CM 1971-03-01DALLAS COUNTY STATE OF TEXAS The Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, met in regular session March l, 1971 with the following members present to-wit: W. T. Cozby, Mayor Wheelice Wilson, councilman Johnny Dobecka, councilman Bill Harwell, councilman Jim McGiboney, councilman Ted Ruppell~ councilman constituting a quorum, where among other proceedings had was the following: The minutes of the January 15, 1971 were read, and the following amend was made. The new location of Mr. Thweats home,. that was recently sold is at the corner of Coppell Road and Kaye Street. Item I After the council discussed some of the problems with the waterline running form Carrollton to Coppell Mr-. Ruppel made a motion to accept ordinance "AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE CITY OF DALLAS PERMISSION TO BUILD, MAINTAIN, OPERATE, REPAIR AND RECONSTRUCT WATER LINES OR WATER MAINS IN AND ACROSS CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS, ROADS 0R PUBLIC WAYS IN THE CITY OF COPPELL; PROVIDING FOR ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS OF THIS GRANTS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGEMCY." M. Dobecka seconded the motion and the motion carried 5-0. Item I I Mayor Cozby read a letter from Explorer-Pipe-Company requesting an easement be granted them for the purpose of a product line. Mr. Wilson made a motion that the easement going up the railroad be granted them. Mr. Dobecka seconded the motion and the motion was carried 5-0. Item .III Mrs. McMahon wanted to move two houses in the Stringfellow addition. The two houses did not met standards required in house measurement. No permit was granted. Item 1V A citizen wanted to know if a mobile home park would be allowed on Mills property. After some discussion the council decided that at the present time no mobile home park should be allowed until the others pn Coppell have been filled. Item V Mr. Macdou requested a two inch line rather than the one inch line he had now running to his house. This matter was tabled until more in- formation about this situatuion could be obtained. Item VI Mr. Staten still would like to know if a water line could be installed from Coppell to Lucky Corner. At the present time the council feels it is impossible. Item VII Mrs. Thompson would like a $21.15 refund f on overtaxation on house and lot. Mr. Wilson made a motion to refund the $21.15 for overtaxation. The motion was seconded by Mr. McGiboney and carried 5-0. Item VIII Carrollton sent an invitation to the councilmen of Coppellto attend the opening day, the seventhof March at two o'clock, for the Central Fire Station, I tem IX Mayor Cozby read a letter from John Witening concerning reconstruction of Lock Lane. This matter was tabled. Item X The following bills were presented for payment: Patty Dobecka 13 · 00 (secretarial work) Lewisville Leader 5-67 (for ordinance ) H, C. Dyer 30.00 (for digging up broken water line ) Bryan Body Shop 50 · O0 (taking dent out of police car) Payton Wright. 6.40 (police car service) Clarence Jones 7.00 (3 prisoners ) Bowles & Eden 51 · 00 Madison Chemical Coporation 131 · 85 International Harvester 5.16 Bill Cook (Conoco) 2.15 Mr. Wilson made a motion that the above bills be paid. The motion was seconded by Mr, McGiboney and was carried 5-0. Item XI Mr, G. A, Moore appeared before the council upon their request. The council offer him $900, a month, and $75 for car expense for the remain- of the year. Mr. Moore accepted the offer. Mr. Ruppel made a motion to accept Mr. Moore for the new city manager, beginning April 1, 1971. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried 5-0. Item XII Mr. Scott reported that ten tickets had been issued. The meeting was adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 1st DAY OF March, 1971. W. T. Cozby, Mayor Passed and approved this 1st dey of March ,1971 Patty Dobecka, Secretary