CM 1970-12-21 Dallas County
State of Texas
The city council of Coppell Texas, met in regular session December 21,
1970 with the following members present to wit:
W.T. Cozby,'Mayor
Johnny Dobecka, councilman
Wheelice Wilson, councilman
~" Jim McGiboney, councilman
I i Bill Harwell, councilman
~_. Ted Ruppel, councilman
constituting a quorum, in which the following procedures were as:
T he minutes of the last meeting, December 7, l970 were read and
Item 1
Mr. Flynn requested from the council permission for Jack Maxwell 's
mother-in-law to move with her mobile on to his property. Some
of the feelings of some of the councilmen were: They felt she was
· not disabled or sick considering, she did substitute teaching at Coppell
High School.At first it was a temporary time situation she had when her
mobile home was parked by Mr. Maxwells home. The council also felt
that the purpose against her not wanting to move in a trailer court
would have to be looked into little more. However, after a prolonged
discussion Mr. McGiboney made the motion that the matter be tabled
until Mr. Flynn could present further detailed facts. Mr. Ruppe!
seconded this motion and it passed 5-0.
Item 2
The mayor and city councilman were informed by a letter from the North
Texans Council that the fee has been raised from $25 to $50.
Item 3
Our city Judge, Mr. Scott requested a raise. Mr. Ruppel made the
motion to give him a $10 raise. Mr. Dobecka seconded the motion and it
passed 4-0, .Mr. Harwell opposing.
Item 4
The City of Dallas, Water Utilities would like to obtain a contract
to sell water to the City of Coppell. The water would come from the
south-east section of North Lake from 1.10 to 1.5 million gallon
per day. We were asked to call if we needed any further information.
No action was taken.
Item 5
There were two individuals who requested pay before regular pay day~
One of whom was Mr. Ward for labor of roofing the city hall. Mr.
Harwell made the motion to pay him; Mr. McGibomey seconded motion and it
passed 5-0. The other person was Mr. Story for his salary from Dec.
15 to Jan. l; the last pay period of the yesr,1970. Mr. Ruppel made the
motion to pay him. Mr. McGiboney seconded it and passed 5-0.
Item 6
Our exemption number was asked for. This number would be used for
those taxable items to be tax exemptions at the end of the year.
For example; The gas rebate at the end of the year would be the
state tax portion off gasoline.
~-~ Item 7
The membership fee of the Greater Dallas League of Municipalities was
increased $10. Our check was asked to be sent. Considering there was
,, nothing else we could do Mr. Harwell made the motion to pay the $10
increase. Mr. Ruppel seconded the motion and it passed 5-0.
Item 8
-Mr. Harwell found an insurance that would cover each fireman, councilnan
and police officer for $5.57 per person for one yea r. However, this'
insurance will only apply to those who have not had a moving violation
ticket in the past six months. The council agreed for Mr. Harwell to
take action.
Item 9
There was a discussion for paying of the new police car. The council
decided to pay for it out of the publics fees and not by a note.
Mr. Story informed the cc!uncil that an inexpensive way that he found
for a decal to be put on the car would be by painting it on, and that
found someone who he thinks will, do it. The council agreed to this method.
Mr. Ruppel made the motion to pay for this newI police car purchased form
Payton Wright in Grapevine. ~. Wilson seconded this motion and it
passed ~-0.
Item 10
The Dallas Regional Airport have some recommendations for airport
hazards, which our city council wished to disregard for the time
being, .
Item 11
A letter from Carrollton and Famers Branch was sent to the council
inquiring about which plan we intend to use for building dikes in the
Trininty River . They intend to use the Core of Engineering Plan in
which dikes will be built 700 feet apart and, in which, the cities
will have' to buy the land that is 350 feet from the center Of river,
0ur council agreed, also, to choose the Core of Engineering Plan.
Item 12
Mayor Cozby felt that the council should begin...thinking of some plans
for a new city hall. Theee was some discussion about just extra office
space for the time being and, also how this effect out budget if we
our to hire a city manager at approximately the same time.
Item 13
The police report was given and also a discussion of gasoline expense
of the city owned vehicles. Mr. Story and some of the council members
feIt to install a tank might be the solution for a decrecse in the
cities gasoline expense, Mr. Story said he would look into this
for the council,
The meeting was adjourned,
PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 21st 'DAY OF December . ,1970
W. T. Cozby, Mayor
Passed and approved this day of ,1970.
Patty Dobecka, Secretary