The Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, met in regular session April 6, 1970,
with the following members present to-wit:
W. T. Cozby, Mayor
Jim McGiboney, Councilman
Wheelice Wilson, Councilman
Johnny Dobecka, Councilman
E. C. Gentry, City Secretary
Bill Harwell, Councilman-elect
Ted Ruppel, CouncilmanSelect
constituting a quorum, where among other proceedings had was the following:
Minutes of the March 16 meeting were read and approved with correction.
Votes of the election for new councilmen were canvassed,-revealing the following
,distribution of votes:
Wheelice Wilson, 38 votes
Bail Harwell, 38 votes
' Ted Ruppel, 38'votes
City Secretary E. C. Gentry conducted swearing-in ceremonies of councilmen
Wilson, Harwell and Ruppel following the canvass of votes.
Mr. Colby stated that on March 11, the zoning commission recommended that Dr.
Martin Vale be granted a zoning change on a 14-acre tract owned by Mrs. Ruby
Pruitt. Mr. Sisk, Mr. McDowell and Mr. Bruner had opposed the change. Dr. Vale
appeared before the council to state his reasons for requesting a change, explain-
ins that the operation would consist of a 20-horse .stable and the training of both,
horses and riders in the art of show hunting and jumping. There would be perhaps
three horse shows per year held on Sundays and there would be no trail riding on
the road. The council informed Dr. Vale that if the .zoning change were granted, it
would be effective only as long as the property was used for the specific purpose
outlined by the applicant. The council and Dr. Vale agreed that the city would
reserve the right to revoke the permit if the operation ceased to be sanitary,
providing a disinterested third party be used to judge the sanitation. Mr. Dobecka
moved that the council grant the zoning change from SF-10 single family dwelling
to A agriculture and a specific use permit for the 14.59 acres for training horses
and riders in the art of show hunting and jumping. The permit is to be for a 20-
horse stable and will be revoked at such time that the county health department
feels it fails to meet health standards. The motion was seconded and passed'
Mr. Howard Young requested permission to move his home from its present location on
Bethel Road to Moore Road. He was informed that water is available only to the
corner of Sandy Lake and Moore Roads and that water lines would have to be run from
there to his property. Mr. McGiboney moved that Mr. Young be granted a permit to
move his home to the above-mentioned location. The motion was seconded and passed
unanimously. Fee for the permit is to be $100.00.
B. E. Parker presented the Report of Examination dated September 30, 1969, for the
Council's approval. Mr. Parker reported that there were no financial problems,
but that paper flow, the documenting of transactions, etc. was weak, Mr. Harwell
moved that the audit be approved, Mr. Dobecka seconded the motion and the motion
was passed unanimously.
Mr. Cozby stated that the council needed to draft a pro-rata ordinance for the sewer
line for B. E. Parker's development. Three lots on the same street belong to other
people who will need to reimburse Mr. Parker their share of the cost when they tie
on. Mr. Parker received three bids; $2400 from Maurice Reeves Plumbing Co.,
Farmers Branch; $2100 from City Plumbing, Carrollton; and $2100 from Excavators,
Inc, Mr. Parker accepted the latter bid, which wiIl exclude manholes but which will
have the line touching each lot and including the service and materials to run the
sewer to each lot, with 6"Deltapipe in the Street. Mr. Wilson suggested measuring
from the first house behind the alley, the length of the street and back, which
would exclude the frontage lots, a figure of 1037 feet. The council requested
.I..' .... I~ ..... I
Mr. Morris, representing Excavators, Inc., to put a T in front of each house.
Mr. McGiboney moved that the city draft a pro-rata ordinance to reflect a charge
of $2.00 per linear foot on each side of the street to be approved by the council
after said drafting. There is to be an additional charge of $50.00 for the
privilege of tapping the llne. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion and the motion was
passed unanimously. Mr. Forgey asked the council exactly what the cost would~be
for him to tie on and wad informed that he was to pay the city $210.00,
of which would be turned over to Mr. Parker,.
Hubert Eldridge appeared before the council to present a three-year insurance
policy required by HUD for the sewer and water system. $2,000 worth of cover-
age must be added for an electric motors making the total premium $176.56. The
insured agrees to insure the subject up to.80z5 of replacement cost value but,
if something happened to its it would be paid for in full. Mr. Wilson moved
that the $2,000.00 addition to the policy be approved. The motion was seconded
and, passed unanimously.
Mr. E ldridge also presented a public liability policy at a cost of $2700 per
year which would cover all vehicless all uninsured drivers of city vehicles,
and general liability. The councll agreed that the cost of such a policy was
prohibitive but that some 'coverage is needed. The counciI decided to table the
matter until the next council meeting.
Mr. Norman Smith, representing Thornton, Smith, Krutileck and Powells C.P.A.'s
appeared before the council to examine the city's accounting system and to
suggest some changes. He presented what he considered to be an advisable
accounting system for Coppell and stated that the total supplies needed for a
period of 3 years would cost around $500.00. He also discussed possible use of
an accounting machine, The council decided to table the matter pending further
discussion. Mr. Smith said his firm would charge approximately $600.00 to bring
the city's records up to date.
The 'council was informed that Putsinger and Childs have both made complaints
about Mr. Eldridge's said Mr. Parker's house because of sewerage running all
over the yard. City ordinance requires that anyone whose own system becomes
inoperative has to tie' on to the city's sewerage if they are within 150 feet
of the sewer main. Mr. Hodges of the County. Health Department was quoted as
saying that he would close it up within 30 days if it is not repaired.
Mr. Cozby said that Mr. Wilson is discussing the possibility of running a main
from Harris Street up to Maynard Street. He wants to put a lift station on'
his property and run 6" Delta Seal pipe from the end of existing sewer main
to Harris Road. The Council felt that the existing sewer line would not take
it and will consult an engineer before taking action.
Mr. Cozby said the pump shaft on one of the city's wells needs to be repaired
and that, with the council's permission, he will get Briggs Weaver to start
work on it. The council discussed whether or not to fix the well properly at
a cost of approximately $3,500.00 or to fix it for use only on an emergency .
basis at a cost of approximately $500.00. The council gave Mr. Cozby permission
to see that the well is repaired.
Mr. Cozby read a questionnaire from the city of Dallas regarding ambulance
service. The council instructed Mr. Cozby to write a letter saying .that Coppell
has no ambulance service and does not desire one.
Mr. Cozby mentioned the lift station that is overflowing and .causing complaints..
The council agreed that the station had 'never worked properly and needs to be
repaired. No action Was taken.
B. C. Gentry presented the following bills to be paid:
B. B. Parker $450.00
Lewisville Lumber Co. &
Hardware : 31.49
~' Bowles & Edens Corporation 10,50
= Central Blueprint Company 3,65 .
Saner, Jack, Sallinger & Nichols 15.00
H. L. Eldridge Ins. Agency 176.56
Coppell Superette 26,29
Ray Story 49.97
The motion wes made and seconded that the bills be approved for payment. The
motion was passed unanimously.
Mr. Harwell moved that Ervin Beal be approved to serve the remainder of Mr.
Harwell's term (one year) on the zoning commission. Charles Brown, Dr. Austin
and Mr. Perkins wilI each serve 2-year terms. Mr. Harwell's motion was seconded
and was passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned.
W. T. Cozby, Mayor
Passed and approved this 20th day of April , 1970.
E. C. Gentry, City Secretary