CM 1972-01-21DALLAS COUNTY STATE OF TEXAS The council of the City of Coppell met in session on January 21, 1972 with the following members present to-wit: Hulen Scott, Mayor Wheelice Wilson, councilman Bill Harwell, Councilman Johnny Burns, councilman Bill Harris, councilman James Henderson, councilman constitution a quorum where among other proceeding had was the following: Item 1 Mr. Little read from a manual the functions of the Citizens Advisory Committee. The council then agreed upon eleven of the follwowing members: Donny Garcia, Barbara Austin, Mrs. Sowell, Travis Langley, Troy Edwards, Fred Green- wood, James McGiboney, Sam Tiner, Jay Small, R, G. Harwell, and Eddie McDonald. Mr. Wilson made a motion to appoint the above eleven members plus the following alternators Wm. Mosley, Erwin Beale, Eugene Nolting, and Ioma Harris. Mr. Harris seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Item 2 Since Mr. Harwell was absent from the January 17 meeting Mr, Henderson made a motion retro-active of January 17 that Mr. Larry Jackson be dismissed. Mr. Burns seconded the motion which carried 3-2, Mr. Harwell and Mr. Wilson opposing. Item 3 This portion of the meeting was closed to the public. The council interviewed Mr. Virgil Rogers and Mr. John W. Clark Jr. for the city attorney job. Mr. Henderson made a motion to accept Mr, Jonhn Clark for new city attorney. Mr. Harris seconded the motion which carried 3-2 Mr. Wilson and Mr. Harwell opposing. The meeting was adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 31 DAY OF January , j972. Passed and approved this day of , 1972. Miss Patty Dobekca