CM 1971-06-21DALLAS COUNTY STATE OF TEXAS The council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on June 21, 1971 with the following members present to-wit: H. Scott, Mayor Ted Ruppel, councilman Wheelice Wilson, councilman Bill Harwell, councilman Bill Harris, councilman James Henderson, councilman constituting a quorum where among other proceedings had was the following: Item 1 Mr. Wilson made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting June 17, 1971. This motion was seconded by Mr. Harwell and carried 5-0- Item 2 Concerning old business Mayor Scott informed the council that Mr. Larry Jackson would have the livestock ordinance prepared for the next city council meeting. Mayor Scott also informed the council that an analysis would be given at the next meeting on the pUrposed water line, and also, that Mr. Farewell did agree to meet with our council on July 15, 1971 at.7:00. Item 3 Mr. Lenders appeared before the council requesting a clear understanding of his water bill in connection with his wifes' beauty shop. This matter was cleared up. Item 4 The matter with Mr. Bass was tabled. Item 5 The matter with Mr. Bob Kyle was tabled. Item 6 W.B.A.P.Radio Station requested a street light for the radio station entrance. Considering that the radio station is not in Coppell Mr. Ruppel madeaa motion that the light not be permitted with the expense to the City of Coppell. This motion was seconded by Mr. Hafwell and carried 4-1 Mr. Henderson opposing. Item 7 Mayor Scott read a thank you note from W.B.A.P. praising the Coppell Volunteer Fire Department, which washed W.B.A.P.s' new transmitter building. Item 8 Mr. Woolery appeared before the council to inquire about garbage disposal for big items. The council informed him that Coppell did not have this type of dispoaal with H. & J. Disposal, but if they found any other infor- m a tion on where big items could be disposed of they would let him know. Item..~9 The council discussed the Ordinance for the Board of Equalization... Mr. Henderson made a motion that a nominee, Mr. Melton be replaced. This motion was seconded by Mr. Harris which did not carry 2-3- Mr. Ruppel Mr. Wilson, and Mr. Harwell opposing. Mr. Henderson then made a motion that at that present time new nominees be elected. This motion died. Mr. Harris made a motion that if the nominees are not confirmed by July 6, 197I that the council appoint new nominees. This motion was seconded by Mr. Henderson and carried 5-0. Item lO Mr. Wilson made a motion that the two nominees on the Zoning board be voted on. Mr. Henderson made~a motion that there be an amendment, which would allow the council to vote on the two men separately. Mr. Hendersons motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson~and Mr. Wilsons' previous motion was seconded by Mr. Harwell. For Ted Jenkins the vote was 4-1 Mr. Harwell opposing. For Mr. Melton the vote was 3 for Mr. Henderson opposing, and Mr. Harris substaining. Item 11 Mr. Henderson made a motion to have a closed meeting to discuss the law enforcement in the City of Coppell. This motion was seconded by Mr. Harwell and carried 5-0. Item 12 Mayor Scott presented the month of May, 1971 report the bookkeeper pre- pared. The council requested that Mayor Scott contact the bookkeeper and request his presence for the next meeting. Item 13 The council diacussed putting up a fence.around the Oak Grove lift station, The cooncil requested that a bid be taken on a stockade block, and tile type of fence before any action be taken. Item 14 Mr. HenderSon made a motion for Mr. Styner to be contacted and asked to present the contract he has with the city~to the council if he has one. This motion was seconded by Mr. Ruppel and carried 4-1 Mr. Harwell sub- staining. The meeting was adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 6 DAY OF July ,.1971, H. Scott, Mayor Passed and approved this 6 day of July , 1971. Patty Dobecka, secretary