The Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, met in regular session May 18, 1970,
with the following members present to-wit:
W. T. Cozby, Mayor
Wheelice Wilson, Councilman
Jim McGiboney, Councilman
Johnny Dobecka, Courr ilman
· Bill Harwell, Councilman
Ted Ruppel, Councilman
E. C. Gentry, City Secretary
constituting a quorum, where among other proceedings had was the following:
~ .,
Minu'tes of the May 4 council meeting were read and approved.
Mr. Cozby read the minutes of the April 15 zoning commission meeting regarding
Mr. Caldwell's request for a zoning change on his property in the SW corner of
the intersection. of Coppell Road and Beltline Road. The changes requested were: (1)
a change in dimensions only of. 20 acres 2F-1 - duplex housing and 24 acres L-1 -
Light industrial whereby these two tracts would be moved back from Coppell Road
300 feet and leaving this area for development of SF-10 residential; (2) changing
20 acres from SP-7 residential to SP-1O residential. Mr. Ben Pinnell outlined
Mr. Caldwell's plans for development of the 274.83 acre tract, stating that it is
the only major tract of land in Coppell with water, sewerage and road frontage and
that zoning changes were needed immediately in order to develop the land within the
next two or three years. Mr. Ruppel and Mr. Harwell both opposed the plan, primarily
because of the amount of multi-family housing, retail and industrial. Mr. Wilson
and Mr. McGiboney both felt there was too much land given to multi-family housing
but felt that it was basically a good plan. Approval of the zoning change carried
by a vote of three to two, with Mr. Wilson, Mr. Dobecka and Mr. McGiboney voting
for; and Mr. Ruppel and Mr. Harwell against.
Mr. Cozby read' a letter from the Airline~'Pilots Association (ALPA) stating. that
putting the WFAA radio towers on a site near North Lake would be hazardous to
planes using the Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Airport, and asking that the city
adopt a resolution officially opposing this location. Mr. Ben Pinnell, speaking
for Mr. C.aldwell, told the council that he opposed the North Lake location on
three grounds: (1) safety (2) using quasi-public land bought under threat of
condemnation for private use by the Dallas Morning News and WPAA (3) damaging
the looks of a place of beauty. .Mr. John Hemley, an engineer with Belo Corporation,
owners of the Dallas Morning News and WFAA, appeared before the council to ask that
it not oppose locating the towers at the North Lake site. He stated that WFAA has
a dlrectional antennae that almost had to be placed there because of the stations
they must. protect on that frequency, and that the only alternative would be tO
split the two stations. He also said that the location of the station there would
be beneficial to Coppell from a tax standpoint and that the station would not put
up anything unsightly. When Mr. Cozby asked Mr. Hemley if it would be possible
for the Belo Corporation to landscape the area, using something other than chain-
link fencing~ Mr. Pinnell stated that Mr. Hemley's superior, Mr. Cooper, had
already been approached about this and that he had refused to consider anything of
this nature. Mr. Pinnell urged the council adopt a resolution opposing placement,
of the towers at North Lake and to present it to the Dallas City Planning Commission
which has the power to change the present plans. Those in favor of concurring with
the ALPA proposal and adopting their resolution were Mr; Ruppel; those opposing
were Mr. Wilson, Mr. McGiboney, Mr. Dobecka and Mr. Harwell. Therefore, the city
does not oppose locating the WPAA towers on the North Lale site.
Mr. Earl Miller of Bowles & Eden and Mr. Cecil Ingram of American Leader Co. appeared
before the council to demonstrate an American made watermeter available through the
firms they represented.. They guaranteed a price of $32.88 per meter for one year.
Mr. Miller said they would submit an annual contract with prices, etc. for the
council to further action was taken.
Mr. Richard Lee informed the council that the county fire marshal had recommended
that the city adopt the Fire Prevention Code, 1965 Edition, recommended by the
American Insurance Association. Mr. Wilson moved the matter be tabled until the
next meeting so that the council would have a chance to study the code. Mr. McGiboney
Seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Lee also said that the doors on the fire station need painting and that there
needs to be some waterproofing done on the inside, both of which would not total
over $100.00. Air. Wilson moved that the council give him permission to fix
· the items mentioned. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Mr. Lee told the council that four Firemen would like to attend, the Texas Firemen's
Training School at A & M July 17-24, 1970, but ,that there were not provisions
in the budget for paying the $74.00 per person cost. After some discussion
Mr. Wilson moved that Mr. Lee be given authority to pay for the school out of
the fire department auxiliary fund until the item can be put into next year's budget
and the amount reimbursed. Mr. Dobecka seconded the motion and the motion
was passed unanimously.
Mr. Otis Williams of the Viking Supply Company appeared before the council to
show a German-made water meter at a price o[ $26.80 per meter. No action was
Mr. Cozby mentioned a request for a street light at Howell Drive in the B. E..
Parker development. Mr. McGiboney moved that the city have the power company
install a mercury vapor street light at Howell Drive in order to see how the
city likes this type of light and how much they will cost. Mr., Harwell seconded
the motion and the motion was passed unanimously.
The council discussed repair of the cut across the street in front of the Sammny
Lesley home. No action was taken.
Mr. Wilson moved that Mr. Cozby be given permission to-see that street signs
are obtained and installed at Oak Grove, Kay Street, Howell Drive and Lock Lane.
The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
The councii re-elected Wheelice Wilson as mayor pro-tern.
Mr. Cozby stated. that there was a need to draft an ordinance dealing with old
cars sitting around the city. He suggested studying, the ordinances, of
Carrollton and perhaps other cities before' drafting an ordinance. No action
was taken.
The meeting was adjourned.. .
Passed and approved this 18 day of May ~ 1970.
W. T. Cozby, Mayor
Passed and approved this 1 day of June, 1970.
E..C~.'Gentry, City Secretary