CM 1972-07-17State of Texas
County of Dallas
The City Council ef the City of Coppell met in regular session on July 17,
197F9-, in the elementary school cafeteria.
The following members were present:
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Bob Hefher, Mayor Pro Tem
Bill Harris, Councilman
Hazel Beal, Councilwoman
Don Carter, Councilman
Sam Tiner, Councilman
Also present were City Administrator Sam Little, City Engineer Derrell
Johnson, City Financial Advisor Jerry Pierce, City Tax Appraisors R. M.
and W. N. Cope, and TRA Counselor Buddy Lewis. '
The meeting was called to order and the audience asked to stand while
Councilman Tiner gave the invocation.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and the following corrections
noted: The ordinance creating the office of City Administrator will be Ord-
inance Number 85 and the ordinance creating the office of Building Official
will be Ordinance Number 86. Also, on the recommendation of Water
Superintendent A. P. Vanbebber, Councilman Carter moved that on meters
of 2" and above, they be required to be compound meters. Mayor Pro Tern
Hernet moved that the minutes be approved as corrected; Councilwoman
Beal seconded; motion carried 5 - 0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Councilman Carter moved that the item concerning Bob Ford from the City
of Dallas be moved to the last item before the executive session. Mayor
Pro Tem Hefner seconded; motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his
The first item to be considered was the TRA contract. Buddy Lewis,
counselor for TRA came forward and presented the final draft
between Tra and Coppell. After discussion of the final draft and several
items being clarified, Mayor Pro Tem Hefner moved that the Council approve
the Ordinance authorizing the contract between the City of Coppell and TRA.
Councilman Harris seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing
his approval. This ordinance will be given the Number 87, a copy of which
is attached as a permanent part of these minutes.
Derrell Johnson then gave a report on the report that will go to the Texas
Water Quality Board. The purpose of the report is to cover the design of
the initial phase of a water line main network that will serve the City of
Coppell. Derrell also stated that Coppell is going to need to have a ground
storage tank and pump station close to the Dallas point of entry. The best
place for this is the south side of Sandy Lake Road immediately west of
Dallas Power & Light. He also stated that they will probably advertise for
bids on the 24th of July.
The next item presented was the approval of the following departmental bills:
Police Department 193.07
General Government $1,567.14
Water Department 693.34
Fire Department 66.66
Mayor Pro Tem Hefner moved that all bills be approved; Councilman Harris
seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
The next item was the consideration of water rationing. Water Superintendent
A. P. Vanbebber star ed that only one day this past week did the wells pump
for 24 hours. He also stated that the pressure has been lowered whenever it
was necessary to conserve water.
City Administrator Sam Little then gave a status report. He stated that he
had received a formal letter of resignation from our present chief of police,
Bob Jones, to become effective July 24.
The Texas Highway Department will have a meeting in Carrollton on July 20
concerning the route of Loop 9 for any council members interested in attending.
Also we have a letter from the Highway Department concerning the regulation
and control of outdoor advertising. It was the recommendation of the City
Administrator that we give the Highway Department the authority to regulate
and control the erection of these signs. Councilman carter moved that the
Council let the Highway Department take care of this matter. Mayor Pro Tem
Hefner seconded; motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
The tree on Coppell Road has been removed and will present no more problems.
The City Administrator has received a letter from the CPA, Mr. Mayberry,
stating his views on the status of the city's books. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner
moved that the City retain John R. Mayberry to get the books in order if
this can be done in thirty days. Councilman Carter seconded; motion carried
5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
On Wednesday, July 19th, COG has issued an invitation to all interested
Council members to attend a luncheon and briefing on the subject, "Open
Space for North Central Texas: A Policies Plan."
Mr. Little stated that the preparation of the budget for the coming year is being
worked on and if anyone on the Council knows of any items that need to be
included to please let him know.
A firm has been in touch with the city administrator to see about putting our
tax roll on a computer basis for under $200.
The drawings for the wiring and identifications of all wiring were presented
to the Council for their review. Councilman Carter moved that the bill to
George Lee Richardson be paid on the recommendation of the water superin-
tendent. Councilman T iner seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor
showing his approval.
Bob Ford was to be present to discuss the revoking of our present ordinance,
numbered 66, which allowed Dallas to build and maintain water lines within
the City limits of Coppell. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner moved that on the advice
of the city attorney, that we revoke the present ordinance and adopt the new
proposed ordinance granting to the City of Dallas permission to build and
maintain water lines accress certain public streets in the City of Coppell, to
be given the number 88. Councilman Carter seconded and motion carried 5-0
with the mayor showing his approval. A copy is attached as a permanent part
of the minutes.
The meeting was then closed to the public.
In the executive session, the position of building official was discussed and
the city's obligation to paying bills if they do not consider it their responsibility.
Economy Appraisal Service met with the Council to discuss the tax for the
coming year.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Hulen A. Scott, Mayor
Dorothy Timmons, Acting City Secretary