CM 1971-12-20 DALLAS COUNTY STATE OF TEXAS The council of the City of Coppell met in regular session December 20, 1971 with the following members present to-wit: Hulen Scott, Mayor Wheelice Wilson, councilman Bill Harwell, councilman Ted Ruppel, councilman .__ Bill Harris, councilman James Henderson, councilman constituting a quroum where among other proceedings had was the following: Item 1 Public Hearing Mr. Sammual Wyse appeared before the council to present a request for Airport rezoning of 206.55 acres in Coppell. Mr. Crain representing the Good Ass. and Mr. Jerry Fultz representing Jones Realty and Mr. Tom McBride, McBride Realty commented in favor of the rezoning, Mr, Don Carter, Mr. Wayne Musgrave, and Mr. Thweat all citizens of Coppell also commented in favor of the rezoning. When Mayor Scott asked for opposing comments regarding the rezoning no comments were made. After Mr. Wyse explained the rezoning of the area Mr. Harwell made a motion to approve the rezoning of the 206.55. Mr. Ruppel seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Item 2 Mr. Richard Lee Fire Chief appeared before the council to request $280 to be spent on paint and gutters. The guttering would include both buildings fire station and city hall. Mr. Wilson made a motion to approve this expenditure. Mr. Harwell seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Item 3 Mr. Wayne Musgrave appeared before the council to request a permit to move a mobile home on his property beside his house due to his daughters health. Mr. Harwell made a motion to grant Mr. Musgrave this permit; the motion was seconded by Mr Ruppel and the vote was 2 for and 3 against Mr. Wilson, Mr Harris and Mr Henderson opposing. Item 4 Mrs. Plumblee appeared before the council to request a moving permit to move her and her husbands home on Coppell Rd. in the downtown area. Mr. Henderson made a motion to approve the Plumblee's the permit; Mr. Harris seconded the motion the vote was 2-3 Mr. Harwell, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Ruppel opposing. Citizen signatures who were opposing were presented before the council. Item 5 The Court and Police Report was given. For the month of December 58 tickets were issued and 3 arrests were made· Item 6 Mr. Henderson made a motion to amend the minutes of the last meeting from two electric eye lights to two 450 watt lights on Heartz at the water well location. Mr. Harris seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Item 7 Mr. Henderson made a motion to approve the county purposed plan for straightening out the Belt Line, Coppell Road intersection. Mr. Harris seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Item 8 Mr. Ruppel made a motion to put trailers on personal property ad volrem tax Mr. Wilson seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Mr. Henderson made a motion take off the $1.50 inspection fee on the trailers. Mr. Harris seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Item 9 The following bills were presented for payment: Purchase of new typewriter for city hall $210·00 Superette (police gas) 108.58 Love and Costa Ins. Agency (filing fee) 18.00 Bearings & Power Transmission (water Dept) 6.08 Fox Signs(Signs for city buildings fire, City hal) 77.20 Art Forms (forms for police court) 45.99 Lewisville Leader (publication of ord) 7.00 Donevan Uniform (Emblems, jacket, rain coat) 22.40 George F. Cake (police supplies) 56.35 Good Electric In. (Air compressor) 68.50 Thompson Hayward (water dept.) 19.50 Mr, Harwell made a motion to approve payment of the above bills. Mr. Ruppel seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Item 10 Mr. Vanbebber talked with the council about setting up some sort of specifications on cutting streets and putting them back in the proper condition. One suggestion was that a large sum by the worker be put down as a deposit. The money not returned until work done properly. Mr. Ruppel put this suggestion in form of a motion then withdrew his motion to have the subject tabled until a later date. Item 11 The minutes of the last meeting December 6, 1971 were read and approved. Motion for approval was made by Mr. Henderson; seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried 5-0. Item 12 Mr. Ruppel publicly turned in his resignation due to the fact that he and his family ..is moving to Houston. His resignation was accepted by the council. Item 13 Mr. Henderson made a motion that the meeting be adjourned: that the remaining business not be acted upon. Mr. Harwell seconded the motion. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 3rd DAY OF January , 1971. Passed and approved this 3 day of January 1971 Patty Dobecka, secretary