CM 1970-06-01COUNTY OF DALLAS STATE OF TEXAS The Council of the City of Coppoll, Texas, met in regular session June 1, 1970, with the following members present W, T. Cozby, Mayor Jim McGiboney, Councilman JOhnny Dobecka, Councilman Wheelice Wilson, Councilman Ted Ruppel, Couci ilman Bill Harwell, Councilman B. C. Gentry, City Secretary constituting a quorum, were among other proceedings had was the following: Minutes of the May 18, 1970,~ council meeting were read and approved with one correction, Mr. Larry Brim appeared before the council to request permission to move a mobile home to his mother's property (MRS, Henry Brim) because his mother is living alone much of the time and needs help in keeping. the place up and also because she needs protection, The council inquired about another t railer, one owned by a Mr. Carson, which is also on this property and said that Brim would have a better chance of getting a permit if Carson*s trailer was moved out. Mr. Wilson moved that Mr. Brim be permitted to move a trailer in to take care of his mother provided that he follows the mobile home park ordinance and also provided that the other trailer is moved out first. Mr. Ruppel seconded the motion and the motion was passed unanimously, Mr. H. L, Wickliffe appeared before the council to discuss his water bill which jumped from $2,50 to over $33,00 in one month, The counci! unanimously voted to adjust his water bill in the customary manner: by subtracting a nomal bill from the bill in question and splitting the difference between the customer and the city. This reduced Mr. Wickliffe's bill to $19.41. The cOuncll discussed the possibility of buying a master water meter, and decided to have Mr. Otis Williams attend the next meeting to discuss this meter further. Mr. Cozby mentioned the need to buy an air conditioner for the city hall, a project which had been approved previously, He appointed Mr. Ruppel, Mr, Dobecka and Mr..McGiboney to a committee to purchase an air conditioner, the cost of which is not to exceed $300.00. Mr, Cozby informed the council that the city had been notified it must obtain a certificate from the Texas State Health Department certifying someone who is in charge of the water works. The city's previous certificate lapsed in November, l968. After some discussion with Mr. A. P. Vanbebber, the city council decided to enroll him in the 3-day school June 8, 9 and 10 which is required for certifi- cation. Mr. Harwell moved that the council pay Mr. Vanbebber %50.00 for his time, the motion was seconded and passed unanimously, The council again took up the matter of the fire code but decided to table it another week for further study. Mr. CoZby stated that the city would cooperate with the Carrollton-Farmers Branch School District in working out the taxation of Abstract 886, Myers survey. The council discussed an application for a zoning Change submitted by Mr. A. B. Swank of Delman Theater Corp. The application requested a change from A- agriculture to specific use permit for a mobile home park on the 50-acre Mills tract. Mr. Wilson suggested that Mr. Cozby contact Charles Brown of the Planning Commission to see if he has already or will try to discourage Mr. Swank from pursuing this request any further, '! a I F I ~ ] I Ill I I at The council als'o discussed an improved bookkeeping system. Mr. Carson, Danford of Burleson & Walker, C.PA.s, has expressed an interest in both the bookkeeping and the auditing. The council decided to have Mr.' Danford appear at the next meeting to discuss his services. Mr.'Gentry presented the following~bills for payment: Payton-Wright Ford Sales $155.26 North Lake Service Center 49.97 Coppell Superette 7.95 Peck's Office Supply 11.65 Earl Scott 30.00 Mr. Gentry also said that the city's membership dues of $22.00 per year were due to the Greater Dallas County LeagUe of Municipalities. The motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously that the membership dues be paid. Mr. Ruppel moved that the bills be approved for payment. Mr. McGiboney seconded the motion and the motion was passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 1 DAY OF June , 1970. W T ~o y PaSsed and approved this 15 day of.June , 1970. E. C. Gentry, City Secretary