The council of the City of Coppell met September 7, 1971 with the following
members present to-wit:
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Bill Harwell, councilman
Wheelice Wilson, councilman
Ted Ruppel, councilman
Bill Harris, councilman
constituting quorum where among other proceedings had was the following:
Item 1
Mr. Ruppel made a motion'to approve the minutes of the last meeting August 30 1971.
This motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried 4-0.
Item 2
Mr. and Mrs. Harris appeared before the council to request a permit to move a trailor
house in on there property in Coppell for their daughter and their son-in-law, Mr.
Jack Lawson, to live in on a hardship case. Mr. Harwell made a motion to allow this
permit on a temporary bases of six months to Mr. Lawson and as.a nontransferable per-
mit. This motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried 4-0.
Item 3
Mr. Fred A. Kadame owner of 62 acres requested that his land be annexed into the
City of Coppell. This subject was tabled.
Item 4
Mr. Harwell made a motion to pay Mr. Pat Loyld for 'his twelve month service as trailor
inspector for a total of $120.00. This motion was seconded by Mr. Ruppel and carried
Item 5
The council permitted Mrs. Rush to extend her one week vacation into the next fiscal
Item 6
IMts. Jackie Woolery requested the use of the city's tractor-mower for the two beauti-
fixation days for Coppell and also $25.00 for anything needed for this day. The council
explained that the tractor had limited use~ and would not be very efficient for the
purpose they had in mind for it. Mr.. Harwell made a motion to allow the $25.00 ex-
pense. Mr. Hrris seconded the motion which carried 4-0.
Item 7
Mr. Pettijohn, Equalization Board Chairman, appeared before the council to submit
two recommendations which are as follows: 1. Immediately after January 1 all
land in the City of Coppell be reevaluated. 2. Trailor houses be taxed as real
property and abolish the inspection fee of $1.50..
Item 8
The council briefly scanned the 1971-1972 budget they had prepared at the last
meeting, and scheduled a Public Hearing for September 27, 1971. A motion to approve
this date was made by Mr. Wilson; seconded by Mr. Harris and carried 4-0.
Item 9
The following bills were presented for payment:
Sinclair-Ray Storey-gas-police $ 89.68
National Building Centers Inc. 14.40
Shafers-gas-police 7.06
J. M. Johns-water dept. 14.00
Jackson Concrete Inc. (5 sacks) 55.50
Williamson Printing Corp. Form 1312 Warrant arrest 25.50
Patty Dobecka 30.00
Wickes 180.00
Supperete-gas-all depts. 23.70
Bowles & Eden Corp. 122.00
Ms. Norma L. Harold(sect. Board of Equal.) 57.00
Flag Supplies:
Hayard Cleat
flag 4 by 6
6' ball and pulley
Paid by Mr. Don J. Carter 52.85
Mr. Ruppel made a motion to approve payment of the above bills. The motion was second-
ed by Mr. Wilson and carried 4-0.
Item 10
Mr. Ruppel made a motion to approve payment for the secretary for the Board of
Equalization at $2.00 per hour. This motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried
Item 11
This portion of the meeting was closed to'the public.
The council requested that Mayor Scott contact Mr. Smith, county auditor, to see
about getting a federal fund for unemployed.
The three applicants were Mr. Martin Garcia, Mr. Don Holland and Mr. Tracy Clark.
After talkng with each applicant the council agreed to set up a special study
session to discuss the applicants with the full council present.
The meeting was adjourned.
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Passed and approved this 20 day of September, 1971.
Patty Dobecka, secretary