CM 1970-08-17 OUNTY OF DALLAS STATE OF TEXAS The Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, met in regular session August 17, 1970, with the following members present to-wit: W. T. Cozby, Mayor Jim McGiboney, Counci 1man Ted Ruppel, Councilman Bill Harwell, Councilman Wheelice Wilson, Councilman Johnny Dobecka, Councilman E. C. Gentry, City Secretary ~ constituting a quorum, where among other proceedings had was the following: }. Mr. Cornell, whose home on Cotton Road is being taken by the airport, requested permission to move his house to Coppell, He plans to buy the Liberto property and join the two houses. Mr. Harwell moved that the matter be tabled until the council had had a chance to look at Mr. Cornell's house. Mr. McGiboney seconded the motion and motion was passed unanimously. Pete Styner returned to bring back the Administrative Manuals with all the pages now included plus extra copies of forms to be used by the city in conjunction with the codes adopted previously. Mr. Roy McDaniel appeared beore the council to discuss proposed sewer lines for the B. E. Parker addition, He stated that the lack of space between the gas and water lines and the asphalt pavement caused a problem in putting in the line and particularly the manhole.' He and the council discussed possible ways of getting the line in without tearing up the pavement. Mr. McDaniel gave the city a bid of $1450.00 to run 160' of sewer line plus one manhole. (Sewer line in the Parker addition is to have .370 slope and 2' of cover). Mr. Ruppel moved that the city pay for the line from the end of the existing line on the east side of the street (140') to the manhole location on the street plus PaY for the manhole, Mr. Dobecka seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Mr, Zetley of Highland Oaks Mobile Home Park had asked for an adjustment of his $595.00 water bill. After some discussion, the Council decided that the bill was reasonable for 59 trailers considering that Golden Triangle's bill was over $900 for 86 trailers. No action was taken. Mr. Cozby read a letter which he had written to Judge Baldridge of Denton asking that a definite Denton-Dallas County line be worked out so that Coppell residents living near the boundary would know where to pay their taxes. Judge Tom Dodd of Denton replied that as far as Denton County is concerned, the line is the one shown on the general highway map, and generally made light of the whole thing, Judge Sterrett of Dallas County, who also received a letter from Mr. Cozby, had not replied. Mr. E. D. Scott came at the Council's request and gave a report on the Police Department, The council informed him they would like to have such a report once a month in the future. The Council discussed the number of tickets written, disposition of those tickets, reasons for dismissing tickets, number of appeals, etc. The Council decided to ask Kelly Story to appear at the next council meeting. Mr. Vanbebber, reporting for the Water Department, said that the city is now capable of producing a maximum of 350 gallons per minute but that, at peak load, they are using 450 gallons per minute so that they are losing 100 gallons per minute from storage at times. He said that plans would soon have to be made to increase storage plus increasing pumping capacity. Minutes of the August 3 meeting were read and approved, Mr. Harwell moved that the city should accept Mr. Monty Freeman's liability insurance as discussed at the Aug, 3 meeting. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. The Council agreed that Mr. Dobecka would contact Mr. Freeman immediately after the meeting in order to obtain immediate insu ranc e c overage. Minutes of the special August 6 meeting were read and approved. Mr. Gentry read a letter he was considering sending to Kay Street residents who had not paid their share of the costs for curbing and guttering. The Council requested that he add a notation to the letters, indicating what the charges pertained to, and send them to the appropriate persons. The meeting was adjourned. ' PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 17th DAY OF August , 1970o W. T Cozby, Mayor Passed and approved this day of , 1970, E. C. Gentry, Cit'y Secretary