CM 1970-11-16 OUNTY OF DALLAS STATE OF TEXAS The council of the City of Coppall,Texas, met in regular session November 16,1970, ,,with the following members present to wit: W. T. Cozby, Mayor Jim Mc Giboney, councilman Ted Ruppel, councilman Wheelice Wilson, councilman Johnny Dobecka, councilman Bill Harwell, councilman constituting a quorum, where among other proceedings had was the following: Minutes of the November 2, 1970 were read, corrected andthen approved. The corrections to the minutes was that the Fire Dept. expense of 81.80 was relating to fixing the ford fire truck. Part of the money was reimbursed to individuals who had spent some of ---~ their money and time working on it. Item 1 Mr. Jack Maxwell requested a permit to move his house to Kaye Street. The council discussed this matter and felt a permit could be granted to Mr. Maxwell under usual procedures if within 4 months or (one hundred twenty ) days his house would be in equivalent shape as to the one he previously owned. Mr. McGiboney made this a motion. This motion was seconded by Mr. Ruppel and passed unanimously~ Item 2 Mr. Bob Parker made a request that the water and sewer line and his seconded street be assessed. Mr. Wilson made a motion that this matter be tabled until figures could be presented to the council. This was seconded by Mr. Harwell and passed unanimously.. Item 3 A street marker was requested for a section of partially new housing off of Sandy Lake Road location identification where Stringfellows reside).. Mayor Cozby suggested the street be named NASHSt. Mr. McGiboney made the motion that a street marker be purchased reading MASH St.., and if extra was not charged~ on the same sign but different marker have SANDY LAKE. This was seconded by Mr. Dobecka and passed unanimously. Item 4 Mayor Cozby made the suggestion to seal all man holes in flood areas. Mr. McGiboney made a motion to hire someone to check the underflood level man holes and to make all the necessary re- pairs. This motion was seconded by Mr. Ruppel and passed 5-0. Item 5 Repair was said to be needed on two pressure tanks. Mr. Wilson made the motion that the council hire Mr. Ed Harris to repair theee two tanks. This was seconded by Mr. Dobecka and Mr. Harwell and passed unanimously. Item 6 Mr. Bob Clemets requested the job of meter reader. No action was taken. Item7 The Mercantile Bank wants us to request reinvestment with our cd with them. Mr. McGiboney made the motion we renew the cd; this was seconded by Mr. Ruppel and passed 5-0. Item 8 Mayor Cozby gave recognition to paying our Attorney Firm the budget of $1,000. Mr. Wilson,,then, moved a motion that the $1,000 be paid to our Attorney Firm for legal services rendered for the past year. This motion was seconded by Mr. Harwell and passed 5-0. Item 9 Mr. Roy Grosher appeared before the council requesting the job of city manager, them briefly told of some of his background. He graduated from Corpus Christi High School. Served in the Navy. Went through an Electronic School and then taught for 6 months. After 14 years his eyes went bad then he served as a ground officer organizing a number of maintenance groups. We was a Lt. Commander in the Air Craft Field. He also, stated that he had much experience with people and new projects. The council then requested that they soon recieve a resume from him. Item 10 The Fort Worth District Regional Airport wants the councils commission to close Cotton and County Road. Mr. Harwell made the motion to approve the closing of the two reads in the city. Mr. McGiboney seconded this motion and it was passed unanimously. Item 11 Mr. Story requested the permission of the council to attend a 3 day school the 8, 9, and 10 of December pertaining to his job as a police officer. Mr. McGiboney made the motion that the council allow him these 3 days for the school. This motion was seconded by Mr. Harwell and passed 5-0. Item 12 The Fire Department needs 3 extra phones. Mr. Harwell made the motion that these 3 phones be granted to their services. Mr. Ruppel seconded motion and it passed 5-0. Item 13 The council reviewed the action of the police report. tem 14 Mr. Adams requested that a vacant house he owned be comdemned. No action was taken. Item 15 New bids were presented to the discussion of a new police car. The council , however, decided that they would buy from Payton Wright in Grapevine at $3190.00. Mr. Ruppel made the motion to put the car on order right away. This motion was seconded by Mr. Harwell and was passed 5-0. The meeting was adjourned. PASSED AND A PPROVED 16th THIS DAY OF November, 1970. W. T. Cozby, Mayor Passed and approved this 16th daysof November ,1970. Patty Dobecka, Secretary