CM 1972-01-31 DALLAS COUNTY STATE OF TEXAS The Coppell City Council met in session January 31, 1972 with the following members present to-wit: Hulen Scott, Mayor Wheelice Wilson, councilman Bill Harwell, councilman Bill Harris, councilman James Henderson, councilman Johnny Burns, councilman constituting a quorum where among other proceedings had was the following: Item 1 An amendment to the January 21, 1972 minutes: The four members namesd as alternators to the Citizens Advisory Committee are not alternators but actual members making it a fifteen member Citizens Advisory Committee. Mr, Henderson made a moition to approve the minutes; Mr. Wilson seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Item 2 Mr. Pierce and Mr. Styner appeared before the council to present the purposed Sewer Project that takes in the city limits of Coppell. Mr. Pierce explained the number of agencies involved in this project and the purpose of each as such: The North Central Texas Council of Govt. Will receive the plan. TRA accepts the sanitary sewer system from the other system. The Texas State Health Department see's that the plan meets the physical enviroment standards. The agency that certifies our city to be eligible for a grant is the Texas Duality Board, and the Protection Enviroment Agency is t'he one that gives the city the actual grant. At the end of the presentation Mr. Pierce submitted their bill $16,612.06 which is 20% of the total. Item 3 Mr. Sammuel Wyse, City Planner Consultant, appeared before the council informing ---- them that he had talked with the Texas Department of Community Affairs, which informed Mr. Wyse that they had a small amount of money to help Coppell get started on their plainning project. Mr. Wyse had a contract ready at this time from the Texas Department of Community Affairs if the City wanted to go ahead and sign. By April 31, 1972 a preliminary planning report would be given. The council was also informed by Mr. Wyse that the Cityizens Advisory Committee would have to meet with the planning commission. Our total cost in the first phase of the planning project would be $2,575.00 which could be made in two payments. Mr. Harris made a motion to authorize Mayor Scott to sign the contract as the city s formal acceptance. Mr. Henderson seconded the motion which carried 3-2, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Harwell opposing. Item 4 Mr. R. W. Burns appeared before the council fequesting a permit to move a mobile home on the east side of his grocery store Mama Markert for his daughter to live in for protection of his business. Mr . Henderson made a motion to allow the permit as temporary and non-transferable; Mr. Burns seconded the motion which carried 3-2, Mr. Harwell and Mr. Wilson opposing, Item 5 Mrs. C. L. Plumblee appeared before the council to represent her request to move her home on Coppell Rd. in the downtown area. At this point Mayor Scott recognised Mr. .McGiboney from the audience. Mr. McGiboney reminded the council and citizens that the surrounding citizens to where Mrs. Plumblee wants to move her house signed a petition requesting that the council not permit the house to be moved there. Some of the reasons are that the house would be a fire hazard due to its enormous size. Another reason would be that the house would not help better the looks of the surrounding area . Mrs. Plumblee also wanted a permit to move a trailor house at the location of where her house sets now so that her and her husband would have a place to stay while they fixed their house. Mr, Harris made a motion to allow the permit. for the house to be moved on Coppell Road in the downtown area and a permit for the mobile home requested. Mr. Henderson seconded the motion which carried 3-2, Mr. Harwell, and Mr. Wilson opposing. Item 6 Mr. Little presented the council an ordinance CREATING OFFICE AS CITY ADMINISTRATOR. The ordinance outlined the powers and duties of the city administrator. The council agreed to table the passing of this ordinance until the next meeting, Mr. Little his status report. He informed the council that the city had a copy machine on a trial basis, and explained how much the machine was needed. Mr. Henderson made a motion that the city lease the machine which means the city would lease the' machine for 52 months and the company would abandon the machine to the city. Mr. Harwell seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Mr. Little suggested that the Police Chief attend a homoside school seminar which would cost the city $10.00, and that our inspector attend a seminar which would cost the city around $40.00. Mr. Little informed the council that he did have an inspector in mind that the council might like. No action was taken. Extra offices are needed now and will be needed in the future. Mr. Little had two bids on prefaberated buildings, and showed pictures of each of the two buildings. Mr. Harris made a motion to allow Mr. Little to get the best building "- for our money. Mr. Harwell seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Item 7 Mr. Donald Stevenson appeared before the council in seeking replacement of the City Judge. Mr. Stevenson is a 2 year law student at S.M.U. graduated at Arlington State. He is married with one child and is 27 year of age. No action taken. Item 8 Closed to the public. Mr. Henderson made a motion to dismiss Mr. Scott as City Judge and to hire Mr. Donald Stevenson; Mr. Harris seconded the motion which acarreied 3-1-1, Mr. Harwell opposing; Mr. Wilson abstaining. Police personnel was discussed. The meeting was adj ourned ~ PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 7 DAY OF February , 1972, Passed and approved this day of , 1972. (Miss) Patty Dobecka