The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on May 15,
1972, in the fire station.
The following members were present:
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Bob Hefner, Mayor Pro Tern
Don Carter, Councilman
Sam Tiner, Councilman
Councilman Bill Harris and James Henderson were not present. Also
present was City Administrator Sam Little, City Attorney John Clark, City
Financial Advisor Jerry Pierce, and City Bonding Agent Pete Tart.
The meeting was called to order and the audience asked to stand while
Councilman Carter gave the invocation.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and the following correction
was noted: . . . "that anyone within 70' of the water and sewer lines pay
this amount until such time as there is a pro-rata ordinance and at that
time there will be no limit on the footage per the pro-rata ordinance.
Councilman Tiner moved that the minutes be approved as corrected;
Carter seconded; motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Mayor pro tem Hefner introduced a resolution that the City Council find
that sufficient emergency condition does exist to allow the City Council
to consider the emergency matters on the amended agenda as item 13-B.
Councilman Carter seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing
his approval.
The next item to be considered was the approval of the bills. Totals from
the General Fund were as follows: General Government - $10Z. 93;
Police Department - $162.99; Fire Department - $1,921.77; and Public
Works Department - $Z3Z. 08. Total bills from the Water Fund were $877.52.
Councilman Carter moved that the bills be approved for payment; Tiner
seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Next Jerry Pierce, the city financial advisor, gave a briefing on the
contracts with TRA and the City of Dallas on the water and sewer trunk
line. TRA has stated that they can break out of the total contract that
portion for the water line so that it can be put on their July agenda.
That way we can go ahead and proceed with the contract. The water
will be an entirely separate process. Mr. Pete Tart of McCall-Parker
stated that there can be a draft ready be next week to give the Council an
idea of what the contract will look like. This draft is the standard contract
for work done as far as issueing bonds. The contract will cost the City of
Coppell no money. This contract has nothing to do with TRA as First
Southwest is TRA's financial advisor also. Councilman Carter moved that
this item be tabled and be put on the agenda for next week' s meeting.
Hefner seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor stating his approval.
Mr. Bob Weger and A1 Salazar, representatives from COG, presented
the Airport Zoning Ordinance. He stated that the joint airport zoning
board meets the required three times per year and whenever else is necessary.
Our present members to the board are Ted Ruppell and Ervin Beal.
Since Mr. Ruppell has moved from Coppell, someone needs to be appointed
tO fill this vacancy, Councilman Carter moved that we approve the Airport
Zoning Ordinance and that we give the airport zoning board the authority
to appoint the enforcing agency. Tiner seconded and motion carried 3-0
with the mayor showing his approval.
The next item to be considered was the uniform building code clause. It
is the recommendation of Christian, Miller, & Honts that we pass this
type of code clause so that a new ordinance would not have to be rewritten
every time the old ones are updated. The code reads: "... BE IT HEREBY
ORDAINED ALSO, That any new editions of the Code of (Year)
published and issued after that date will be officially and automatically
adopted as the Code of the City of Coppell, except as modified or
amended as necessary or otherwise acted upon by the City Council. This
action includes all annual supplements which may be published and issued
from time to time by the sponsoring organization of such nationally
recognized model code." Mayor pro tem Hefner moved that we adopt
this code clause as a policy for the City. Carter seconded and motion
carried 3-0 with the mayor stating his approval. This policy will be
added to all existing ordinances.
Next, A1 Everett of Lone Star Gas presented an application for approval by the
City Council for an increase in the residential and commercial rate schedule for
natural gas service. The request includes an automatic gas adjustment clause.
This is in addition to the gas rate increase. Each individual person's bill would
be increased approximately $. 20 per month. Councilman Carter moved that
this item be tabled for two weeks and that we check with other cities to see what
they are doing. Hernet seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor stating
his approval.
Tom Collins, representing Accurate Answering Service gave a presentation
on a 24-hour answering service for the police department. He demonstrated
the "beeper" phone to show how the policemen would know to call the answering
service number to receive their message. Councilman Carter moved that
we take this service. Hefner seconded; motion carried 3-0 with the mayor
stating his disapproval.
The next item to be considered was the budget realignment and revision where
it was needed. City attorney John Clark stated that this subject should not
be discussed at this time as the City is under a temporary restraining order
against discussing the budget. Councilman Carter moved that we table this
matter. Hefner seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his
Mayor Pro tem Hefner moved that the administering of the oath of office of
acting tax assessor-collected be tabled at this time. Tiner seconded and
motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Mayor pro tem Hefner also moved that the appointment of a member to the
Planning and Zoning Board be dismissed due to an error in membership
status. Tiner seconded; motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his
City Administrator Sam Little stated that the TML Convention will be held
in McAllen this year on June 18-22. It is city policy that any city officials
wishing to attend, that the city pay their registration and other fees. The
City will be receiving their official invitation later on in the month.
Mr. Little then issued a status report. First, on the Bethel Road extension,
he stated that he has sent three letters to persons owning property on the
proposed Route "B" and has met with considerable objection. Since Route "A"
goes in front of the elementary school and a one acre tract of land that would
have to be bought for this route will be in excess of $45,000, the City Administrator
asked the Council members what should be the course of action for the City to
take. It was decided that the Council members would review the proposed
routes and this item would be discussed next week in Mr. Little's status report.
Next, Mr. Little stated that he had been in contact with the county and they
had stated in letter that they would repair Lodge Road if the City would pay
half the $5,800 to do the job. The firm responsible for the deterioration of
this road has agreed to pay the City's portion. It was agreed that at next
council meeting a resolution will be presented authorizing the County to repair
this road and that the city will pay their share.
Good and Associates have been in contact with Mr. Little and they have
started proceedings to have their tract of land zoned properly so that they
can start their developments.
The County has had repair trouble on their mosquito sprayer machine, but
they hope to have it repaired and be here some time this week to spray for
Mr. Mayberry, CPA, will be out some time this week to look over the books
and give the city administrator an estimate on what it would cost to audit the
The city attorney stated that he had written to General Telephone stating
that he would like to talk with them to review their franchise since we have
been receiving so many compliants on their company.
The next item was the consideration of weekly council meetings. Council-
man Carter moved that until things can be taken care of at a slower pace,
the council meetings be changed to weekly rather than twice monthly.
Hefner seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Any Monday that is a legal holiday, the council meetings would be held the
following Tue s day.
The meeting was then closed to the public for an executive session.
In this session, the attorney's fees were discussed. It was stated that
TP & L will pay routine fees, but the City will be obligated for any other
fees that may come up.
It was also decided that Mr. Logan keep an hourly record of his duties so
that the council will be more informed as to what his duties entail.
The meeting was then adjourned.
-- day of May, 1972.
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Do rothy Timmons, Acting City~S e cr eta ry