The council of the City of Coppell, Texas, met in regular session
May 4, 1971 with the following members present to--wit:
H. Scott, Mayor
Ted Ruppell, councilman
Wheelice Wilson, councilman
Bill Harwell, councilman
Bill Harris, councilman
James Henderson, councilman
constituting a quorum, where among other proceedings had was the
The minutes of the last meeting April 19, 1971 were read and the
following was made, that the $136 on the insurance policy is a
figure that the council does not know what it is fof exactly.
This overcite will be checked into. A motion to approve the minutes
was made by Mr. Wilson seconded hv Mr. Ruppel and carried 5-0.
Item 1
Mrs. Jones appeared before the council to receive an answer on her
complaint. The council informed her that the horses were not in
violation, however the building would have to be moved. Also,
Mr. Hurley has been notified that something would have to be done
about his sewer problem in a certain amount of days.
Item 2
The matter of straightening State Road was tabled.
Item 3
The council discussed the state outer loop in connection with the
airport. Mr. Harris made a motion to stay with our orginal plan,
which was to keep the' loop to the west of Coppell avoiding separation
~_~ of school and recreational area. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson
i which carried 5-0.
Item 4
The council discussed the posting of building permits and agreed
to have new forms made.
Item 5
The council discussed having a study meeting which would bring them
up to date on the building, electric, and plumbing code ordinances.
The council, ,also, discussed havinq Orvel Mayo as the citys electrical
Item 6
The lift station on Oak Grove Street can no longer provide for
Mr. Browns usage. The council agreed that Mr. Brown should be noti-
fied about this situation and also, of his own negligence of mainte-
nance with his lift station by a letter.
Item 7
The city of Coppell received a letter from Henry Grazier pertaining to
the proposed Dallas water line. After some discussion, Mr. Wilson
made a motion for Mr. Styner to ask Mr. Grazier to submit us a con-
tract for Coppell to have the right to pruchase water from the City
of Dallas. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ruppel .which carried 5-0.
Item 8
There was a discussion for finding a place to keep stray animals
that Officer Story picks up. Mrs. Shoemaker of Coppell has kept
some animals before and has agreed to continue this. The council
felt that they should check with the citys' attorney to find out if
Mrs. Shoemaker could legally sell the animals after thirty days.
Item 9
Mr. Vanbebber approached the council in request of a mower for the
citys use. He had a 1954 C1Fb Farm Ail Tractor in mind in which he
looked at and felt would be a good bur for $550. Mr. Vanbebber
commented that the tractor was in fair condition and that the mower
was new. A' motion to approve the purchase of the mower was made by
Mr. Harwell seconded by Mr. Ruppel and carried 3-0, Mr. Harris and
Mr. Henderson abstaining.
Item 10
The council was informed that Johnny Renfroe of Coppell has a load
of gravel the same kind the city uses for patching streets available
for sale to the city of Coppell at $55,18, Mr,Wilson made a motion
to purchase the gravel from Johnny Refroe, The motion was seconded
by Mr. Harwell and carried 5-0,
Item 11
Discussion of the horse ordinance was tabled,
Item 12
The following bills were presented for payment:
Patty Dobecka $15.00
TP&L Company 19,00
Good Landscaping 96,00
A, P, Vanbebber
(labor) 205,00
(materials) 32,25
Thompson Hyward Chemical 19,50
Natioal Building Center 15,50
to change locks
International Harvestor Co,
Mr, Ruppel made a motion to approve the payment of the above bills,
The motion was seconded by Mr, Wilson and carried 5-0,
Item 12
Mrs, Rush asked for a weeks vacation, Mr, Henderson suggested that
Mrs, Woolery of Coppell work in Mrs, Rushs place, Mr, Harris made
a motion that Mrs, Rush be allowed to take her vacation and Mrs, Woolery
take her place, The motion was seconded by Mr, Ruppel and carried
The meeting was adjourned,
H. Scott ' Mayor
Passed and approved this 4th day of May' ,1971,
Patty Dobecka, secretary