The Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, met in regular session
November '2, 1970, with the following members present to-wit:
W. T. Cozby, Mayor
Wheelice Wilson, Councilman
Johnny Dobecka, Councilman
Ted Ruppel, Co unc ilman
Jim McGiboney, Councilman
constituting a quorum, where among other proceedings had was the
Minutes of the October 19, 1970 were read, corrected and them
The correction to the minutes was that the ambulance (emergency)
study was a study and not a service as yet.
Item 1
Mayor Cozby read a letter to the council from the Dallas County
League Ambulance Service. After the letter was read it was discussed by
the council and Mr. McGiboney made a motion that Coppell at $68 par-
ticipate in the first phase of the study. This motion was seconded
by Mr. Wilson.
Item 2
The council was informed that our policy with State Farm Insurance
would be canceled beginning on November 11, 1970. The State Farm
Insurance Agency sent a letter stating we were ineligible. They
also gave us permission to use their letter when finding another
insurance firm for proof of the reason our insurance policy was
canceled with them. Mr. McGiboney thinks a new insurance agency
prospect might be Liberty Mutual. He said he would check into this.
Item 3
Mr. Summers appeared before the council so that some definite agree-
ments could be set up concerning inspections on the sewer lines, and
to see if something could be done about the meter on Howell Drive.
The present problem is,that when people move into the new homes the
meters have already registered water that was not used by the new home
dwellers. The council did agree to have something definitely done
about this. Mr. Vanbebber was at this meeting and the council asked
if he would be inspector of our sewer lines. He agreed as sole
inspector he would accept the job. Mr. McGiboney then made the mo-
tion that 1) The line be left uncovered from the foundation to the
main until inspected. 2) An inspection be given the next day after
notified an inspection is needed. 3) The use of red and green tags
in inspection procedure. This motion was passed 5-0.
Item 4
Bills to be paid
Bowles and Edens Corpration 15.00
K&D Tooling 30.00
Lewisville Leader 16,98
Rastus Joine 30.98
Ray Story 35.25
A. P. Vanbebber 246.80
(labor and material )
F ire truck 81.80
Dallas County Jail 2.00
Mr. Dobecka made a motion that the bills be paid. The motion was
seconded by Mr. McGiboney an was passed unanimously.
tem 5
Mr. Wilson informed the council that more complaints were made
on sewer gas odor. Mr. Ruppel remarked that he was still check-
ing on a chemical.
Item 6
Mr. Thweat asked the council for their policy on moving trailors
in beside a house. The council replied in giving him the policy
and some exceptions-'that could be made.
Item 7
Report on arrest and tickets was given by Mr. Scott for the month
ending October 31, 1970. There had been one arrest and a total of
15 tickets and at this time he had collected for four of the tickets
averaging a total of $90.
Item 8
There was a discussion for a new police car. Two bids were presented
at this meeting one from Newt Miller Ford, Lewisville and the other
from Payton Wright, Grapevine. The council, however, decided to
table this to the next meeting when other bids could be presented.
The meeting was adjourned.
W. T. Cozby, Mayor
Passed and approved this day of . , 1970
Patty Dobecka, City Secretary