CM 1972-09-14STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on September 14, 1972, in the elementary school cafeteria. The following members were present: Hulen Scott, Mayor Bob Hefner, Mayor Pro Tem Bill Harris, Councilman Hazel Beal, Councilwoman Sam Tiner, Councilman Councilman Don Carter was out of town. Also present were City Attorney Larry Jackson, City Engineers Hank Hensley and Derrell Johnson and City Financial Advisor Jerry Pierce. The meeting was called to order and the audience asked to stand while Mayor Pro Tem Hefner gave the invocation. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and the following correction noted: On the minutes of August 21, the total cost of the contract for the 16" water line will be lowered by the total cost of the meters which the City will purchase as they are needed. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner moved that the minutes be approved as corrected; Councilman Tiner seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor abstaining. The next item was the approval of the following departmental bills: General Government $2,262.68 Police Department 356.65 Public Works 193.36 Fire Department 127.49 Water Department 999~ 32 Mayor Pro Tem Hefner moved that all bills be paid; Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The next item to be considered was the approval of a lift station ordinance which would make it mandatory for any owner or operator of a sewer lift station to have lwo lift stations and.keep one in good working condition at all times. Councilman Tiner moved that this ordinance be passed and given the number 92; Mayor Pro Tem Hefner seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Councilman Harris arrived at this time. The next item was the consideration of a domestic animal vaccination ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner moved that this ordinance be tabled until next meeting to be reviewed and studied. Councilman Tiner seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. An Ordinance creating the office of animal warden and providing for his duties was the next item considered. After discussion on this ordinance it was decided that the charge for picking up and keeping animals will be $'5' .00 plus $1.00 per day for maintenance. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner moved that this ordinance be adopted with the changes indicated. It will be given the number 93. Councilman Harris seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The next item was the consideration of adopting the Dallas Building Code. Council- man Harris moved that this item be tabled until next meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The next item was a report on the water rationing. Water Superintendent A. P. Vanbebber was not able to be present, but had submitted the following report, "Apparently at this time we have an ample supply of water and it is suggested that our water rationing be discontinued." Councilman Harris moved that the report be accepted and water rationing be discontinued; Mayor Pro Tem Hefner seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The next item was the discussion of garbage disposal service. Representatives from H & J Garbage Disposal Service from Lewisville were present to discuss their present franchise contract with Coppell. After considerable discussion on this subject, it was decided that at next meeting a contract will be presented providing garbage pick-up service two times a week at $2.50 per month. The next item was the presentation of a sub-division plat for the Carter Addition. After review of this plat, Councilman Harris moved that it be accepted; Councilman Tiner seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Providing a fire plug at the site of the new First Baptist Church was the next item. The church has requested water service to their property and they have requested that at the time the tap is being made, a fire plug be put in also. Councilman Tiner moved that the City provide the fire plug at the time the water line is put in; Mayor Pro Tem Hefner seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The next item was a report by City Engineers Derrell Johnson and Hank Hensley on the certification of the present water system. They recommended that we start scheduling some of the needed improvements so that they can be finished by the last of January or the first of February. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner moved that the City approve and adopt the engineering report on the water system so that it can be sent to the Texas State Department of Health for their approval. Council- man Harris seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The next' item was the authorization for the chief of police to order a new police squad car. Councilman Tiner moved that the chief be authorized to order the car in accordance with the bid submitted. Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The meeting was then closed to the public for an executive session. In this session, an applicant for the position of city administrator was interviewed. The Council was also notified that the utility clerk, Barbara Johnson, had turned in her resignation effective September 30. The meeting was then adjourned. Hulen A. Scott, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary Dorothy Tirnmo~,