CM 1970-04-13 COUNTY OF DALLAS STATE Of TExaS The Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, met in special session April 13, 1970, with the following members present to-wit: W. T. Cozby, Mayor Jim McGiboney, Councilman Wheelice Wilson, Councilman Johnny Dobecka, Councilman Ted Ruppel, Councilman constituting a quorum, where among other proceedings had was the following; Mr. Pete Styner and Mr, Richard Pierce, representing Fowler and Graft, Engineers, appeared before the council to discuss the proposed outer loop, They presented the three alternate routes being considered by the highway department and suggested that the council decide which route they feel is best for Coppell and present those findings at the hearing Wednesday, April 15, in Grand Prairie. The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the route of the loop from Sandy Lake Road south. Mr. Styner and Mr. Pierce said the county had indicated that it would try to go along with whatever the council requested. The council discussed the fact that the shortest route would divide the schools from the residential area and from the lake and recreational facilities. A somewhat longer route would put the freeway west of the schools which would leave Coppell essentially undivided. The council chose the corridor generally along Esters Road within Coppell's city limits. Mr. Wilson moved that the council request the highway department to route the loop along Esters Road as extended to 635, which is the most northern and most western route. Mr. Ruppel seconded the motion and the motion was passed unanimously. The council agreed to list the route south of Sandy Lake Road as their least desirable route. ,, Mr. Styner. and Mr.. Pierce, who have contracted for the work on the Denton Creek Water Shed sewer llne, also appeared before the council to discuss this project. They informed the council that, since the government loan for the first phase of the work had been refused, they would proceed with the program without being paid until the bond issue has been voted, if the city council approved this course of action. They also discussed the possibility of Flower Mound's tying on in the near future and said that looking into this possibility would be a part of the preliminary phase. Mr. Wilson moved that the city authorize Mr. Styner to proceed with preliminary engineering plans for the Denton Creek Water Shed. -The motion was seconded and passed. Mr. Ruppel opposed, Mr. Cozby read a copy of a letter from Mayor Robert Power of Irving to James D. Goff stating that there had been an apparent misunderstanding about the process of planning the drainage from the airport to the cities of Irving, Grand Prairie and Coppell, He had understood that Mr. Goff was in the process of planning.some meetings for pIanning this drainage, then he received notice that the drainage work was already being done and would be completed in one year. He asked if there were to be any further discussions regarding this matter, The meeting was ,djourned. PASSED NAD APPROVED THIS 20th DAY OF April , 1970, Passed and approved .this 20th day of April , 1970. E. C. Gentry , City Secretary I " I Illll:; [ I