CM 1971-04-19 COUNTY OF DALLAS STATE OF TEXAS The council of the City of Coppell, Texas, met in regular session April 19, 1971 with the following members present to-wit: H. Scott, Mayor Wheelice Wilson, councilman Bill Harwell, councilman Ted Ruppel, councilman "' Bill Harris, councilman ~ James Henderson, councilman constituting a quorum, where among other proceeding had was the following: The minutes of the last meeting April 5, 1971 were read and approved after the following amend was made: Mr. Henderson was sworn in by Mayor Scott, and Mr. Harris was sworn in by Mr. Henderson. Item 1 Mr. Wilson and Mr. Henderson were nominated for mayor protem. A vote was taken and Mr. Wilson was elected 3-2. Item 2 Mr. Eldrige appeared before the council at the request of Mr. Moore. Mr. Eldridge presented the plan that was made for his housing devel- opment. and approved by the council before any building took place. The plan showed eighty foot lots, but instead he used sixty-five foot lots. The city has taxed Mr. Eldridge for the orginal lots, so to keep the books straight he requested that the council approve and accept the sixty-five foot lots. Mr. Ruppel made a motion to approve the sixty-five foot lots from the eighty foot described in the plan. The motion was seconded by ,Mr. Wilson and carried 4-1. Item 3 The matter with Mr. Ottis Wilson was tabled. Item 4 The matter with Mr. Summers was tabled. Item 5 The council discussed the liability insurancecoverage on city vehicles. $136 has been added to the balance due because at this time some unknown driver or drivers of the fire truck has recieved a moving violation ticket. Mr. Harwell was asked to find out who had recieved a ticket. This matter will be handled by the council later. Item 6 The following bills were presented for payment: Petty cash (replenished) $ 23.11 Central Blue Print 5.00 Bearing and Power Transmission 11.64 Benette Office Supply 1~. ~ Clearance Jones 11.60 Payment for election officials Mr. Gentry 20.00 .~ ...... Mrs. Austin 20.00 Mrs. Eby 20.00 Dallas Ins. Agency 203.00 ~---: (for correcting policy to include coverage for sewer and water). , Dallas County Investment Company 100.00 (for lateral line connections installed) Huffines Motor Company 4.49 (state inspection on fire truck) Lewis Fire Equipment 8.50 (20# dry chemical) Mr. Wilson made a motion to pay the above bills. Th'e motion was seconded by Mr. Harwell and carried 3-2. Item 7 Mrs. Jones appeared before the council to inquire about what actions had been taken toward her previous complaint. ~0 No action was actually taken, but a letter is going to be sent to the health department. Mr. Henderson volunteered to help her out in the case. Item 9 Mayor Scott asked the public before the last portion of the meeting. Mr. Moore read his letter of resignation. Mr. Wilson made a motion to accept his resignation. The motion was seconded by Mr. Harwell and carried 5-0. --~ The council asked Mr. Moore what he thought of our city employees. He replied that Mrs. Rush, Mr. Story, and Mr. Vanbebber were all doing a fine job. He, also thought that we needed more police officers. The council agreed that Mayor Scott, Mrs. Rush, and Mr. Wilson have the authority to sign the city checks. Mr. Moore told the council that he felt that Carrollton would lend the scales to Coppell. The council agreed to pay Mr. Moore a full months salary,$975.00 plus car expense. This motion was made by Mr. Ruppel and seconded by Mr. Wilson. The motion carried 3-0. The meeting was adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 19th DAY OF April 1971. H. Scott, Mayor Passed and approved this 19th day of April, 1971. / , · Patty Dobecka, secretary