CM 1972-01-17DALLAS COUNTY STATE OF TEXAS The council of the City of Coppell met in regular session January 17, 1972 with the following members present to-wit: Hulen Scott, Mayor Wheelice Wilson, councilman Bill Harris, councilman James Henderson, councilman Johnny Burns, councilman constituting a quorum where among other proceedings had was the following: Item 1 Mr. Henderson made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 3, 1972 meeting. Mr. Harris seconded the motion which carried 3-1, Mr. Wilson opposing. Item 2 Recently TRA had a suite files against them to discontinue their project. They requested that Coppell sign a purposed resolution to give them moral support, Mr. Henderson made a motion to sign the resolution giving them our moral support. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Mr.'Don Carter appeared before the council to present a purposal made by an engineering firm on our water situation. Their suggestion would be to get additonal water, which would cost the city around $23,000., to get the best out of their money. This started a few comment from the audience, citizens who lived east of Moore Rd. wanting city water. Mr. Harris made a motion to have Mr, Little get a bid and plan for exact cost of running water from Moore Rd. to Alan Rd. and to check to see how maany tie ons were needed. Mr. Henderson seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Item 4 Mr. Danford with Burleson and Baker and Co. gave the council the annual audit report. Mr. Wilson made a motion to accept thyreport as submitted. Mr. Burns seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Item 5 Mr. Steve Collins appeared before the council to represent his request for a 6% rate increase for TPL. Mr. Wilson made a motion to grant the 6% rate increase; Mr. Henderson seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Item 6 Three tax apprasising firms were interviewed by the council: Andy Capers App. Economy App. Service, Barney Baker and Assosciates. The council decided to act upon later in the closed session. Item 7 Mr Henderson made a motion to dismiss our present City Attorney, Larry Jackson on grounds that he never made the meetings he was requested to make. Mr. Harris seconded the motion which carried 3-1, Mr. Wilson opposing. Item 8 At this time Mr. Henderson requested earlier that Mr. Clark and Mr. Tart appear before the council to be interviewed for the City Attorney postion. No action was taken. Item 9 The council discussed participating in the Solid Waste Disposal Study Program. The fee was reduced to $100 having two years to pay out over. Item 10 The City Manager, Mr. Little, gave a status report on a few items he had become acquainted with that our city now has at the present time He also produced ' some new information to the council such as: 50% matching grant funds can be given on all parks and open public utilities. Mr. Little suggested that the council appoint a City Advisory Club of eleven members or more. At this time Mr. Henderson made a motion to set up a special meeting on Friday to elect this committe. Mr. Harris seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Also, Mr. Little informed the council that Mr. Richard Pierce could meet with the council to discuss the TRA fall out line . Mr. Henderson made a motion to set a special meeting for January 31, 1972; Mr. Burns seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Item 11 The following bills were presented for payment: For installation of gravel for gas tank $ 38.00 Payton Wright 161.50 Burleson Baker & Co. Audit 800.00 Art Froms Printing (complaint & Speeding) 12.30 Thompson-Hayward (chlorine) 19.50 Fischer & Porter Co. 45.60 Gulf Oil Products 242.21 Clarence Jones 1 prisoner for 1 day 5.80 K-D Tooling (water dept.) 49.00 George F. Cake 71.80 A.P. Vanbebber North Central Texas Council of Govt. (2 install- ments. 100.00 D. J. Drive In Gr. (police-gas) 97.00 Mr. Henderson made a motion to pay the above bills; Mr. Harris seconded the motion which carried. 4-0. The Meeting was adjourned to the public. Item 12 This portion of the meeting was closed to the public. At this time the council interviewed Mr. Clark and Mr. Tart as brought up earlier in the meeting. No Action was taken. Item 13 Mr. Henderson made a motion to hire The Economy Appraisal Service, which was Mr. W. N. Cope and Mr. R. M. Cope. Their would the provide the city with detailed ground maps and also arial maps. They quoted their salary price to be any where between $5,0000 to $6,000. Mr. Harris seconded the motion which carried 4-0. The meeting was adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 21 DAY 0F January , 1972. Hulen Scott', Mayor PAassed and approved this day of , 1972. (Miss) Patty Dobecka A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING INTERVENTION IN ITS BEHALF, IN CAUSE NO. 71-H-983 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS, IN ORDER TO SUPPORT THE CONTINUATION OF THE WALLISVILLE AND TRINITY RIVER PROJECTS. Preamble WHEREAS, the City of Coppell has for many years supported the full implementation of the Trinity River Master Plan as proposed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Tri ni ty River Authority of Texas; and WHEREAS, the completion of the Trinity River Master Plan will greatly benefit the people of the City of Coppell; and WHEREAS, a lawsuit has been filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas as Cause No. 71-H-983 and styled Sierra Club, et al. v. Froehlke, et al. for the purpose of halting permanently two important elements of the Trinity River Master Plan, to-wit: (1) the Wallisville Project, which is now under construc- tion in Chambers County, Texas and which is Fifty-One Percent (51%) complete; and (2) the Trinity River Project, which is now being designed. and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the City of Coppell that it intervene in said lawsuit in order to support the continuation of the Wallisville and Trinity River Projects. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL that be authorized and is hereby directed: (1) to file a motion for leave to intervene in behalf of the City of Coppell as a party defendant in Cause No. 71-H-983 and styled Sierra Club, et al. v. Froehlke, et al. in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas; and (2) to do all things necessary to support and carry for- ward such intervention. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 17 day of January, 1972. THE CITY OF COPPELL HULEN SCOTT, Mayor ATTEST: Patty Dobecka