CM 1971-02-01COUNTY OF DALLAS STATE OF TEXAS The Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, met in regular session February l, 1971 with the following members present to-wit: W.T. Colby, Mayor Johnny Dobecka, Councilman Bill Harwell, Councilman Wheelice Wilson, Councilman Jim McGiboney, Councilman Ted Ruppel, Councilman constituting a quorum, where amoung other proceedings had was the following: The minutes of the last meeting, January 18, 1971 were read and approved. 1, The motion was made by Mr. Harwell and Seconded by Mr. Dobecka carrying 4-0. Item 1 Mr. Glen A. Moore of 13953 Lillard Street, Farmers Branch, Texas appeared before the council in request for the opening office of city manager. Mr. MOore submitted a resume to the council and the following is some brief information about him; Mr. Moore attended Cooke County College and majored in government public administration. In 1964 through 67 he was employed with Suddath Insurance Agency; 1967 through 1968 Baifield Industry, and form August of 1969 to the present he has been working for the City of Farmers Branch as an administrative Assistant. Mr-. Moore, also, has a very good list of references. Item 2 City elections are being held April 3, 1971- Voting will take place at Coppell City Hall form 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.. Mr. Wilson made the motion to elect a mayor and two councilmen both for two year terms. Mr. HArwell seconded the motion and it passed 4-0. Item 3 Mayor Cozby read a letter from our attorney concerning the statute of peace officers. The letter stated that no prerson after September l, 1970 shall be appointed as a peace officer unless under a temporary situation and unless a person has completed a prepartory program of training in law enforcement by a school approved or controlled by the commision. The citys~ attorneyproposed an ordinance for junk yards. Mr. Wilson made the motion to accept ordinance #65 relatining to incapacitated cars. Mr. Harwell seconded the motion and it carried 4 -0 Item 4 Mr. Paris was given a check for $40 for the citys purchase of steel. Mr. A. P. Vanbebber replied that the amount of steel purchased was enough to fix both tanks. Item 5 The Commission Court of Dallas County recognised our order for repair of Park Street in Coppell. This repair will be done @ $500 and will be charged to District H-1 Road and Budget. Item 6 Mr. Wilson made the motion to table the county wide library service that was introduced to the council. Mr. Dobecka seconded the motion and it carried 5-0 Item 7 Ordinance #64 caption reads as follows: "An ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas creating the purpose of preventing the creation or establishment of airport hazards, surrounding the Dallas Fort Worth Regional Joint Airport; delineating the membership of said board; appointing two representatives to the Dallas Fort Worth Regional joint Airport Zoning Board from the city of Coppell, Texas and declaring on emergency.. Mr. Harwell made the motion to accept Ordinance #64 ~ with Ted Ruppel and Erwin Beal as the cttys' two representatives. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion and it carried 5-0. Item 8 Item ~ Item 8 The Lone Star Steel Company has had a suit filed against it, concerning cast iron pipe. Mr. Wilson made the motion that a resolution be drawn up withdrawing from this matter. Mr. Harwell seconded the motion, and it was passed 5-0 Item 90 Mr. Hopkins requested some information on the zoning of his property used for housing in Copell. The council felt that he should consult with the Zoning Board on this matter. No further action was taken. Item 10 The following bills were presented for payment: Police expense-gasoline Sinclair--North Lake 14. ~9 Superette 17.7~ (flashlight batteries ) I 6 (paper clips ) ~ ~35 Conoco--Ralph Joiner ll. 08 - - Gulf -~ ~ E.E. Johns 7 · 00 Shafer Food Store--gas 75.12 Good Landscaping 96 · 00 K. D. Tooling 16.00 (2 bushings, brass ) Helms Printing Co. 35.60 (1,000 envelopes ) Thompson Hayard Chemical Co. (for chlorine ) 19.50 Carrollton electric 20 ' 200" ~ 12.00 White Auto Store 53 bolts, nuts washers, dri ll bits. 5.47 Johnnie Renfroe (reimbersed--Trinity Concrete 60.00 ~ Patty Dobecka secretarial work 12.00 Communications Service Inc. (replacing cable on police car) 15.00 (technical service--transmission line ) 25.00 Brook TailOrs Inc. (uniform cap) for Mr. Story 6.50 Oomercisl Standards lns. inc. (liabilities ins. for vehicles) 564.00 Dallas Ins. Agency 139-00 Mr. Wilson made the motion that the above bills be paid; Mr. Dobecka seconded the motion and it carried 5-0- Item ll Mr. Scott reported thst eight tickets had been issured and seven arrest had been made for the month of aanuary. Item 12 Mr. Harwell suggested that there be a change in the method of the daily police~ report. Mr. Harwell explained that Mr. C. R. Story had talked to him in saying that names being let out to the public that are in the police report are getting him into trouble. No action was taken. There was some more discussion on the gas tank for the cites' vehicle use. No action was taken. The meeting was adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 1st DAY OF February, 1971. W. T. Cozby, Mayor Passed and approved this 1st day of February, 1971. Patty Dobecka, Secretary