The Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, met in regular session April 20, 1970,
with the following members present to-wit:
W. T. Cozby, Mayor
Jim McGiboney, Councilman
Wheelice Wilson, Councilman
Johnny Dobecka, Councilman
Bill Harwell, Councilman
Ted Ruppel, Councilman
E. C, Gentry, City Secretary
constituting a quorum, where among other proceedings had was the following:
Mr, James Hauger requested a permit to build 6' x 18' concrete minnow vats on
Mr. Harrington's property south of Sandy Lake Road and west of the river, He
informed the council that he would also have a mobile home but that it would be
on.the Dallas side of the property, Mr, Wilson moved that the council grant a
permit for the minnow vats, Mr. Ruppel seconded the motion and the motion was
passed unanimously., The permit was granted at no charge, ..
Mr/ Don Carter requested permission to build a house on 20 acres of the
old Alexander property approximately 600 feet off Moore Road and 1,050 feet
off Bethel Road, He also requested permission to put in a road as needed for
future development of the property, Mr, Carter said he planned a hard surface
road without curb and gutter and that he was considering moving an old county
road from another location, The road will probably be30 feet wide with two feet
of gravel, Mr. Wilson moved that Mr.. Carter be granted permission to build
a one-family residence on the one-acre tract shown on Exhibit A (attached) as
well as permission to build a road with 50 feet of right-of-way and a minimum
gravel surface 9" deep and 24 feet wide, The motion was seconded and passed
unanimously, The fee for the residential permit will be $25.00, Mr. Carter-
also inquired about city water and was advised to dig a deep well since his
property is over 4,000 feet from the nearest water line. Mr. Cozby said he
would have to put in his own water line and be reimbursed as others tied on
in the future. The council also informed him that if he dug a deep well and
city water was later extended that far, he would not be required to abandon
his own well.
Mr..Cozby read a resolution regarding Loop 9:-and outlining the reconmendations
of the city of Coppell as to the route of this loop, giving the reasons for its
choice and pointing out that the recommendations of the city of Coppell coincide
with those of the city of Irving. .These recommendations were discussed and
voted upon at the special council meeting April 13, 1970.
Mr. Cozby said he had talked to Mr. Cochran of Briggs Weaver about the city's
well and that Mr. Cochran had advised against a submergible pump. Mr. Cosby
has arranged for.Briggs Weaver to send out two men and a truck at a cost of
$30.00 per hour to find out exactly what is wrong with the well and what needs
to be done to repair it. The council decided to take no further action until
this has been done.
Mr, Cozby informed the council that a faulty exhaust system on the police car
had had to be repaired to meet inspection and that he had given Kelly Story
permission to go ahead with those repairs.
Mr. Hubert Eldridge appeared before the council to discuss general compre-
hensive public liability insurance for the city, He had looked into the
possibility of changing the policy discussed at the April 6 council meeting .
to a $25,000,00 deductible policy and found that it would lower the premium
from $2,700,00 per year to approximately $1,800.00 per year, After discussion
of other possible ways of lowering the premium, Mr. Eldridge recommended that
the city seek advice from its attorney before deciding on the insurance
coverage. He said that the comprehensive liability policy now covering the
city would be eliminated as of April 21, 1970, leaving only liability on the
police car, It was decided that Mr, Eldridge and the city's attorney would
both attend the next council meeting to discuss the matter further,
The council discussed the lift station which has a bearing out. and decided that
it needs a fence around it for protection, The motion was made, seconded and
passed unanimously that Mr. Cozby be given authority. to have a fence installed
around the lift station,
Mr, Oentry stated that the county usually sends the city $2,500,00) for operation
of the fire trucks but that the city has not yet received the money, Mr, Wilson
stated that he had just learned that several cities had not submitted proper
information and would be late. receiving their money, The motion was made,
seconded and passed unanimously.that, until the money is received from the county,
money from the general fund will be used and will be reimbursed when the $2,500,00
is received,
Mr. Gentry also informed the council that the following obligations needed to
be met at this time: $2,657,00 due on the old water bond issue, $.105,00 due
on the $5,000,00 note, $2,880,00 due on the $94,000,00 note and $7,S80,00 due
on the $344,000.00 note, He said the balance of $16,917,13 in the Mercantile
National Bank in Dallas was sufficient to meet these obligations but that this
account is drawing interest. He suggested using part of the $18,000,00 water
fund in the Lewisville Bank which is not drawing interest, Mr; Wilson moved
that all these outstanding bills be paid from the account in the Lewisville
bank, leaving the existing balance in the Mercantile Bank. The motion was
seconded and passed unanimously.
Mr, Gentry presented a list of personal property tax statements which he felt
should be written off, They are as follows:
Kenneth Beavers $5.23 (1967)
" " 5.23 (1968)
Mrs. C. R. Brague .52 ~1964)
W, C. Carter 1,75 ~1966)
· ~ " 1,28 ~1967)
Mrs, Roy L. Crouch ,37 (1964)
Dean Service Station 4,13 (1967)
Charlie Dunn 5,50 (196S)
" " 6,60 ~1966)
" " 6,32 ~1967)
" " 6,05 (1968)
Lloyd A. Elliott 6.60 ~1966)
J- L. Foster 1.79 (1966)
Ronnie D. Harbour 6,60 (1966)
Eugene Hodges 2.06 (1968)
F. N. Huckaby .87 (1965)
Melton Service Station 5.50 (1965)
J. Prank Parrish 3.51 (1965)
' " 2,78 (1966)
B. R. Purdue 5.23 (1968)
Stanley Perry 3.51 (1965)
" " 2.75 (1966)
" " 2,06 (1967)
" " 5,18 (1968)
Jerry Plumlee 1.65 (1965)
" " 1,65 (1966)
E. L. Putnam 6,60 (1966)
'* " 6,60 (1967)
T. C. Ruse 5.23 (1968)
Larry Shirley 6,60 (1966)
James Smith 6.60 (1967)
Earl Tinsley ,37 (1964)
James A. Wesley 1.01 (1964)
M. L, Young 5.23 (1968)
Mr. Harwell moved that the above personal property tax statements be written
off, Mr, Ruppel seconded the motion and the motion was passed unanimously,
Minutes of the April 6 and April 13 council meetings were read and approved
with correction.
The meeting was adjourned.
.W.T.~Cozby, Mayor
Passed and approved this 4 day of May , 1970,
E. C. Gentry, City Secretary