CM 1970-07-20COUNTY OF DALLAS STATE OF TEXAS The Council of the City of Coppell, Texas met in regular session ..July 20, .7970, with the following members present W. T. Co zby, :Mayo r Ted Ruppel, Councilman John Dobecka, Councilman Jim McGiboney, ~cilman Bill Harwell, Councilman Wheelice Wilson, Councilman constituting a quorum, where among other proceedings had was the following: Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.with the following correction: Mr.. Danford, C. P. A. With Burleson & Walker, quoted prices of $500.00 yearly~audit, $250.00, to set up the system, and $100.0~0 monthly fee for the bookeeper. Mr. Wilson moved that these minutes stand approved with this correction and seconded by John Dobecka. Vote carried unanimusly. Mr. Cliff Woods appeared before the council to discuss the matter of getting water to his lot on Oak Trail; The Council agreed to give Mr. Woods permission to extend a water line under conditions of a pro rata basis. Motion was made by Jim McGiboney and seconded bY John Dobecka. Motion carried.. Copy of the Caldwell Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance #55-2-A) was brought ~to the attention of the Council by Mayor Cozby. McGiboney moved that the ordinance be approved as amended (see copy attached), seconded by John Dobecka. Vote was 4 for, Harwell. against. Mayor Cozby announced that the City would no longer have benefit of ambulance service from the cities of Carollton and Farmers Branch. The Council discussed the~matter of small businesses along Belt Line who do not have a permit to operate. Mr. Harwell moved that Mr.' Story be sent to these owners and ask them to appear before the Council at the next meeting to discuss the matter of a permit. M. Rupell seconded this motion and vote was unanimous. Mr. Harwell moved that the City hire ~. Danford of Burleson & Walker to start work on the bookeeping system. The motion carried unanimously after a second by Mr. McGiboney. Mr. Harwell moved that the City pay Mr. H. L. Elridge $428.00 which will give the City insurance coverage though August 17th, and then cancel the policy with his company. Seconded by Mr. Ruppell, motion was unanimous. Meeting adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 20th DAY OF July , 1970 W. T. Cozby, Mayor Passed and approved this day of , 1970. E. C Gentry, .SeCretary