The council of the City of Coppell, Texas met in regular session
May 17, 1971 with the following members present to-wit: H. Scott, Mayor
Bill Harwell, councilman
Bill Harris, councilman
James Henderson, councilman
Ted Ruppel, councilman
Wheelice Wilson, councilman
constituting a quorum, where among other proceedings had was the
foll owing:
The minutes of the last meeting May 3, 1971 were read. A motion to
aprove the minutes was made by Mr. Harwell, seconded by Mr. Wilsom,
and carried 5-0.
Mr. Wilson made a public apology to clear all misunderstandings
that were encountered towards the character of Mrs, Woolery, who
substituted for Mrs. Faye Rush while on vacation. Any statement
Mr. Wilson made was not intended to attack the character of Mrs. Woolery.
Mr. Wilson's intentions were only to clarify who was permitted to
possess the keys to the city hall.
Item 2
Mayor ScOtt informed the council that Mr. Lawerence Jackson had
sent several ordinances from different cities on how they control
livestock whithin the city.
Item 3
Mayor Scott presented the c.c. letter ~. Styner sen~ to Mr. Graizer
concerning the water line.
Item 4
The council requested that Mayor Scott send a letter to the Texas
Highway Department telling where Coppell wants the outer loop to run
through the city.
Item 5
The council diccussed getting blueprints made on the original water
system at a bid of $450.00.
Item 6
Mayor Scott reported to the council that Mr. Brown had been contacted,
but could not make this meeting. The council then suggested and all
agreed that a special meeting be called at Mr. Browns convenience.
Item 7
The matter with Mr. Staten was tabled.
Item 8
Mr. and Mrs. Williams appeared before the council requesting approval
of operating in the trailor courts by car or truck with their pest
control business. Mr. Henderson made a motion to approve of their
operating in the City of Coppell until later notified. This motion
was seconded by Mr. Ruppel and carried 5-0.
Item 9
The matter of a zoning change requested by Mr. Lesley could not be
acted upon.
Item 10
The matter with Walter Davis was tabled.
Item 11~
Officer Story requested six additional roads signs for the city of
Coppell. The council agreed to have this expense allowed for in the
next budget.
Item 12
The council discussed and agreed that officer Story and Judge Scott
give a monthly report the first meeting of every month..
Item 13
The council discussed borrowing the weights from Carrollton and
weighing the gravel trucks that go through Coppell.
Item l4
Mrs. Dorothy Small requested some help on measuring lots and houses
for tax purpoSes. Mr'. Henderson was appointed for this Job.
The meeting was adjourned.
H. Scott, Mayor
Passe and ap proved this ~ day of , 1971.
Patty Dobecka, secretary