The City Council of the City of Cgppell met in regular session on June Z6. 197Z.
in the fire station.
The following members were present:
Hulen Scott, Mayor ·
Bob Hefner Mayor Pro Tem
Don Carter Councilman
Sam Tiner, Councilman
Councilman Bill Harris was not present. Also present were City Attorney
Larry Jackson and~City Engineer Derrell Johnson.
The meeting was called to order and the audience asked to stand while
Councilman Carter gave the invocation.
The minutes were read and the following correction noted: City Attorney
Larry Jackson stated that Coppell's governmental structure requires that
the City Council have the power to hire and fire employees and that they
cannot delegate that power to any other official. Councilman Tiner moved
that the minutes be approved as corrected; Councilman Carter seconded;
motion carried 3-0-1 with the mayor abstaining.I
The first item to be considered was the payment of the bills as follows:
Fire Department $ 69.57
General Government Z 76.72
Police Department 99.56
. Water Department lZ 1.90
Councilman Carter moved that all bills be paid; Mayor Pro Tem Hefner seconded
and motion carried 3-0 'with the mayor showing his approval.
The next item was a memo from COG requesting Coppell to pass a resolution
which would give us the option of participating in the Law Enforcement Radio
· ~.~. Communications program once the program is set up. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner
i' moved that~we adopt this .resolut,ion, a copy of which is attached to the minutes.
Councilman Tiner seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing
his approval. - ....
Mayor Pro Tem. Hefner stated that Mr. Mike Miller had,declined the appointment
to the City Council for personal reasons. Councilman Carter moved that
this .item be tabled at this time and put.on the agenda for the meeting of July 10
so that due consideration might be given to the filling of the vacancy. Council-
man Tiner seconded and motion.: carried-2-0~ 1~ with Mayor Pro -Tem Hefner '
abstaining and the mayor showing his approval.
Next Derrell Johnson gave a report on the TRA contract.--He-stated that-'
he had been told that Bob Ford. who is responsible for Dallas's part in the
contract. has been out of town, and the contract is not ready at this time.
but will be ready for consideration for the meeting of July 10. This will be
the contract between Dallas and TRA and the contract between TRA and
Coppell. He also stated that on the sewer trunk line. there is a possibility
that the delay until October may be beneficial to Coppell since by that time
the grant monies will possibly be up to 75%. The Council also r'equested that
Rady and Associates get in touch with Flower Mound and get their feelings
on the possibility of coming in on the sewer line with Coppell.
Richard Pierce of Fowler-Grafe was present to ask for payment of his
..... outstanding bill in excess of $22, 000. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner .moved,-that,: .'
we enter into negotiations promptly with First Southwest to try to get warrants
issued to cover this cost. Councilman Carter seconded and motion carried
3-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Mr. Pierce stated that Rady and
Associates were welcome to use any information his firm has that would be
useful in their work for the City of Coppell.
Next, a special permit for a day nursery at the Baptist Church was brought
up for consideration. The attorney stated that he has checked into this matter
and that the church can operate a day nursery at the church in the present
zoning. The only stipulation would be that the church operate the nursery
and that it cannot be leased to anyone else. Councilman Carter moved that
the city secretary write a letter stating that the church has the City's permission
to operate the day nursery as a church function and that they cannot lease it
to anyone else. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner seconded and motion carried 3-0 with
the mayor showing his approval.
Next, Ordinance #81 (City Administrator Ordinance) and #82 (Building
Official Ordinance) were presented for the Council's consideration. Council-
man Carter moved that each council member be responsible for reading and
studying these two ordinances and that a copy of each be sent to Christian,
Miller & Honts for their comments and that the new ordinances be considered
at next Council meeting. ,Mayor Pro Tem Hefner seconded; motion carried
with the mayor showing his approval.
On the consideration of water rationing, Mr. Vanbebber stated that the
City is still in good shape.
Mayor Pro Tem Hefner moved that July 3 and 4, 1972, be declared a legal
paid holiday and that City offices be closed on both days this year- only.
Councilman Carter seconded; motion carried. 3-0 with the mayor showing his
The next item to be considered was the revoking of the adoption of the
ordinance code clause since it would limit the powers of the Council in
determining future codes published. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner moved that
this code clause ordinance adopted May 15, 1972, be revoked; Councilman
Carter seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
The next item to be considered was a meeting place for the summer months
that would provide air conditioning. This item is on the school board's
agenda this same night for their consideration. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner
moved that if the school agrees to let us use their facilities for Council
meetings, that "No Smoking" signs be put up and enforced. Councilman
Tiner seconded; motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
The meeting was then closed to the public.
In the executive session, the Fire Prevention Code was discussed with the
City Attorney. Also, the official city map was reviewed.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Dorothy Timmons, Acting City Secretary
cretary .
WHEREAS, the City of Coppell has been advised by the North
Central Texas Council of Governments of a Criminal Justice Grant
with regards to regional law enforcement corrununications;
That all of the recitals and preambles hereinabove stated
are included and made a part of this resolution and that the City of
Coppell by this resolution authorizes the North Central Texas Council
of Governments to solicit bids on its behalf in connection with the
Criminal Justice Grant for participation in the regional law enforcement
communications system.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that bids pertaining to the share
of the City of Coppell in this regional law enforcement communications
system are subject to final approval of a budget reflecting such
amount and under no condition of circumstances does this agreement
in any way constitute an obligation of the City of Coppell, and being
further subject to the provision that this program is a part of a
federal grant and any payments herein are contingent upon the
availability of said federal funds.
Duly passed and approved this 26th day of June, 1972.
Hulen A. Scott, Mayor
Dorothy Timmons, Acting City Secretary