CM 1970-07-06 The Council of the City of Coppell met July 6, 1970 in regular
meeting with the following members present to-wit:
W. T. Co zby, Mayor
W. H. Wilson, Councilman
Bill Harwell,. Councilman
John Dobecka, Councilman
Ted Ruppel, Councilman
E. C. Gentry, Secretary
constituting a quorum, where among other proceeding was the
Mr. Carlson Danford, C. R. A. with the firm Burleson & Walker, met with
the Council to discuss the possibility of employing a bookkeeper and
up-dating the books on a municipal accounting basis. Mr. Dan ford
quoted a "top of the hat" figure of $500.00 to get the system set up
and then $100.00 per month for the bookkeeper. No action was taken.
Mr. Hitchcock appeared before the Council requesting pe'rmission to
move a house in on his property of Sandy Lake Road. The Council
agreed that Mr.' Hitchcock had always good to put the houses he
moves in good shape and moved to grant him the permit.
Mr. Wilson moved that an addition to last month's minutes be
taken to state that the Lenders, who bought the-E. E. Parker
property, be responsibility for all costs of sewer installation
and water installation. With this addition, the minutes stand
approved as read.
Mr. Harwell moved that Jay Small, Bill Campbell, :and Pete Matthews
be appointed to serve on the Equalization Board..Mr. Ruppel
seconded this motion and motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Gentry presented the following bills for payment:
K & D Tooling &Plastic Co. $16.00
White ' s Auto Store (air conditioner)270.00
Hill Tire Company 37.72
A. P. Vanbebber 266.70
Lewisville Leader (Ord. #48-4-70-1) 5.52
Grav ley ,Corp. (parts for fire. trk) 19.65
Briggs - Weaver 1563.92
Bill Decker (prisoner' s board) 4.00
Smith ' s Municipal Supplies (signs) 66.80
National Building (SUpPlieS) 11 21
Lynn Lee (clearing fire hydrants) 16.00
Mr. Wilson made a motion to pay bills as stated. Mr. Harwell
seconded the motion and motion carried unanimously.
· Motion was made by Mr. Wilson to buy the 3" Kent meter and have
it installed in the old ,well pump. Mr. Ruppel seconded the motion
which was passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Mr. Harwell that someone be hired to clean up
the old Stanford place and the bill be sent to the Baptist
Foundation ,(present owners). Vote carried that this be done.
Meeting adjourned.
W. T. Cozby, Mayor
Passed and approved this day of , 1970.
E. C. Gentry Secretary