CM 1972-10-12STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on October 12, 1972, in the elementary school cafeteria. The following members were present: Hulen Scott, Mayor Hazel Beal, Councilwoman Bill Harris, Councilman Sam Tiner, Councilman Don Carter, Councilman Mayor Pro Tem Bob Hefner was not present. Also present were City Attorney Larry Jackson and City Planning Consultant Sam Wyse. The meeting was called to order and the audience asked to stand while Council- man Tiner gave the invocation. The minutes of the previous meeting were then read. Councilman Tiner moved that the minutes be approved as read; Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 3-0-1 with Councilman Harris abstaining and the mayor showing his approval. The first item to be considered was the permit received by Bobby Ottinger on September 3, 1969, to move a house in in the Stringfellow Addition on Sandy Lake Road. The permit stated that the owner agrees to brick the house after it is moved to the new location. Since the City has received a letter of complaint concerning this house, the Ottingers were asked what course of action they had decided to take. They stated that they were in the process of trying to work something out to get a loan to remodel the house and that they will inform the Council of any action that is taken; that they should be able to tell the Council something within 60 days about what is being done. The next item was the discussion of towing service for the City. Mr. Joe Dodson was present to discuss his past services and to request a contract or ordinance with the City for his towing services. Councilman Carter moved that until the ordinance can be drawn up, the police department use the release forms that they now have for cars that are towed to the City pound; Councilman Harris seconded and motion carried 4-0. Councilman Carter also moved that the fee remain at $25 flat fee for now; Councilman Tiner seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Next, Mr. Fred Kadane presented his request for his 62.39 acres of land to be annexed into the City of Coppell. This land is north of the creek and east of Denton Tap. He was requesting that his land be zoned as Planned Develop- ment. Since our master zoning ordinance requires that all land come into the City as agriculture, Mr. Kadane decided that he would do some more work on his request before any action be taken. Next, was a discussion on a proposed house moving ordinance. The city attorney recommended that the Council adopt a separate house moving ordinance when the Dallas Building Code is adopted. Councilman Carter moved that until the City can get something worked out on this matter, the inspector look at every building that is to be moved in at its present location prior to it being moved into the City, and that a building permit must be obtained before the moving permit can be obtained. And a $25 inspection fee must be paid before the building is knspected. The building must be inspected before the building permit is obtained and the permit should outline the requirements that are to be met before the building is moved in. Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The next item to be discussed was the City/County participation on proposed roads in Coppell. City Planning Consultant Sam Wyse stated that some roads within the City will be 100% county participation, some will be 50-50 with the county and city, and some the county will repair and the city will reimburse them for the expense. Some of the roads that are 100% county participation are Belt Line, Sandy Lake, Denton Tap, and the Bethel Road extension. The County would like for Coppell to list in priority fashion the roads that they wish the county to consider in their next year' s budget. Also they stated that they would like for the City to appoint someone to represent the City while the county is preparing their budget. Councilman Harris moved that the Council appoint Sam Wyse to work with the county as our representative; Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Next, Dave Shrum, representing Brazos Electric Company appeared before the Council for discussion on the City providing water service to their proposed building at the intersection of Thweatt and Coppell Roads. City Engineers Derrell Johnson and Hank Hensley reported that the best solution would be to link the two larger lines on Sandy Lake Road and Coppell Road with an 8" line, which would not be economically feasible at this time. After discussion on this subject, Mr. Shrum stated that he would talk with Brazos Electric and see if they would want to have the City build their line and work out a pro-rata deal with the City and would report back to let us know. Next, the animal control ordinance was brought up for discussion. Mr. Paul Waller asked to be recognized from the audience and stated that he felt the registration is out of line for the people in town that our animals and have them vaccinated already. After discussion on this ordinance, Councilman Carter moved that the registration fee be changed to be in line with Dallas 's fee of $1.00 and that this ordinance numbered 95 be passed; Councilman Harris seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Next, was the consideration of amaintenance contract with Economy Appraisal Service. Councilman Carter moved that this item be tabled until next meeting; Councilman Harris seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Next, Derrell Johnson presented a letter from the State Health Department stating that they had reviewed the report sent to them and they had made certain recommendations so that our water system may be operated and maintained in accordance with the department's acceptable practices. Councilman Carter moved that the City do the necessary things to comply with the department' s practices as soon as possible; Councilman Tiner seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. In order to correct the minutes of a past meeting, Councilman Harris moved that the Council officially hire Pat Belvin on a full time basis retroactive to August 14, 1972; Councilman Carter seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Mr. Vanbebber,water superintendent, presented a recommendation that an ordinance be drawn up concerning the procedure to take when a street has to be cut for water lines. The next item was the budget hearing. After review of the budget, Councilman Carter moved that the budget be accepted as amended and that ordinance #97 approving the budget be adopted, a copy of which is attached; Councilman Harris seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The 1972 tax roll was then presented to the Council. Councilman Harris moved that the roll be accepted as presented; Councilman Tiner seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The ordinance levying the tax rate for 1972 was the next item considered. Councilman Tiner moved that ordinance #98 levying the tax rate be adopted and the rate set at $. 95 per $100 valuation; Councilman Carter seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The next item was the approval of the bills. Departmental totals presented were: General Government $819.41 Fire Department 440.54 Police Department B09.74 Public Work Department 259.36 Water Department 775.93 The Fire Department total included payments for half the cost of the firemen's uniforms, which amounted to $176.85. Councilman Harris moved that the bills be approved for payment; Councilman Tiner seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Councilman Carter moved that the time for the chief of police to be certified be extended another 60 days; Councilman Tiner seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Councilman Carter also moved that the chief be authorized to order the necessary equipment for the new car with the P.A. 15A amended to be less than $100; Councilman Tiner seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The meeting was then closed to the public for an executive session. After the executive session, the meeting was adjourned. Hulen Scott, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary ~,., , /7F THE TOWN OF COPPELL DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS REVISED GENERAL BUDGET OCTOBER 1, 1971 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1972 ESTIMATES OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS TAX RATES FOR ALL FUNDS As Submitted To THE CITY COUNCIL By Hulen .Scott Mayor GENERAL FUND REVISED BUDGET SUMMARY AND ESTIMATED CASH POSITION Cash on Hand, 10-1-71 $24,073.50 Revised Budgeted Revenue 69,988.42 Revised Operating Cash 94,061.92 Revised Budgeted Expenditures General Government $41,759.54 Police Department 23,045.55 Fire Department 8,511.56 Public Works Department 19,523.90 Total All Departments 92,840.55 Estimated Cash on Hand, 9-30-72 $ 1,221.37 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUDGETED REVENUES Revised Budgeted 1971 - 72 General Property Taxes Current Roll $33,689.36 Prior Rolls 2,500.00 Penalty and Interest 200.00 Total General Property Taxes $36,389.36 Franchise Taxes Garbage $ 136.78 Texas Power &Light 2,500.00 Lone Star Gas 727.39 General Telephone 500.00 Total Franchise Taxes 3,864.17 Licenses and Permits 1,282.00 Inspection Fees 1,038.00 Fines 1Z, 000.00 EEA Grant 3,147.00 Fire Service 2,707.30 Sundry 497.03 "701" Plan 8,063.56 Interest Income 1,000.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE $69,988.42 GENERAL FUND REVISED BUDGETED DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES Revised B udg ete d 1971 - 72 Department General Government $41,759.54 Police Department 23,045.55 Fire Department 8,511.56 Public Works Department 19,523.90 TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES $92, 840.55 GENERAL FUND REVISED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES Revised Budgeted 1971 - 72 Salaries and Wages $17,196.65 Supplies 1,652. Z2 Contractual Services Utilities $ Z6.69 Telephone 853.45 Consulting 5,854.30 Auditing & Accounting 600.00 Advertising/Legal Notices 60.00 Total Contractual Services 7,394.44 Capital Outlay 4, 566.10 Sundry Charges Maintenance $ 481.80 Travel 1,450.00 Dues ZZ0.00 Bonds 1Z5.00 Election Expense Z00.00 Miscellaneous 367.30 Total Sundry Charges Z, 844. 10 Insurance Z 19.00 "701" Plan 7,574.00 G.O.B. Fund-10% taxes 313.03 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES $41,759.54 GENERAL FUND REVISED POLICE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES Revised Budgeted 1971 - 72 Salaries and Wages $16,957.75 Maintenance 2,893.74 Insurance 149.00 Capital Outlay 750.00 Telephone 365.6Z Office Supplies 464. 72 State Expense on Fines 1,000.00 Miscellaneous 464. 7Z TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES $23,045.55 GENERAL FUND REVISED FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES Revised Budgeted 1971 - 7Z Telephone and Utilities $ 83Z. 50 Maintenance 1,869.52 Insurance 769.12 Debt Service Z, 500.00 Capital Outlay Z, 500.00 Supplies 40.42 TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES $ 8,511.56 GENERAL FUND REVISED PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES Revised B udg ete d Salaries and Wages $ 600. O0 Contractual Services 1,151.16 Utilities 600. O0 Capital Outlay 14, 6Z1.24 Insurance ZOO. 00 Maintenance Z, 000.00 Equipment Expense 300.00 Miscellaneous 51.50 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS EXPENDITURES $19,5Z3.90 f- WATER AND SEWER FUND REVISED BUDGETED SUMMARY AND ESTIMATED CASH POSITION Operating Cash on Hand 10-1-71 $ 36,436.75 ~"~ Restricted Cash 15,000.00 I .. Total Cash on Hand 10-1-71 $ 51,436.75 Revised Budgeted Revenue 50,661.90 Revised Available Funds $102,098.65 Revised Budgeted Expenditures Water Department $ 81,578.07 Restricted Cash 15,000.00 Total Expenditures 96, 578.07 Estimated Cash on Hand 9-30-72 $ 5, 5Z0.58 WATER AND SEWER FUND REVISED BUDGETED REVENUES Revised Budgeted 1971 - 7,. Water and Sewer Sales Sale of Water $39,250.00 Sale of Sewer 7, 96 1.90 Penalties & Reinstatements Z 10.00 Total Water and Sewer Sales $47,421.90 Water Connection Fees 1', 300.00 Sewer Connection Fees 1,370.00 Meter Deposits 570.00 TOTAL WATER AND SEWER FUND REVENUE $50,661.90 WATER AND SEWER FUND REVISED BUDGETED EXPENDITURES Revised Budgeted 1971 - 72 Salaries and Wages $ ?, 965. Z5 Maintenance Z, ?43.00 Contractual Services Contract Labor $ 5,551.00 Sewage Disposal Fees 1,540.18 Auditing and Accounting 600.00 Gas 40.91 ' Electricity 3,486.48 Total Contractual Services 11, Z18.57 Insurance 300.00 Capital Outlay Z5,000.00 Debt Service Principal $ 3,000.00 Interest 21,874.70 Interest &Sinking Fund 7,337.55 Total Debt Service 32, Z1Z. Z5 Equipment Expense 1,200.00 Sundry Office Supplies $ 433.00 Water Refunds 409.30 Telephone 49.50 Miscellaneous 47. Z0 T oral Sundry 939.00 TOTAL WATER AND SEWER EXPENDITURES $81,57~. 07 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND SERVICE FUND - COMBINED ISSUES REVISED BUDGETED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES AND ESTIMATED CASH POSITION G. O. Fund Balance 10-1-71 $ 1,44Z. 07 Deposits made to 3-31-72 4, 978.45 Total Cash Available 6, 4Z0.5Z Bond Payments Due Series 1966-A $ 1,171.00 Series 1966 4, 691.00 Total Bond Payments Due 5, 86Z. 00 Balance After Obligations Met $ 558.52 Estimated 10% Tax Deposit. $ 270.00 Interest on C.D. #419 666.68 Total Deposits 936.68 Cash on Hand 9;30-72 $ 1,495. Z0 CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT FOR THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS #419 G.O. Bond Fund Nov. '69 5% $16,000. 5 months #542 General Fund July '70 5% $Z0,000. 90 days #544 School Sewer Line June '70 5% $14, 000. 180 days SCHOOL SEWER LINE FUND Cash on Hand 10-1-71 $ i, 683.96 Interest on C.D. #544 700.00 Cash on Hand 9-10-72 $ Z, 383.96 WATER AND SEWER REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT Cash on Hand 10-1-71 $ 100.00 SCHOOL WATER LINE FUND Cash on Hand 10-1-71 $ 96.07