CM 1972-03-06 COUNTY OF DALLAS STATE OF TEXAS The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on March 6, 1972, in the City Hall building. The following members were present: Hulen Scott, Mayor James Henderson, Councilman Johnny Burns, Councilman Bill Harris, Councilman Councilmen Wheelice Wilson and Billy Harwell were not present. They were contacted and Wilson stated that he was sick and Harwell said he had made previous plans. Also present were City Attorney John Clark and City Administrator Sam Little. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and the following corrections noted: The past minutes and ordinances were reviewed and reapproved. A permit was granted to Mr. R. W. Barnes rather than Burns. Richard Pierce of Fowler-Grafe presented the report for his company. The city attorney stated that if his bill was not paid timely by Texas Power & Light that he would like for the city to pay it. The attorney stated that he would like for the minutes to show that an attempt was made to contact Councilmen Wilson and Harwell and they were unable to be reached. Councilman Harris moved that the minutes be approved as corrected. Henderson seconded and the motion carried 4-O with the mayor voting. The first item to be presented was a zoning ordinance for final approval; however, any action on this ordinance was tabled at this time. The next item on the agenda was a report from Lone Star Gas Company concerning the use of "poly-pipe". After discussion of this subject, Councilman Henderson moved that any further action be tabled until other cities using this type of pipe can be contacted and their opinion stated as to their feelings on the feasibility of the use of this pipe. Councilman Burns seconded and motion carried 4-O with the -'- mayor voting. Next four different firms appeared before the council for the Council's consideration in hiring a consulting engineering firm for the city's needs. The four firms were Cordell & Associates of Dallas, Knowlton, Ratliff, English, Collins of Arlington, B. L. Nelson & Associates of Dallas, and Rady & Associates of Fort Worth. Each spokesman presented pertinent facts about their companies and how they would be able to help Coppell. Action will be taken in the executive session to determine which firm will be hired. The following bills were presented for payment: Mr. Vanbebber (services for the city) $330.00 Mashburn's Lock & Key 25.50 Kustom Signals, Inc. (Police Dept.) 58.51 Economy Appraisal Services 1,600.00 Art Forms Printing 18.70 Lone Star Gas Company 25.91 General Telephone Company 155.9~ International Conference of Building Officials ~.90 A to Z Rental Center 1~.25 Love & Costa 66.00 Payton-Wright Ford (Police Dept.~ 15.2~ Sargent-Sowell, Inc. 3.75 Texas Power and Light Lewisville Leader (ad) 2.~5 James B. Burleson (Bookkeeping) lOG.G0 John Clark (Attorney) 1,~59.57 Councilman Harris moved that all bills be paid with the exception of the city attorney's bill. This bill will be sent to Texas Power & Light and if not paid timely the city will pay it. Henderson seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor voting. '17 Mr. Cecil Woolery then asked to be recognized from the audience. He stated he would like a special permit to do plumbing on his property in order to connect with the city's sewer system. After discussion, Councilman Henderson moved that Mr. Woolery be granted this permit with the provision that it must pass city inspection. Harris seconded and motion carried. At the next council meeting, there will be a proposal submitted as to a uniform policy for the city to use in these matters. The meeting was then adjourned for an executive session. In this session, it was voted to appoint Clifford Logan acting tax assessor-collector and Dorothy Timmons acting city secretary. Also Dr. Austin will be approached as to the idea of his serving as city health officer. After discussing the consulting firms that had made presentations, Harris moved that the firm of Rady & Associates be hired as the city's consulting engineers. Henderson seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor voting. The meeting was then adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 20th day of March, 1972. Hulen Scott, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Timmons, Acting City Secretary ATTEST: Councilman