CM 1971-06-07DALLAS COUNTY STATE OF TEXAS The council of theCity of Coppell, Texas met in regular session on June 7, 1971, with the following members present to-wit: Scott H. , Mayor Bill Harwell, councilman Ted Ruppell, councilman Bill Harris, councilman James Henderson, councilman constituting a quorum where among other proceedings had was the following. Item 1 The minutes of the last meeting May 17, 1971 were read. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Mr. Harris seconded by Mr. Harwell and carried 4-0. Item 2 Mr. Brown has begun taking co-operative action concerning the connection he had on the lift station on Oak Grove Street. Item 3 Mayor Scott informed the council that he had contacted the county con- cerning the road signs needed. The county has agreed to replace, and erect all signs that were needed on county roads. Mayor Scott and Officer Story felt that approximately 50 signs were needed altogether on county and city roads. A list of signs wanted should be sent to the county with a statement that these signs be put up without any cost to the City of Coppell. A motion was then made for the county to erect the road signs, and in addition 6 new city limit signs be erected by the City of Coppell not exceeding the cost of $50.00. This motion was seconded by Mr. Henderson and carried 4-0. Item 4 Mayor Scott informed the council that the bid the county gave to fix Holley Street was beyond the specified amount that the council had agreed upon previously. Mr. Ruppell made a motion to send a letter authorizing to spend as much as $200 to gravel and grade Hollev Street. This motion was seconded by Mr. Harwell and carried 4-0. Item 5 Complaints were made of the conditions on Deforest and Loge Road. There would be no expense to the City of Coppell if a letter to the county sent requesting that these two roads be fixed. The council agreed that this type of letter be sent. Item 6 The matter of purchasinG signs identifying the City Hall, Police Station and Fire Dept. was tabled. Item 7 No action was taken on the livestock ordinance. Item 8 Mayor Scott suggested that a letter be sent to the Texas Highway Department, and to any of our state representatives and senators concerning our feel- ings, about loop nine. Item 9 Mr. Brown appeared before the council. wanting to know when water would be available to him for fire protection. The answer received was that Coppell's water system is in a planning stage .and it could be possibly two years be- fore water for fire protection would be availablle. Item 10 Mr. Styner discussed with the council different aspects of the purposed water and sewer plan. Item 11 Judge Scott gave the report of ten tickets and three arrest for the month of April. For the month of May he gave the report of three tickets and one arrest. Item 12 The matter with Mr, Lender was tabled, Item 13 The matter with Mr, Bass was tabled, Item 14 The Automobile Ordinance has gone into effect, Mayor Scott reprted that approximately 100 cars were found to be in violation, He, also, reportee. that there were a few citizens who thought they were exceptions. Mrs, McMannis appeared before the council requesting that her vehicles be an exception, Mr, and Mrs, McNannis are farmers and have two ford sil- age trucks that are not running at the present time, but will be fixed when trucks are needed, Also, parts are being used off of a 62 and 58 chevrolet vehicles, Mr, Ruppel made a motion to allow that the two ford silage trucks stay, but not permit the 62 and 58 vehicles to stay. This motion was seconded by Mr, Harwell and carried 4-0, Mr. Woolery appeared before the council requesting that his jeep be an exception, Mr, Woolery explained that the jeep was strictly a recreational, and toll vehicle used for hunting, Mr, Ruppel made a motion that a jeep of this nature be an exception to the rule, This motion was seconded by Mr, Henderson and carried 4-0, Mr, Jack White was also notified about his son's car, Mr, White explained that the car belonged to his son that is now in the armed service, Mr, Harris made a motion to make this case an exception, This motion was seconded by Mr, Harwell and carried 4-0, Item 15 The council was informed that installers of the new street felt that a better location for the light would be directly across the street from where the city council requested it be put, ,Mr, Harris made a motion to permit the light to be installed directly across the street, This motion was seconded by Mr, Harwell and carried 4-0, Item 16 Water Distribution on .April 20, was paid $2587, General Obligation Bond Fund. $5000 was paid $1106, General Obligation $9500~ was paid S2866, Water Fund paid $7878,15- Item 17 Mr, Ruppel made a motion to redeposit $29682 into the Mercantile National Bank, This motion was seconded by Mr, Harris and carried 4-0, Item 18 Mayor Scott informed the council that the Texas highway Department Regional Planning Office requested that Coppell submit a transportation plan pro- gram or authorize someone else to draw one up, This matter was tabled, Item 19 A public hearing will be held June 29, 1971 at the Holiday Inn in Carrollton, Texas concerning the Interstate Loop 135., Item 20 The matter of the Board of Equalization was tabled, Item 21 Mr, Harris made a motion to purchase a 34000 BTU carrier air conditioner for the City Hall, This motion was seconded Mr, Harwell and carried 4-0. Item 22 Mr, Ruppel made a motion to allow Mr. a. P, Vanbebber $50 for a three day water school at Arlington, This motion was secondedby Mr, Harwell and carried 4-0, Item 2 3 The following bills were presented for payment: 2 prints and 1 negative of Coppell ' s pump sta, g 7.0~ June 7, 1971 meeting Patty Dobecka 15.00 Shafers for gas (police) 50.36 Coppell Superette gas 44.65 Electrical Supply Corp. 2.68 Love & Costa Ins. Agency ~ · ~ 91.00 Payton Wright (state inspection) ~"~ 11.36 A.P. Vanbebber 255.00 Bowles & Edens Corp. 375.12 Fort Worth Pipe and Supply 37.68 The Chief Frieight ' J. M. Trucking (coa meter) 57.90 White Auto Supply (battery)fire dept. 28 95 4 · W. L. Burch (tractor) 550.00 Good Electric Co. 71.45 Commissioners Court (voting machine) 31.00 Clarence Jones 23.20 Mrs. Woolery 83.00 A motion to pay the above bills was made by Mr. Ruppel, seconded by Mr. Harwell and carried 4-0· Item 24 The matter of a meter contract was tabled. Item 25 Mr. Harwell made a motion to reorder two or three copies of the Uniform Building book. This motion was seconded by Mr. Harris and carried 4-0. Item 26 The council planned a special call meeting for June 17, 1971 The meeting was adj ourned. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 17 DAY OF June 1971. Passed and approved this 17 day of June 1971. Patty Dobecka, secretary