The council of the City of Coppell met in regular session November 1, 1971
with the following members present to-wit:
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Wheelice Wilson, councilman
Bill Harwell, councilman
James Henderson, councilman
Bill Harris, councilman
constituting a quroum where among other proceedings had was the following:
Item 1
Mr. Wilson made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting with an ad-
justment to the figure on the General Obligation Interest. This figure
was changed to 92,000.00 Mr. Harwell seconded the motion and the motion carried
3-1, Mr. Henderson abstaining.
Item 2
Mayor Scott read a letter to the council from President Govenor Smith thanking
our council for the letter we sent expresssing our thoughts on school busing.
Item 3
Judge Scott gave the Court report. Seven tickets were given and five had been
collected on. Mayor Scott informed the council that Mr. Simpson with the Federal
Government would approve a 90% funding of another police officer in Coppell for
one year quaranteed.
Item 4
Mr. Henderson made a motion to inform Mr. and Mr. McMinnish that the problem
with their cows getting out would be taken care of through the nuisence ordinance.
Mr. Wilson seconded the motion which carried 4-0.
Item 4
Mr. Wilson made a motion to pass ordinance #74, "An ordinance of the City of Coppell,
Texas, Making it unlawful for any perosn to keep, on any premises under his con-
trol within the City limits cow, Bulls or Calves, where such pen or enclsoure
permits such animals to vome closer than seventy feet to any inhabitated dwelling
without first havein abtained a special permit from the city council; repealing all
ordinances inconflict with this ordinances; providing a severability clause; pro-
viding penalties forviolation of this ordinance not to exceed the sum of two hun-
dred $200 dollars for each offense and declaring an emergency."
Mr. Harwell seconded the motion which died due to the fact that the council
needed to check with Larry Jackson to see if the council had the right to provoke permit.
Item 5
Mr. Byrd appeared before the council to request an electrical permit for his
mobile home for seven months. Mr. Henderson made a motion to grant Mr. Byrd
this permit for eight months as non-transferable. Mr. Harris seconded the motion
which tied 2-2, Mr. Wilson and Harwell opposing. The tie was broke by Mayor Scott
3 for and 2 against.
Item 7
Mrs. Edwards appeared before the council to request a permit for a mobile on
property outside of a mobile home park. Mr. Henderson made a motion allow this
permit to Mrs. Edwards, the motion was seconded by Mr. Harris which was 2-2
Mr. Wilson and Harwell opposing. The tie was broken by Mayor Scott making
it 3 for and 2 against.
Item 8
Mr. Long appeared before the council to request a permit to move a m0blile
home in by the self-service station on Belt Line Rd. to protect his business.
Mr. Harris seconded the motion which carried 3-1 Mr. Harwell opposing.
Item 9
Officer Clark made a recomendation to the council to have new signs put up for
the Police Department, Water, Fire Department and Municipal Court. At this time
Mr. Henderson requested that something be done about the installation of the
air conditioner/heater. Mr. Henderson then .made a motion that Officer Clark
go ahead with the signs for the different departments not to exceed $60.00,
and also some new bids be presented for installation of the air conditioner/
heater. This motion was seconded by Mr. Harwell carrying 4-0.
Item 10
Officer Clark brought up to the coucil about resolving a place for the teenagers
of Coppell to have a place near the downtown area to hang out. Some of the
councilmen agreed to check into this matter,
Item 11
The council discusseded leleveying the ad volrem tax. Mr. Wilson made a motion
to adopt the same tax rate the same % of tax shich is 30% evaluation and the
sam $1.00 tax rate.
Mr. Harwell seconded the motion which carried 3-1 Mr. Henderson Abstaining.
Item 12
The council dicussed the city inspectors electrical, plumbing, and building
Mr. Henderson made a motion to appoint Mr, Mayo as electrical inspector for
one half normal electrical fee . . Mr. Harwell seconded the motion which carried
Item 13
The council authorized Mr. Vanbebber to get plumbing inspection tags made.
Item 14
The sugject with Mr. Jones was tabled.
Item 15
The coucil discussed the public hearing Lewisville had. Lewisville had
applied for a regional site for disposal plant to enlarge their present sewer
disposal plant and also another new plant to provide for Highland Village,
Flower Mound, Lewisville .
Item 16
The following bills were presented for payment:
Bowles and Eden Corp $ 29.94
Communication Engineer Co 19.10
Smith Municipal Supplies 38.75
Patty Dobecka 20.00 Fire DeDt. Supef~a4.20,3.8~
Water Dept gas 2.25
Police Dept 165.10
(report paper - forms cards)
Jim Mill (backhoe work 37.50
Mercantile National bk. 17.10
Payton Wright Sales (police) 15.30
Universal Fire Equip 104.45
Peck Office Supply 280.50
Bowles and Eden (gal. pipe) 49.39
Mr. Harwell made a motion to approve payment of the above bills. Mr, Wilson
seconded the motion which carried 4-0.
The meeting was adjourned.
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Passed and approved this 11 day of November ~ 1971.
Patty Dobeck, secretary