The Coppell City Council met in regular session February 7, 1972 with the
following members present to-wit:
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Wheelice Wilson, councilman
James Henderson, councilman
Bill Harwell, councilman
Johnny Burns, councilman
Bill Harris, councilman
Sam Little, City Administrator
constituting a quorum where among other proceedings had was the following:
Item 1
An amendment to the minutes of January 31, 1972: The motion to purchase the
prefab building was made by Mr. Harwell and seconded by Mr. Harris. Another
amendment was that the cost on the homocide school would be around $40 and
the cost on the seminar for the inspector would be around $10. A motion
to approve these minutes as corrected.was made by Mr. Henderson seconded by
Mr. Harris and carried 5-0.
Item 2
Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Bob Christian appeared before the council in request of
a permit for a fruit and vegetable store on the South-East corner of Belt Line
and Coppell Road. Mr. Hederson to approve the permit for one
year on conditions that the building meets up to the requirements of the Building
Code. Mr. Harris seconded the motion which carried 4-1, Mr. Harwell opposing.
Item 3
Mr. Charles Brown introduced to the council his desire to move another trailor
home on his 30 acres. At the present time he has a trailor near his home for
hired help in protection and upkeep of his property. No action was taken.
Item 4
Mr. Harwell made a motion to accept Ordinance #81 Creating the office of
City Administrator, as corrected by John Clark, City Attorney, as agreed
upon by the council at the last meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Wilson and carried 4-1, Mr. Henderson
Item 5
The council discussed putting a water line from Moore Road to Alan Road. Two
ways to go would be to put a permanent 16 inch line which would be ready when
Coppell tied with Dallas water, or put in an inexpensive line which would not
be used two years or less after installed. The council felt that the home owners of
that area should be contacted to see what their feelings are or how many would
pay for the tap-on fee. Mr. Little volunteered to get an estimate cost of an
inexpensive water line.
The council discussed the sewer trunk line and agreed to have our engineering
film postpone the second phase for two weeks until TRA accepts our plan.
Item 6
Mr. Little gave a status report.
Mr. Little informed the council that Mr, Brim was constructing a commercial
building on Sandy Lake Road. Also, Mr. Little informed the council that
he sent Mr. Brim a letter telling him to cease and desist with the building
until he was allowed a building permit by the council. Mr. Henderson made
a motion to have the building torn down. Mr. Harris seconded the motion~
the vote 2-3, Mr. Burns, Mr. Harwell, and Mr. Wilson opposing, The remaining
majority of the council agreed to go with Mr. Little's recommendation to stop
construction on the building until he was allowed a building permit by the council.
However, the council could not allow the permit unless that area was rezoned;
this would be up to Mr. Brim to apply the area for rezoning.
Another item of business was that Mr. Little hired a secretary that would
start work sometime this week.
The council also disclussed the straightening of the curve of Belt Line and
Coppell Road.
Item 7
The following bills were presented for payment:
White Auto Store (fire dept.) $ 7,92
Patty Dobecka (month of January) 36.00
Supperette (fire and police) 88.89
Petty Cash (replenish) 36.20
Fischer & Porter 16.50
(water dept.) red ink
Mayco (material-labor) Electric Co. 39.50
Electric Motors Service 35.90
(replace brush holder 1/2hp Wagner Motor)
TrinityConcrete Products Co. (base-water dept.) 59.49
Payton Wright Ford (repair brakes-police) 69.02
Art Forms Printing (printing for Corp Court) 50.69
Mr. Wilson made a motion to approve payment of the above bills; Mr. Harwell
seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
The meeting was adjourned.
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Passed and approved this day of , 1972.
(Mlss) Patty Dobecka