The council of the City of Coppell, Texas met in regular session on
July 6, 1971, with the following members present to-wit:
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Wheelice Wilson, councilman
Bill Harwell, councilman
Ted Ruppel, councilman
James Henderson, councilman
constituting a quorum where among other proceedings had was the follow-
Item 1
Old Business:
No estimate was presented on the purposed fence around the lift station
on Oak Grove Road.
Mr. Ruppel made amotion that the city purchase a roof type air condi-
tioner for $468 This motion was seconded by Mr. Henderson and carried
A suggestion was. made that our city council meet with our engineers,
and the City of Dallas to clarify several items in the contract with
the City of Dallas for water supply.
There was no further information on the paving of Loch Lane.
Mayor Scott informed the council that the National Electrical,Fire
Prevention, Uniform Plumbing and the Sub Division Ordinance Books
that were ordered were received through mail. The Building Code book,
however, has not been received.
Item 2
Nominees for the Board of Equalization were Mr. Pettijohn, Mr. Flynn
Mr. Miller, Mr. Beal, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Carter and Mr. R.H. Harold.
Mr. Henderson made a motion that one member on the Board be a resident
from one of the mobile home parks. This motion died due to the lack
of a second. The result of the election was Mr. Pettijohn 2 for and
2 against Mr. Wilson and Mr. Harwell opposing, and Mayor Scott breaking
the tie making it 3 for. Another new member was Mr. Miller who was
accepted at the last meeting on June 21, 1971, and Mr. Flynn 3 for
and 1 against Mr. Henderson opposing. Mr. Ruppel made a motion to
adopt Ordinance 67 for the election of the Board of Equalization. This
motion was seconded by Mr. Henderson and carried 4-0.
Item 3
Mayor Scott presented each councilman a copy of the Livestock Ordinance
which to look over before approving at a later date.
Item 4
Judge Scott made his report for the month of June. There were six
tickets issue, and one arrest made.
Item 5
The council discussed the engineer contract the city had with Mr. Styner.
The contract was dated November 17, 1969, and according to the contract
Mr. Styner would have to be paid his full salary if the contract was
Item 6
Mayor Scott read a letter from Mr. John Wittington from the Commissioners
Court. He suggested that we meet with the people from the Dallas Dis-
trict office and Texas Highway Department to discuss Plan A and Plan B
in connection with Loop 9.
Item 7
Mr. John Burns Jr. appeared before the council with various complaints
towards the law enforcement of Coppell. He, also, added that the
rumor about him wanting a job with the law enforcement was false, because
he would not accept the job even if it was offered to him.
Item 8
The matter with Mr. Johnson was tabled.
Item 9
The following bills were presented for payment:
Gas (for all Depts.) $ 36.60
Dearing Gro. (gas and oil) A. P. Vanbebber 5.75
NatiOnal Building Co. (3 sacks of cement) 5.70
Thompson Hayward Chemical Co. (chlorine) 19.50
Kelly Plumbing Supply Co. (Water Dept. Chicago flaring
tool) 14.67
Watson Electric Supply Co. (parcel post-lift station) 8.42
Bowles & Eden (Supplies necessary to into surge at big
lift station) 375.12
Fort Worth Supply and Pipe Co. 60.05
Manley Signs and Art Work (city limit signs) 49.00
Clarence Jones (2 prisoners for 3 days) 17.40
Patty Dobecka ( month of June) ~-125.00
Mr. Harwell made a motion that the above bills be paid. This motion
was seconded by Mr. Ruppel and carried 4-0.
Item 10
Mr. Allen Hazel, Box 139 Lucky Corner appeared before the council
requesting some time to get tags for his car before the Automobile
Ordineace effected him. Mr. Harwell made a motion to allow Mr. A. Hazel
thirty days. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.
Item 11
.. .
Mr. Wayne Musgrave, a member of Coppells' Fire Department appeared before
the council to inform them that Rhoton's Funeral Home offered to give
the Fire Department an ambulance if they wanted it. This matter was
discussed futher by the council, but no action was taken. Mr. Harwell
made a motion that $100.00 be given to each of the three fire members ._~
for expense of going to A.& M. for the fire training school. This =
motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried 4-0. ~
Item 12
Mr. Thweat requested that the City of Coppell update their tax policy.
Item 13
This personel portion was closed to the public.
The council and Mayor discussed with Officer Story his job. Some council-
men made various complaints some did not. Officer Story was asked to
begin making full daily reports, and also to make his route schedule
a little better.
Mr. Henderson made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. This motion
was seconded by Mr. Harwell and carried 4-0.
The meeting was adjourned.
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Passed and approved this day of ,1971.
Patty Dobecka, secretary