CM 1972-07-10 State of Texas
County of Dallas
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on July 10,
1972, in the elementary school cafeteria.
The following members were present:
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Bob Hefner, Mayor Pro Tern
Don Carter, Councilman
~ Bill Harris, Councilman
Sam Tiner, Councilman
Also present were City Administrator Sam Little, City Attorney Larry Jackson,
/X~ City Financial Advisor Jerry Pierce, City Engineers Bob King and Hank Hensley,
and TRA counselor Buddy Lewis.
The meeting was called to order and the audience asked to stand while
Mayor Pro Tem Hefner gave the invocation.
The minutes of the previous meeting were then read. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner
moved that they be approved; Councilman Carter seconded and motion carried
3-0-1 with Councilman Harris abstaining and the mayor showing his approval.
The first item to be considered was the filling of a vacancy on the counsel, and
the swearing in of such vacancy if filled. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner moved
that Mrs. Hazel Beal be appointed to fill the vacancy. Councilman Harris
moved that nominations cease. Councilman Tiner seconded and motion carried
4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Mrs. Beal was then asked to come
forward and was sworn in with the official oath of office, a copy of which is
attached as a permanent part of these minutes.
The TRA contract was the next item to be considered. Buddy Lewis, TRA
counselor, came forward and went through the TRA-Coppell contract, and
stated that it was not ready for final signatures since there was an operation
and maintenance expense amount that was not known at this time. After the
council members and the attorney asked about several portions of the contract, it
was decided this item will be placed on next Monday night's agenda for signing.
Bob King and Hank Hensley came forward and presented preliminary sketches
on the proposed water line. The line will be approximately 7,700 feet long.
Al Everett from Lone Star Gas Company was present to represent the gas
ordinance for a rate increase. He explained that Lone Star cannot pass on to
its customers the total amount of the increase. Only 65% of the total cost can
be passed on, and he stated that Lone Star will have to come back before each
city whenever they want another increase. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner moved that
the gas rate increase be approved as re submitted. Councilman Carter seconded
and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his disapproval. A copy of the
ordinance is attached as a permanent part of these minutes.
The next item to be considered was the approval of the bills. Councilman Carter
moved that all bills be paid with the exception of the one to George Lee Richardson
until the Council receives and can review the drawings and the bill from Economy
Appraisals until the Council can review the appraisals this company has made.
Mayor Pro Tem Hefner seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing
his approval. Departmental totals approved for payment were:
General Government $143.90
Police Department 231.74
Water Department 483.33
Fire Department 4.51
Public Works Department 137.22
Next, Mr. R. G. Harrell came before the Council to request that the City
pay for damages to his car from a falling branch from a dead tree on Coppell
Road. After discussion on this item, Councilman Harris moved that this
item be tabled until next meeting and that we consider it at that time. Councilman
Carter seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Mr. Vanbebber, water superintendent, was asked if the consideration of
water rationing was needed at this time. He stated that the wells were pumping
an average of 2- hours a day at this time and in his opinion there was not
a need for consideration of water rationing.
The consideration of a revised city administrator ordinance was considered
next on the agenda. After review and consideration of this ordinance, Councilman
Carter moved that we adopt the ordinance creating the office of city adminis-
trator with $500 being the amount designated as the limit to be spent without
prior Council approval. This ordinance will be given the number 85 in our
ordinance book. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner seconded and motion carried 5-0
with the mayor showing his approval.
The consideration of the revised building official ordinance was the next item
brought before the Council. After review of this ordinance, Mayor Pro
Tern Hefner moved that the Council adopt the ordinance creating the office
of building official, designating it number 86. Councilman Tiner seconded
and motion carried 4-0-1 with Mrs. Beal abstaining and the mayor showing
his approval.
The next item on the agenda to be considered was the cashing of a C.D. to
meet obligations in the amount of $16,612.06 to Fowler-Grafe. Councilman
Harris moved that the C.D. be cashed on July 31, which is the maturity date
and be used to pay this outstanding bill. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner seconded;
motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Consideration of meters being installed at the different churches was the
next item considered. After discussion of the subject, Mayor Pro Tem
Hefner moved that meters be set at all churches on the water line and that
they be billed for actual usage. Councilman Carter seconded and motion
carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. On the recommendation
of Water Superintendent A. P. Vanbebber, Councilman Carter then moved
that on meters of 2" and above, be required to be compound meters, and any
that are 2" and above now will be replaced at the city's expense. Mayor
Pro Tem Hefner seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing
his approval.
City Administrator Sam Little stated that Economy Appraisals has made a
request to meet with the Council in executive session at next Monday' s meeting.
Mr. Mayberry, the CPA checking the books, hopes to have a report to the
city administrator this week.
The meeting was then closed to the public.
In the executive session, Fire Chief Richard Lee discussed the needs of the
fire department for the coming year.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Hulen A. Scott, Mayor
Dorothy Timmons, Acting City Secretary
SECTION 1. effective with the first gas bills rendered from
and after thirty (30) days from the date of final passage of this ordi-
nance, the maximum general service rate for sales of natural gas ren-
dered to residential and comercial consumers within the town limits of
Coppell by Lone Star Gas Company, a Texas corporation,
its successors and assigns, is hereby fixed ad determined as follows:
First 1,O00 cu. ft. or fraction thereof $2.444 Gross; $2.20 Net
Next 3,000 cu. ft. ~ $1.156 per Mcf Gross; $1.04 per Mcf Net
Next 6~000 cuo ft. ~ 1.044 per Mci Gross; ~94 per Mcf Net
Next 15,000 cu~ fto ~ ~956 per Mcf Gross; .86 per Mcf~ Net
Next 75,000 cu. ft. ~ .900 per Mcf Gross; .81 per Mcf Net
All ov~er lO0,O00 ca. ft.
No gas bill will be rendered to any residential or commercial consumer
served under the above rate not consuming any gas during any monthly bill-
ing period.
The amount of each net monthly bill computed at the above-stated
rates shall be subject to the following adjustments: Plus or minus the
amount of any increase or decrease, respectively, above or below the 42.5
cents per Mcf level in the intracompany city gate charge as authorized by
the. Railroad Commission of the State of Texas or other regulatory body hav-
ing jurisdiction for gas delivered to Lone Star Gas Company's distribution
system for sale to residential and commercial consumers where such changes
are caused by increases or decreases in the cost of gas purchased 'by the
Company; plus an amount equivalent to the proportionate part of any new tax,
or increased tax, or any other governmental imposition, rental, fee or charge
(except state, county, city and special district ad valorera taxes and taxes
on net income) levied, assessed or imposed subsequent to April l, 1972, upon
or silocable to the Company's distribution operations, by any new or amended
law, ordinance or contract. Each gross monthly bill shall be adjusted pro-
portionately. Company, at its option, may forego the application of any
adjustment if such adjustment would result in an increase in the monthly
bill; however, failure of Company to apply any adjustment shall not con-
stitute a waiver of Company's right from time to time, or at any time,
to make any adjustment, in whole or in part, in any subsequent current
monthly bill that may be applicable to such bill.
Net rate shall apply. to all bills paid within ten days from
monthly billing date; gross rate shall be applicable thereafter.
The above rate. is applicable to each residential and commercial
consumer per meter per month or for any pert of a month for which gas is
used at the same location.
In addition to the aforesaid rates, Company shall have the right
to collect such reasonable charges es are necessary to conduct its business
and to carry out its reasonable 'rules and regulations in effect.
SECTION 2. The rate set forth in Section 1 may be changed end
amended by either the Town or Company furnishing gas in the manner pro-
vided by law. Service hereunder is subject to the orders of regulatory
bodies having jurisdiction, and to the Company's Rules and Regulations
currently on file in the Company s office.
SECTION 3. It is hereby found end determined that the meeting
at which this ordinance is passed is open to the public, as required by
Texas law, and that advance public notice of the time, place' end purpose
of said meeting was given, and that this rate ordinance is in compliance
with the applicable general criteria issued by the Price Commission under
the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970, as amended.
PASSED AND APPROVED on this the10th day of July ,
A.D. 1972 .
Dorothy Timmons, Secretary Hulen Scott, Mayor
Town of Coppell , Texas
I, Hazel Beal ., do solemnly swear (or affirm)
that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office of
Councilman of the City of Coppell, Texas, and will to the best
of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and
the Laws of the United States and of this State; and I do
furthermore solemnly swear (or affirm) that I have not directly
or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed,
nor promised to contribute, any money, or valuable thing, or
promised a public office or employment, as a reward to secure
my appointment or the confirmation thereof.
I solemnly swear that I will not be directly or
indirectly interested in any contract with or claim against
the City of Coppell, Texas, in which I reside, except such
warrants as may be issued to me as fees of office.
SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me by the said
to certify which witness my hand and seal of office.
Mrs. Hazel R. Beal
SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me by the said
Hazel Beal this the 10th day of July 1972.
Dorothy Timmons
Notary Public, Dallas County, Texas ~