CM 1971-01-18 COUNTY OF DALLAS STATE OF TEXAS The Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, met in regular session January 18, 1971, with the following members present to-wit: W. T. Cozby, Mayor Wheelice Wilson Councilman Jim McGiboney, ouncilman ~ ~ Johnny Dobecka, Councilman Bill Harwell, Councilman Constituting a quorum where among other proceedings had was the following: Item 1 Mr. A. P. Vanbebber discussed with the council a chemical that could be used to clean the wet wells. Now the wet wells are carrying to high a load and the thru lines are being clogged up. Mr. Vanbebber estimated that approximately ninety pounds of chemical @ $115.00 would have to be used to clean the wet wells, after this 10 pounds a month for upkeep. After some discussion Mr. Wilson made the motion that the lift stations, be cleaned, and the chemical treatment be put through the sewer lines. Mr. McGiboney seconded the motion and it passed 4-0. Item 2 AJunk yard has been started on Beltline Road, and it is believed that Mr. Story has talked to the owner before about and so far the owner has shown no cooperation. The council felt that at this point a the owner should be given a citation. The council felt also that ordinance should b. written up specifying certain requirements on this matter. Item 3 Mr. H. P. Fox appeared before the council with his resume in request for the City Manager .Job. He is age 64 and was a maintenance engineer. ~" The council expressed that they desired someone who knew something about local government. Item 4 The council was informed that the insurance on the Firemen of Coppell needed to be renewed with the Dallas Insurance Agency @ $353.12. Mr. Wilson made the motion that the insurance with the Dallas Insurance Agency be renewed. Mr. Harwell seconded the motion and it passed 4-0. Item 5 Mr. Vanbebbers salary was discussed. The council made a slight investi- gation whereas, they found that there was enough money in the budget to give Mr. Vanbebber a $ 75.00 raise. Mr. McGiboney made the motion that Mr. Vanbebber in performing the same duties in the past be given $75.00 raise. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion and it passed 3-1. Item 6 A citizen on Erby Street made a complaint of smoldering smells from trash burning from a trailor court. It makes it hard for him to sit on his patio and relax after work. He asked that the city adopt an ordinance in specifying that trash be burned in the morning. The council, in considering that most of the firemen were not in town at this time of day, felt that in the morning was not a good time to burn trash. No further action was taken. Item 7 The Airport Zoning Ordinance had to be put off till next meeting when more information could be obtained. The Zoning Board will work up an ordinance and the decision will be left up to our city council, how- ever this must be acted upon by the first of February. Item 8 There was discussion on disannexation in the vicinity between Deforest Rd. and Denton Creek however there was no one present to present the case. No action was taken. Item 9 Mr. Nisbett requested that a meter be set and a line be tapped to his house. He has already paid the tie on fee. Item lO Mrs. Shockey wanted to renew the permit for her Child Care Nursery for the year of 1971. Mr. McGiboney made the motion that the renewal for the Care Nursery permit be allowed. Mr. Dobecka seconded the motion and it carried 4-0. Item 10 The following bills were presented for approval: Fire Department Expense Commercial Metal Co. 5-47 Banquet tickets 27.00 Police Expense nylon Jacket 3 pairs trousers 55.50 shirt 1~$50 Frenchy Manley ,18.00 (squad car door lettering) ~- Texas Automobile Ins. 131.33 (12 volt signal lights ) Installation of car radio 60.00 Clerence Jones Sheriff (4 prisoners-board ) 7.00 Bowles &Eden ~14907 4 Street signs 3 Holly Street Nash Street Shadydale Lane Oak Trail Annual Meeting dinner (reimbursing Mayor Cozby ) 7.00 Mr. Wilson movedthat the following bills be approved. Mr. McGiboney seconded the motion and it passed 4-0. - Item 11 The police report was given. The meeting was adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS18th DAY 0FJanuary ,19!71, W.T. Cozby, Mayor Passed and approved this 18 day of January ,1971. Patty Dobeka, Secretary