The Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, met in regular session September
8, 1970, with the following members present to-wit~:
W. T. Cozby, Mayor
Wheelice Wilson, Councilman
Johnny Dobecka, Councilman
Jim McGiboney, Councilman
Ted Ruppel, Councilman
Bill Harwell, Councilman
B. C. Gentry, City Secretary
constituting a quorum, where among other proceedings had was the following:
Mr. Clyde Ehlers .~apeared before the council to speak for himself, Mr. Mclnnish,
Mr. Robert Edwards and Mr. Erman Downey to contend that they are being taxed
by the city as being within the city limits of Coppell, but that they are not
in Dallas County and that city records state that Coppell has annexed only
Dallas County land. He further contended that even if he is legally within
the city limits of Coppell, the city tax is not fair because the city does
not have anything to offer the group he represented either now or in the
future. After lengthy discussion, the council informed Mr. Ehlers that, as
far as the city is concerned, he and the persons he represented are in
Coppell's city limits and that they will not be granted a token tax.
Mr. Cozby presented two bids on the sewer lines in the B. E. Parker addition:
(1) Mr. Summers: 140' of cast iron sewer pipe and one manhole for $1,380.00;
(2) Excavators, Inc.: 160' of 8" sewer line and one manhole ~ $13.75 per foot
era total of $2,200.00. After some discussion, the council decided to write
a letter to Mr. Summers asking him to sign a statement to the effect that he
either will not damage the pavement or that, if he does, he will be responsible
for it. Mr. Harwell moved that Mr. Summers' $1,3~0.00 bid be accepted with
the stipulation that he repair any damage to the pavement at his own expense
and also stipulating that the work Will have constant supervision by the
city's building inspector or some other inspector approved by the city. Mr.
Dobecka seconded the motion and motion carried unanimously.
The council unanimously turned down the request of Mr. Zetly of Highland Oaks
Mobile Home Park for 50 more trailers for adults only.
James Henderson who presently works for the University of Texas Southwestern
Medical School applied for .a part-time police job. He said that he was
interested in continuing to work nights and add the part-time police job as
supplementary income. He felt that working heavy traffic hours early in the-
morning and from 4-6 P,M. would be the most beneficial arrangement. The
council told him that they would keep him in mind.
Mr. McGiboney moved that the city buy two 7-yard loads of gravel for Mrs.
Billy Harrison's street in the Stringfellow addition (at her request). Mr.
Wilson seconded the motion and motion carried unanimously.
Minutes of the August 17, 1970, meeting were read and approved with one
correction: Roy McDaniel who appeared with B. E. Parker represented not him-
self but Excavators Inc.
Mr. Cozbv stated that he had received a reply to his letter to Judge Lew
Sterrett and that Judge Sterrett suggested that all the taxing agencies
involved in the county line dispute meet to solve the matter. This would
include the counties, the school districts and the cities.
Mr. Cozby presented the ordinances adopting the building, fire, electrical
and plumbing codes for approval. Mr. Ruppell stated that he would like to
present a proposed amendment to one of the codes but that he was not prepared
to do so now. He moved that the matter be tabled until the next meeting.
Mr. Harwell seconded the motion and motion was carried unanimously.
The council discussed how much to pay Pat Lloyd, building inspector for the
city. Mr. Harwell moved that Mr. Lloyd be paid $90.00 which would pay him
through October 1, 1970 ($10.00 per month), Mr. Ruppel seconded the motion
and motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Gentry presented the foliowine bills for payment:
Coppell Superette $16..73
North Lake Service Center 83.48
__ Petty cash 23,65
Grapevine Electric Co. 5e57
English Automotive & Supply Co, 44.48
Central Blueprint Co. 7.0~
International Harvester Co. 2.03
L. L. Lewis Firefighting Equip. 23.00
Universal Fire Equipment 560.00
Allied Sandblasting Co, 80.00
Atlas Supply Co. 352,00
A. P. Vanbebber 445.50
National Building Centers 1,68
Bowles & Eads 628.00
Thompson-Hayward Chemical Co. 37.50
Mr. Ruppel moved that the bills be paid with the exception of English Auto-
motive and Supply Co. and Coppell Superette. Mr. Dobecka seconded the motion
and motion carried unanimously.
Kelly Story appeared at the council's request to give a report on his police
activities. The council requested that he spend more time on his police
duties, particularly in the main part of town rather than on Beltline.
Mr. McGiboney moved that Mr. Story be given permission to have the radar
on his police ear repaired. Mr. Harwell seconded the motion and motion
carried unanimously. Mr. Wilson suggested that the city consider having two
part-time policemen rather than one full-time man as they had planned. Other
... councilmen and Mr. Story were favorable to the suggestion and plan to look
; into this possibility further.
Mr. Cozby requested that 'the Council meet Thursday night, September 10, to
work up the budget for 1971.
Mr. Vanbebber requested that the council buy a 2" diaphragm pump which he said
is not needed very often but badly needed when it is. The price is approximately
$350.00 including suction hose and strainer. Mr. bicGiboney moved that the pump
be purchased. Mr. Dobecka seconded the motion and motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Gentry submitted his resignation as City Secretary, effective October 1,
1970. Mr. WilSon moved that his resignation be accepted. Mr. Harwell
seconded the motion and motion carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned,
PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 8th DAY oF September , 1970,
Passed and approved this day of , 1970.
E. C. Gentry, City Secretary