The council of the City of Coppell met August 24, 1971 with the following members pre-
sent to-wit:
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Wheelice Wilson, councilman
Ted Ruppel, councilman
Bill Harris, councilman
James Henderson, councilman
Bill Harwell, councilman
constituting a quorum, where among other proceedings had was the following:
Item 1
Minutes of the last meeting August 16, 1971 were read. Mr. Wilson made a motion to
approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ruppel and carried 5-0.
Item 2
Mr. Pete Styner, city engineer, appeared before the council to discuss with them a
joint sewer project with the surrounding towns of Flower Mound and Grapevine. This
project would be adquate for Coppell until about the year 2000. Mr. Styner divided and
defined the four complete section of the project. He, also, explained that a 55% federal
and/or a 25% state grant could probably be made available for Coppell. After quite a
session Mr. Harris made a motion to authorize Mr. Styner to begin negotiations with
the Trinity River Authority's, Flower Mound, and Grapevine. This motion was seconded by
Mr. Ruppel and carried 5-0. Mr. Styner agreed to give the council a report in 60 days.
Item 3
Mr. Styner also discussed with the council Coppells water problem and the purposed water
plan that Dallas has. He suggested several ways in which Coppell could handle this pro-
blem. This subject was tabled until the next meeting.
Item 3
Mr. Samuell L. Wyse III, a planning consultant appeared before the council to encourage
them to hire his firm to make a study on the land use in Coppell. Mr. Wyse suggested
that the council send a letter to HUD to see if Coppell would qualify for the 2/3 federal
fund. Mr. Ruppel made a motion to apply for the funds with HUD. This motion was seconded
by Mr. Henderson and carried 5-0.
Item 4
Mr Henderson made a motion to accept George Richardson to bring the water system book · ~t e wate~ syste oo~
up to date. Mr. Harris seconded the motion which carried 5-0. (electrical wiring diagram)
Item 5
This portion of the meeting was closed to the public. Mr. Wilson made a motion to
accept the resignation of Officer C.R. Storey effective August 31, 1971. This motion
was seconded by Mr. Henderson and carried 5-0.
The meeting was adjourned·
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Passed and approved this 30 day of August ,1971.
Patty Dobecka, secretary