CM 1971-09-07DALLAS COUNTY STATE OF TEXAS ~f~ The council of the City of Coppell met September 7, 1971 with the following members present to-wit: Hulen Scott, Mayor Bill Harwell, councilman Wheelice Wilson, councilman Ted Ruppel, councilman Bill Harris, councilman constituting quorum where among other proceedings had was the following: Item 1 Mr. Ruppel made a motion'to approve the minutes of the last meeting August 30 1971. This motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried 4-0. Item 2 Mr. and Mrs. Harris appeared before the council to request a permit to move a trailor house in on there property in Coppell for their daughter and their son-in-law, Mr. Jack Lawson, to live in on a hardship case. Mr. Harwell made a motion to allow this permit on a temporary bases of six months to Mr. Lawson and as.a nontransferable per- mit. This motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried 4-0. Item 3 Mr. Fred A. Kadame owner of 62 acres requested that his land be annexed into the City of Coppell. This subject was tabled. Item 4 Mr. Harwell made a motion to pay Mr. Pat Loyld for 'his twelve month service as trailor inspector for a total of $120.00. This motion was seconded by Mr. Ruppel and carried 4-0. Item 5 The council permitted Mrs. Rush to extend her one week vacation into the next fiscal year. Item 6 IMts. Jackie Woolery requested the use of the city's tractor-mower for the two beauti- fixation days for Coppell and also $25.00 for anything needed for this day. The council explained that the tractor had limited use~ and would not be very efficient for the purpose they had in mind for it. Mr.. Harwell made a motion to allow the $25.00 ex- pense. Mr. Hrris seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Item 7 Mr. Pettijohn, Equalization Board Chairman, appeared before the council to submit two recommendations which are as follows: 1. Immediately after January 1 all land in the City of Coppell be reevaluated. 2. Trailor houses be taxed as real property and abolish the inspection fee of $1.50.. Item 8 The council briefly scanned the 1971-1972 budget they had prepared at the last meeting, and scheduled a Public Hearing for September 27, 1971. A motion to approve this date was made by Mr. Wilson; seconded by Mr. Harris and carried 4-0. Item 9 The following bills were presented for payment: Sinclair-Ray Storey-gas-police $ 89.68 National Building Centers Inc. 14.40 Shafers-gas-police 7.06 J. M. Johns-water dept. 14.00 Jackson Concrete Inc. (5 sacks) 55.50 Williamson Printing Corp. Form 1312 Warrant arrest 25.50 Patty Dobecka 30.00 Wickes 180.00 Supperete-gas-all depts. 23.70 Bowles & Eden Corp. 122.00 Ms. Norma L. Harold(sect. Board of Equal.) 57.00 Flag Supplies: Hayard Cleat flag 4 by 6 6' ball and pulley Paid by Mr. Don J. Carter 52.85 Mr. Ruppel made a motion to approve payment of the above bills. The motion was second- ed by Mr. Wilson and carried 4-0. Item 10 Mr. Ruppel made a motion to approve payment for the secretary for the Board of Equalization at $2.00 per hour. This motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried 4-0. Item 11 This portion of the meeting was closed to'the public. The council requested that Mayor Scott contact Mr. Smith, county auditor, to see about getting a federal fund for unemployed. The three applicants were Mr. Martin Garcia, Mr. Don Holland and Mr. Tracy Clark. After talkng with each applicant the council agreed to set up a special study session to discuss the applicants with the full council present. The meeting was adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 20 DAY OF September , 1971. Hulen Scott, Mayor Passed and approved this 20 day of September, 1971. Patty Dobecka, secretary