CM 1970-05-04 COUNTY OF DALLAS ·
The Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, met in regular session May 4, 1970,
with the following members present to-wit:
W. T. Cozby, Mayor
Jim McGiboney, Councilman
Johnny Dobecka, Councilman
! Wheelice Wilson, Councilman
Ted Ruppel, Councilman
· "~' E.C. Gentry, City Secretary
constituting a quorum, where among other proceedings had was the following:
Minutes of the April 20 meeting were read and approved.-'
Mr. Brownie Peters appeared .in .behalf of Mr. Don Carter and requested formal
approval of a platt of Mr. Carter's property, Mr. Cozby signed the subdivision
platt which had been approved at the previous councilmeeting. Mr. Cozby told
· .Mr, Peters that the city was displeased because Mr, Carter had had Waite Plumbing
Co, uncover the line for tapping and then cover it back up without having it
inspected, Mr, Peters offered his apologies and said that he would have the
line uncovered for inspection at the city's convenience,
The council considered the 'zoning ordinance for the Martin Vale tract, a zoning
change which was approved at the April 6 council meeting, After Mr. Cozby read
the ordinances Mr, Wilson moved that the council adopt an ordinance numbering
system as follows: when an ordinance is drawn up referrinf to a previous
ordinance, the number shall include the previous ordinance 'number plus the
month plus the year plus a number indicating the number of times the original
ordinance has been changed that month, The motion was seconded by Mr, McGiboney
and passed unanimously, The number 48-4-70-1 was assigned to the ordinance
concerning The Martin Vale tract. The motion was made and seconded that the
ordinance be adopted as written. The motion was passed unanimously.
The council discussed the need for 'establishing a pro-rata charge for persons
connecting to the water line for the Stringfellow addition. No action was taken.
The council considered an ordinance establishing a 'pro-rata charge for the sewer
line laid by the Coppell Independent School District setting the charge at $1.00
per front foot. Mr. Wilson moved that the council adopt .School Sewer Line Pro-
Rata Ordinance 1155. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
The council gave H. L. Eldridge permission to contact Lawrence Jackson of Saner, Jack, Sallinger & Nichols~ the city's attorneyss for the purpose of discussing
possible insurance coverage for the city.
The council discussed the house owned by Mr. Eldridge and B. E.. Parker which has
been causing complaints regarding the sewer problem. The owners requested via
Mr. Cozby that they have a few days to jack the house up and take care of the
problem. The house has recently been rented again and the tenants have requested
that the water be turned on. Mr. Wilson moved that the city turn the water on when
the health hazard has been removed. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
The council discussed' the need for General Telephone to keep the grounds around
their building in better shape; and also the possible need for an electrical system
that will alternate use of the city's two wells. No action was taken on either.
ti' Mr. Gentry presented the following bills for payment:
Petty cash $20.72
Dearing Service Station 3.00
Continental Office Supply 3.00
Coppell Superette (gas) 30,90
Bowles & Eden 400,82
Bennett' s 10.75
Thompson Hayward Chemical Co. $18.75
Bearing & Power Transmission Co, 15.32
Badger Meter Co, 897.60
Overhead Door Co. of Dallas, Inc. !35.05
Bill Decker 6.00
Lewisville Leader 16.26
Mr. Wilson moved that petty cash be replaced and the above bills paid.
Mr. Dobecka seconded the motion and the motion was passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned,
W. T. COzby, Mayor ..
passed and approved this 18th day of May , 1970'
E . C. Gentry, City Secretary