The Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, met in regular session
October 19, 1970, with the following members present to-wit:
Wheelice Wilson (Protom)
Johnny Dobecka, Councilman
r Bill Harwell, Councilman
' Ted Ruppel, Councilman
Jim McGiboney, Councilman
constituting a quorum, where among other proceedings had was the
followin g:
Minutes of the September 21, and October 5, 1970, were read and
A representative from H & J Disposal of Lewisville, Texas appeared
before the council to request an option of a five year franchise
to collect trash in the City of Coppell. In 1967 a one year fran-
chise was made with H & J Disposal and since 1968 they have been
working for Coppell undeA- no renewed franchise. Item # 9 pre-
sented by H & J Disposal was as follows: "This franchise shall
be for five (5) years, with a five (5) year option. A motion
of change was made by Mr. Bill Harwell that H & J Disposal operate
in the City off Coppell on a 1 year franchise· This motion was
seconded by Mr. Ruppel and passed unanimously~ 'Other requirements
made by H & J Disposal for the individual citizen are as follows:
3- Brush shall be cut into lengths not exceeding four (4) feet,
and bundled, and placed on the curb line·
4. Dead animals shall not be removed·
~ 5. Heavy accumulations such as brick, broken concrete, lumber,
~ dirt, plaster, sand, gravel, automobile parts, and metal shall not
i be removed
'-'-' 6. Manure from cow lots, horse stables, poultry yards, etc. shall
not be removed.
Hexter and James from H & J Disposal can be contacted at:
Hexter 539-2614 James 539-3933
In regards to city manager Mr. Bishop asked to be excused.
The sewer line laid by Mr. Summers was inspected by our engineer
firm and was not approved. Mr. Summers did further work on the
line,and it was again inspected, and this time approved.
The best thought of route for the sewer line to be laid to the
Wilson and Thweatt trailer parks would be to come down the east
side of Denton Tap Road about 200 feet from the north side of
the creek to the exsisting sewer line.
Mr. Dobecka made the motion that the council give permission to
Faye Rush to be authorized to sign checks. This motion was seconded
by Mr. Bill Harwell and was passed unanimously.
Building code ordinance tabled to next meeting.
A 49,000 dollar emergency ambulance services was available for SW
Ceppell at $68. Mr. Harwell-declined to pass this. The motion
made by Mr. Harwell was seconded by Mr. McGiboney and passed
Complaints were made on sewer gas in the Russel-Grace area on Kaye
Street. Mr. Ruppel was asked to check on a chemical that could be
used to relieve our present problem.
No action was taken to decide whether fireworks would be permitted
in town.
Mr. McGiboney read a letter describing the Job description of
Mr. Story's new full time job. This letter was them signed by
Mr. Story and Mr. Wilson (protem).
Budget hearing ordinance #59 was read, approved by a motion,
seconded, and passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned.
PASSED AND APPROVED 19th DAY OF October, 1970. ,
Passed and approved this day of , 1970.
Patty Dobecka, City Secretary