October 5, 1970
All members of City Council and the Mayor were present. W. H. Wilson
acted as secretary for the meeting.
The Mayor opened the meeting at 7:30. The following business was brought
before the Council:
(-1)- An application for "full time" policeman
Mr. Merritt McGouirk of Arlington, Texas (Phone 261-2821) made
application to the Council for full-time police work. He is 45 years old and
has a wife and daughter; however, the daughter is away in school. Mr. McGouirk
is not certified as a police officer in the State of Texas. He worked on the
police force in Santa Barbara, California, after which he served for one year
as a security guard at the University of Texas. He is now employed with a
security company in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. He has about five years
experience in police work. Mr. McGouirk agreed to take the necessary courses
to obtain certification by the State of Texas. He has a new mobil home and
can locate in Coppell immediately. His salary requirements are at least
(2) Franchise for Trash Pick-up
Mr. Brady of Hurst, Texas~ requested a franchise for trash pick-up
in the City. His phone number after 6 pm is 368-1259 (Dallas). Mr. Brady,
about 35, is new in the business of residential trash pick-up; however~ he has
worked in commercial pick-up. He and a relative have three trucks equipped
with press and dump. He would pick-up trash once a week for nine months of
the year for $2/mo. During the three summer months~ he would pick-u p twice
a week for $2.50/mo. Out of the ordinary trash (water'heaters, iceboxes~
large tree limbs, etc.) would be picked up once a month upon request. An
additional charge would be made for this service. A service contract was
submitted. Bill Harwell made a motion that the order of business be tabled
until the man now picking up trash has a chance to appear before the Council
for a franchise. Mr. Ruppel seconded the motion. The vote was 5 for, 0 against.
(3) Budget Hearing & Ordinance #58
Mr. Danford of Burleson and Walker (Auditing firm) met with the
Council to help explain parts of the budget. The budget was read and
explained to the satisfaction of all. There were those present, however,
who did not agree with some of the budgeted expenditures itemized under each
department. Richard Lee was very concerned about the budget for the Fire
Department. He especially wanted his requested $1680~ which is $7/person/mo.
for up to 20 firemen to remain a part of the budget. He also thought the
budgeted capital outlay should be increased. After much discussion, Mr. Ruppel
made a motion to transfer $500 from the Public Works Department-Capital Outlay
to the Fire Department-Capital Outlay. Before a second was made, Mr. Danford
informed us that money could be transferred from one department to another by
the Council at any time. Thus, Mr. Ruppel's motion died for lack of a second.
Mr. Wilson then made a motion to approve the budget as submitted by the adoption
of Ordinance #58- The motion was seconded by Mr. Ruppel and the vote was
unaminous for its adoption and approval.
(4) Budget Ammendment
Mr. Ruppel made a motion that $500.00 be transferred from Public
Works Department-Capital Outlay to Fire Department-Capital Outlay. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Dobecka. The vote was unaminous for the ammendment.
(5) Ordinance #59
Ordinance #59 which levied an ad valorem tax for the year 1970
was read, discussed and submitted for approval. Mr. Wilson made the motion
to adopt Ordinance #59 leving a $1.00 tax per $100.00 assessed evaluation
based on 30% of true value. The motion was seconded by Mr. Harwell and
carried 5 to O.
(6) Payment to Burleson & Walker
Mr. Danford informed the Council of the services rendered or
to be rendered in connection with the books for the fiscal year 1969-70. He
suggested that payment of these services be payed out of 69-70 budgeted money.
Motion was made by Mr. Harwell to pay Burleson and Walker for services rendered
for the fiscal year 1969-70 as follows:
Audit $ 500.00
Bookkeeping 1,200.00
System Installation 250.00
Budget Preparation 150.00
Total $2,100.00
The motion was seconded by Mr. Ruppel. Vote 5 for, 0 against.
(7) Resending Motion
A motion was made by Mr. McGiboney to resend the passage of
Ordinance #59 on the basis that 30 days are required between the filing date
of a budget hearing and the passage of such an ordinance. Mr. Dobecka
seconded the motion and it carried 5 to O.
(8) Payment of Bills
The following bills were submitted for payment:
1. H.G. Summer Plumbing $1380.00
2. White Auto Store 33-29
3. Bowles & Edens Supply Co. 586.84
4. Telephone (General Fund) 19.61
5. Telephone (Fire Department) 43.70
6. Ray Story 39.85
' 7. Lewisville Leader (Budget Publ.) 1.98
8. Stewart Office Machine 3.25
9- Commercial Metals Co. (Ai.from truck) 75.20
Items #1 was discussed to some length. Mr. Summer extended the main sewer
line 160 ft. east along Coppel Rd. and installed one man-hole. It was reported
to the Council that the line was not installed properly. At least some of the
seals between joints of pipe were cut and the pipe was "blocked" rather than
placed on solid ground. Mr. Summer was informed that the job was not done
properly. However, since Mr. Summer had no written instructions or specifi-
cations pertaining to the job~ most of the Council feels that payment of the
bill is in order. Mr. Ruppel feels that the bill should not be paid at this
time. After some discussion Mr. Wilson made a motion to pay all bills. A
second came from Mr. Dobecka, and the vote was 4 for and Mr. Ruppel against.
(9) Inspection of Sewer Lines
Since H. G. Summer was hired to lay the main sewer line, yard
lines, and make sewer taps in the Parker Addition, a closer inspection was
deemed necessary. Mr. Summer has ignored our inspection requirements and has
covered all work done to date in the Parker Addition. Thus, Mr. Vanbebber has
been instructed, with his approval, to have Mr. Summer uncover all work done
in the Parker Addition on October 5th for inspection. Mr. Vanbebber has the
authority to approve or disapprove his work. If the work is unsatisfactory,
Mr. Vanbebber is to inform Mr. Summer of the corrections necessary for approval
of the work. If his work is still not approved, Mr. Parker is to be notified,
and the City will not accept responsibility of the lines in his addition. In
the future all work will be inspected and approved by proper authority before
payment is made and/or before responsibility is assumed by the City.
(10) Emergency Ambulance Service
Mr. Cozby read a letter from R. H. Power of Irving outlining an
Emergency Ambulance Service Study proposed for Dallas County. The cost of
the study is estimated to be $49,000. It is proposed that the cost be shared
by all cities in the County. Based on population, Coppell's share would be
about $68.00. For lack of additional information, Mr. Harwell made a motion
to table the matter until the next meeting. It was seconded by Mr. Dobecka.
Vote 5 to O.
(11) Police Department Report
Mr. Scott reports that since our last meeting,one arrest was
made, two tickets were issued. Fifty dollars was collected as fine for the
man arrested and sent to jail. Twenty dollars was collected on one speeding
ticket. We have yet to hear from the other ticket issued.
(12) Full Time Policeman
Mr. Ruppel brought up the subject of hiring a full-time police-
man. He also made a motion to hire Kelly Story for the job. Kelly agreed
to work for $750/mo. Later he said that he would take $700/mo. Mr. Harwell
agreed to a second to the motion provided Mr. Story would work for $600/mo.
on a six-month trial basis. Kelly would not accept $600/mo. so Mr. Harwell
agreed to $650/mo. Kelly still would not take the job. Mr. McGiboney then
seconded Mr. Ruppel's motion to hire Mr. Story as Police Chief for $700/mo.
provided Mr. Story would agree to the job description which would be prepared
later by the City Council. Mr. Wilson was the only Council member voting
against the hiring of Mr. Story.
(13) Replacement for Mr. Gentry
Mrs. Rush has agreed to work five days/week instead of three
days/week in order to do the work previously done by Mr. Gentry. She has
made only one request and that is that no one messes with her books without
her permission. Mr. Gentry has agreed to help Mrs. Rush until she becomes
familiar with his "past" duties. The Council agreed to this working arrange-
ment,~ It was agreed that her salary would remain at its present rate per hour.
She now is paid $3/hour or $234/mo. or $2808/year. Her salary starting
October l, 1970~ would be $3/hr. or $390/mo. or $4680/year.
(14) Secretary for Meetings
Until someone can be hired permanently to take the minutes of
all scheduled meetings of the Council and its appointed Boards the secretary's
job is open. Mr. Harwell has been given the task of getting a secretary for
the next regular meeting of the Council. He feels that some high school girl
now taking short hand and typing will be suitable for the job. A salary of
$2/hr. was agreed upon.
(15) Close of Meeting
A motion was made by Mr. McGiboney and seconded by Mr Ruppel .
to adjorn the meeting. Vote 5 to 0. Time - 11:50.
W. H. Wilson
Acting Secretary
October 5, 1970