CM 1971-07-19DALLAS COUNTY STATE OF TEXAS The council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on July 19, 1971 with the following members present to-wit. Hulen Scott, Mayor James Henderson, councilman Bill Harwell, councilman Ted Ruppel, councilman Bill Harris, councilman Wheelice Wilson, councilman constituting a quorum where among other proceedings had was the following: Item 1 Mr. Wilson made a motion that the minutes of the last meeting July 6, 1971 be approved. This motion was seconded by Mr. Ruppel and carried 5-0. Item 2 Old Business Mr. Ruppel reported that there was a misunderstanding with service man on which rooms where to air conditioned. The council requested that two or more bids be acquired on the estimate cost of installation of the air- conditioner for the two rooms, the office and council room. Mr. Henderson made a motion that the cedar type of fence be put up around the lift station on Oak Grove Road. This motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Ruppel made a motion that the tile type of fence be built around the lift station at the expense of not over $475. This motion was seconded by Mr. Harris and carried 5-0. Mr. Vanbebber was requested to report on the water system, due to the recent water shortage. He reported that ther was simply not enough reser- voir space, and since it was too late to provide this added space a man would have to be watching the water controls twenty-four hours a day. The council asked Mr. Vanbebber to consider taking this job. After considering, Mr. Vanbebber said he would accept a total of $1000 a month for salary (this would include all and any other work for the city).from July 15 til September 15, 1971 unless he was no longer needed. Mr. Ruppel made a motion that the council accept his offer. This motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried 5-0. Item 3 Mr. Bass appeared before the council requesting water from the City of Coppell. At the present time he is using well water. He also requested to be connected with natural gas. The council suggested that he con- tact the Lone Star Gas Company concerning the gas. No action was taken. Item 4 The council and two representatives from TP&L discussed having more street lights on Bethel Road. Mr. Henderson made a motion that this matter be tabled until the next meeting. This motion was seconded by Mr. Ruppel and carried 5-0. Mr. Ruppel requested that a study of the entire city be made to see where and how many street lights aze needed. Mr. Collins a TP&L representative reported that by the 2nd of August one quarter of the plan could be completed.1 rep. form light co. and Mr. Carter appeared before the council. Item 5 Mr. Robert Lee Derbern appeared before the council requesting that a flag be displayed in front of the City Hall. The council requested that a bid on a flag pole, and flag be available at the next meeting. No other action was taken. Item 6 Mr. P.A. Phillips requested that he receive a fefund of $100. This was a fee for sewer tie on which he never tied on to. Mr. Wilson made a motion that Mr. Phillips get his refund. This motion was seconded by Mr. Harwell and carried 4-0. Mr. Henderson and Mr. Harris obstaining. Item. 7 Mrs. Woolery appeared before the council on behalf of the PTA reqesting that an ordinance be drawn up not permitting the school bus to be passed while loading and unloading. The council agreed to have this ordinance made. "' Item 8 Mr. Byrd appeared before the council requesting to have a trailor permit to move a trailor in by his self-service station on Belt Line Road for aid in his business. Mr. Henderson made a motion that Mr. Byrd be allowed to move his trailor in 60 feet from behind station and 60 feet from the pumps and with correct sewer system, and he also added that this permit not transferable, This motion was seconded by Mr. Harris and carried 3-2. Mr. Harwell and Mr. Ruppel opposing. Item 9 The council suggested that Mr. Ruppel read 'and report at the next meeting about the Fire Code from the Regional Airport. Item 10 Mr. Ruppel made a motion to accept the Animal Ordinance drawn up by our lawyer Mr. Jackson. Number 68--Ordinance Estalblishing City Pound and Fees; Providing for Impoundment of vehicles including abandon vehicles and sale when not redeemed. Number 69--Pens for animals and' Fowls. Number 70--Animal Impoundment and Running at Large, This motion was seconded by Mr, Harwell and carried 5-0. Mr. Henderson and Mr. Harris opposing Item 11 The following bills were presented for payment: Materials for fixing Holley Street $200.00 Foxworth-Galbraith Lumber Co. 24.36 Communications Service (repair radar unit) 40.44 Burleson, Baker and Co. 800.00 Mr. Wilson made a motion to pay the above bills. This motion was seconded by Mr. Henderson and carried 5-0. Mayor Scott informed the public and council that the Texas Water Quality Board are hauing a meeting August 6,1971 at the University of Texas at 10:00 am to discuss the sewer plan for the upper Trinity River. The public is invited. Item 13 The council discussed putting an old surplas radio transmitter into use. At the present time it needs a new crystal but otherwise is working. The council agreed to table this untilaa latter date. The meeting was adjourned. ~' ~ PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 19 DAY OF July .,1971. Hulen Scott, Mayor Passed and approved this 19 day of July 1971. Patty Dobecka, secretaty