clay pipe in the street for his subdivision per a previous discussion. Billy Harrison appeared before the council with the complaint that he had paid for his own water fine with the understanding that no one would be allowed to tie on to the line and that now other people were being allowed by the city to tie on to it. Mr. MCGiboney stated that the city would never allow anyone to put in a line unless it could be used by additional people later.. A portion of the minutes of the April 21st, 1969, council meeting were read concerning the agreement made with Mr. Harrison about the above mentioned water' line. Those minutes stated that Mr. Harrison was to submit a record of his expenses involved in putting in the line so that, as others tied on to it, he could be reimbursed on a pro-rata basis. The council told Mr. Harrison that, since he had not sub- mitted a record of those expenses, the council hsd used an approximate figure in figuring the pro-rata amount. Mr. McGiboney moved that the previously made agreement stand and the vote was unanimous that Mr. Harrison's request that others not be allowed to use the water line be denied. He then requested that the pro- rata cost be refigured based on his expenses of $562 for 680 feet of pipe. The council pointed out that there was a discrepancy between the price of approximately 25 cents per foot which Mr. Vanbebber had quoted Mr. Harrison and the price of 40 cents per foot submitted as part of Mr. Harrison's expenses. The council requested that Mr. Harrison submit a bill showing that he had paid 40 cents per foot, notarized by the person who sold him the pipe. Then the pro-rata ordinance would be refigured and the city would pay the difference between the 25 cents per foot quoted to those people who have already tied on to the line and the actual.. cost. Mr. McGiboney stated that the council had felt that the previous agreement had been to the liking of both Mr, Harrison and the council, and felt that in the future, the policy should be for the individual to put in his own line and grant an easement to the city which would constitute city ownership of the line, Mr, Harrison also requested that the city pay for the water tap for his property as it had with Mr, Hitchcock, The council voted unanimously to deny his request, Mr, Harrison asked about putting in multiple units on his property, The council advised him to fill out an application for MF-1 zoning and submit it to the zoning board, Mr. Cozby stated ,hat a new mobile home had been moved in at Mama's Msrket without a permit. Mr. Gentry said that Mr. Brennan, the owner, had been notified once already that he must have a permit and that he could now qualify for one under the provision for protection of property. The council decided to have Mr. Gentry write Mr. Brennan a letter quoting Ordinance 54 and telling him that he has already been in violation of the ordinance for several days and could be fined. The council also discussed other trailers owned by Mr. Bass and one owned by Mr. Roach that are also without permits. Mr..Dobecka said that a trailer had been moved in on Allen Road and that a permit could not be granted there; therefore, it would have to be moved, M.r. Cozby stated that it would soon be necessary to pave the gravel streets or to.buy equipment to maintain them as is. No action was taken. ' The following bills were submitted for payment: Coppell Superette $ 14.27 .... Dearing Grocery & Service Station 3.05 J. M. Johnson 25.26 H. L. Eldridge 9.00 Enterprise Printing 28,75 ;" A.P. Vanbebber 146.00 Peck's Office Supply 16.07 Saner, Jack, Sallinger & Nichols 7.06 Saner, Jack, Sallinger & NichOls 44.82 Bill Decker, County Sheriff's Office 12.00 Fire Engineering Magazine (3 yrs.) 18,00 Mr. Dobecka moved that the bills be paid, Mr, Wilson seconded the motion and it .passed unanimously, The meeting was adjourned. Passed AND APPROVED THIS 16th DAY OF March, 1970. Passed and approved this 16th day of March , 1970, :, E. C. Gentry i, City Secretary