CM 1972-02-21COUNTY OF DALLAS STATE OF TEXAS The city council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on February 21, 1972, in the City Hall building. The following members were present: Hulen Scott, Mayor James Henderson, Councilman Johnny Burns, Councilman Bill Harris, Councilman Councilmen Wheelice Wilson and Billy Harwell were not present. An attempt was made to contact them by phone and they were not home. Also present were City Administrator Sam Little and City Attorney John Clark. The minutes of the previous meeting were read with the following corrections: On the motion to dismiss Judge Scott, Harwell opposing and Wilson abstaining, making. the vote 3-1 -1 ; the ordinance creating the position of city administrator, Henderson abstaining; on the seminar for the city building official, the motion was made to pay $10 for the meeting and $20 per day. Henderson moved the minutes be approved as corrected. Harris seconded and motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. The first item on the agenda was the call for the election. Councilman Henderson introduced a resolution and order and moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Councilman Harris, and carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. The election is to be held April 1, 1972, with places for three (3) councilmen to be filled. The last day for filing for application for a place on the ballot will be March 1, 1972. The next item was to appoint the election judges and officials. Councilman Henderson moved that Mr. Tom Moore be appointed as election judge. Harris seconded. Motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. Councilman Harris then moved that Mrs. Joe Eby be appointed alternate judge. Burns seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. Councilman Henderson moved that Mrs. Bobby Ottinger by appointed as an election clerk. Harris seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. Councilman Harris then moved that Mrs. Barbara Austin also be appointed as an election clerk. Henderson seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. Councilman Harris moved that the use of any additional election clerks be left up to the discretion of the election judge. Henderson seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. Next, John Clark, city attorney, stated that there needed to be a review and reapproval of past minutes and ordinances in view of the circumstances that have come up. Since there has been a question raised as to the legality of certain of these acts, they need to be voted on again with the mayor stating his vote. Councilman Henderson moved that we go back and extend to the mayor the opportunity to cast his vote on the necessary motions. Harris seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. First on January 3, 1972 , the item granting Mr. Musgrave a permit for one year to park a mobile home on his lot. Councilman Henderson moved that the permit be granted retroactive to the date first stated for the one year period. Harris seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. The next item on that same meeting was the hiring of a city administrator. Councilman Harris moved that the ordinance be adopted as previously stated. Henderson seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. Next, on January 21, 1972, the motion to dismiss the city attorney. Council- man Harris moved that Larry Jackson be dismissed as city attorney on the same grounds as previously stated. Henderson seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. Councilman Henderson then moved that John Clark be hired as the city attorney. Motion was seconded by CouncilmanHarris and carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. On January 31, 1972, the first item was a contract with the Texas Department of Community Affairs. Councilman Harris moved that this contract be adopted as previously stated. Henderson seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. On the same night a permit was granted to Mr. R. W. Barnes for a mobile home permit on the east side of hisgrocery store. Councilman Henderson moved that this permit be granted as previously stated. Harris seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. The next permit was to Mrs. C. L. Plumbee to move her victorian home onto Coppell Road in the downtown area. Councilman Henderson moved that this permit be granted as previously stated. Harris seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. Councilman Henderson also moved that the permit be granted to allow a mobile home on the lot on Bethel Road until the house is ready for occupancy. Harris seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. The next motion concerned the city judge. Councilman Henderson moved that Mr. Scott be dismissed as the city judge. Harris seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. Henderson then moved that Donald Stevenson be hired as city judge. Harris seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. Next on the agenda, Mr. Brown appeared with his request for a special permit to place a mobile home on his property. He presented a document stating his reasons for this request. Councilman Henderson moved that a permit be granted for a period of one year. At that time it can be reapplied for for an extended period of time. Harris seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. Mr. Thweatt was to appear next with a request for a discussion on the mobile home ordinance and their locations; however, he stated that he would like to wait until a later date to present his discussion. The next item was a proposed ordinance creating the office of building official. City Administrator Sam Little stated that in the month of February there were permits granted totaling over $62,000 for new homes being built in Coppell. After discussing the feasibility of the ordinance at this time, Councilman Henderson moved that this resolution be adopted as Ordinance No. 82. Harris seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. Reading of the ordinance was waived at this time. Next Sam Little presented a resolution on the copy machine with the Trinity Leasing System. The payments will be made to this system. Councilman Henderson moved that authorization be given to the mayor to sign this resolution. Harris seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. Richard Pierce of Fowler-Grafe submitted a contract to the Council which covers the work for the water expansion for Coppell. He stated that there was a meeting the previous week with Mr. Little, city administrator, and other related persons and that there had been favorable comments on the contract. No action was taken at thins time. Next on the agenda was the proposed water line extension on Sandy Lake Road. After considerable study on the project, Mr. Little stated that a minimum of a 4" line will have to be put in to meet the needs of the people. The home- owners had been contacted and the majority of these people indicated that they were very much in favor of tying onto a water line. Mr. Little stated that if a temporary line is put in, it would be impossible to recover the total cost of this line. Possibly as much as 20% could be recovered, but the rest would be an expense. Councilman Henderson moved that we advertise for bids for the extension of this water line on Sandy Lake Road. The Council will reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Harris seconded the motion. After considerable discussion and opinions of the citizens in the audience, the motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. The next item to be presented was the contract with the County of Dallas for fire protection. Councilman Henderson moved that the mayor be given authority ---- to sign this contract. Harris seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott ~ voting. Also, there was a letter from Christian, Miller & Honts, Inc., ~ stating that they will agree to start work and have already made a formal proposal to start a Workable Program for Community Improvement for the City of Coppell. They have reduced their fee to $350 which may be paid $150 now and the balance later. The program can be completed by the 31st of March. This program will enable Coppell to receive government grants as they are needed. Councilman Harris moved that we hire this company with the provisions stated above. Henderson seconded; motion carried 4-0 with the mayor voting. Texas Power and Light has written requesting permission to upgrade some of the street lights within the city limits of Coppell. This will be at no cost to the City. Councilman Henderson moved that the mayor be authorized to sign this request. Harris seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. Next, discussion was held on supplies needed by the fire department. It was decided that the fire marshall will present these needs at next month' s council meeting. Sam Little, city administrator, issued a status report. He stated that there were several old and dilapidated buildings in Coppell. Under the Building Code which has been adopted by the city, these buildings need to be condemned. --- Councilman Henderson suggested that the city attorney look over this code before any action is taken to condemn these buildings. A request has been made to perform a parachute jump within the city limits of Coppell as a promotional stunt. Permission was granted this request. Several different companies are now in the process of working up a program for office furniture for the new city hall. As yet no final decision has been made. Dallas Power & Light has been contacted and they voice no objection to Route "B " of the proposed Beltline to Coppell connection. They stated that they will not donate the land, but they will probably offer it at a reduced price. The other land owners have also been contacted and at this time, of the replies that have been received, no objection has been offered. Mr. Little also stated that the voting machines will not be available this year; therefore, the city officers' election will be held with paper ballots. He also stated that the building official has not yet cost the city any money other than that of buying film for the camera. The "705" plan is back from Austin with their approval. Mr. Little stated that he mailed a check to Austin For $5,287 and there is in the bank $1,714.36 to cover this check. The police department has collected $5,030 in fines as of February 58th. ----. Mr. Little stated that he has been in contact with the St. Louis Southwestern Railroad Company in view of the fact that their railroad crosses several ~ of the streets within the city limits of Coppell and the railroad answered that they will be in touch with the city to try and work out something. The following bills were present for payment: Kustom Signals, Inc. (Police Dept. ) $ 58.51 Nisbett Cabinet Shop (voting booths ) 12.00 Lewisville Leader (paper subscription) 8.00 Dallas Ins. Agency Corp. 259.00 Steck-Warlick Co. (election laws book) 4.19 Thompson-Hayward Chemical Co. 19.50 Gulf Oil Company ll. 82 Richard Lee (reimburse personal expense) 6.41 Replinish Petty Cash 39.77 Art Forms Printing & Office Supply ~67. ~[6 City Attorney Fees 240.00 Councilman Henderson moved that all bills be paid with the exception of the city attorney fees. This should be sent to Texas Power & Light as agreed upon. Harris seconded; motion carried 4-0 with the mayor voting. The city attorney stipulated that he would like the city to pay the bill if Texas Power & Light does not pay it timely. The meeting was then closed for an executive session. In this session the city administrator stated that when a building official is hired, that will be all the personnel required at this time; however, if the work load increases, there will be a need for additional personnel. Councilman Henderson moved that Mrs. Faye Rush be dismissed from her duties with the city. Harris seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. Councilman Henderson further moved that Mrs. Rush be dismissed as Tax Assessor-Collector for the city. Harris seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. This decision is to be effective immediately. Councilman Harris moved that Dr. Charles D. Tilley be appointed as acting tax assessor- collector. Henderson seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. Councilman Harris moved that the city attorney, Mr. John Clark, be authorized to negoiate a settlement with Fowler-Grafe for past services and that a replace- ment be found as soon as possible. Henderson seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. Next the subject of the police department was brought up. Councilman Burns moved that since the chief of police has displayed a lack of judgement in attending political meetings, that he be reduced to patrolman, and that Patrolman Howard be given the chance to resign before being dismissed. Motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Henderson then moved that P_atrolman Howard be dismissed Monday of the coming week, that a prospective chief be brought over for a salary of $700 per month, and that additional steps be taken next meeting pertaining to the present chief of police. Harris seconded; motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott voting. The meeting was then adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 6th DAY OF March, 1972. Hulen Scott, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Timmons,~Acting City Secretary Council m an