CM 1972-11-09 STATE OF TEXAS
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on November 9,
1972, in the elementary school cafeteria.
The following members were present:
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Bob Hefner, Mayor Pro Tem
Bill Harris, Councilman
Sam Tiner, Councilman
Don Carter, Councilman
Councilwoman Hazel Beal was out of town. Also present were City Admin-
istrator George Campbell and City Engineers Hank Hensley and Derrell
The meeting was called to order and the audience asked to stand while
Mayor Pro Tem Hefner gave the invocation.
The first item to come before the Council was a zoning request by Hopkins
Brothers. Mayor Scott announced that this request had been postponed
until a later date at the request of the Hopkins Brothers.
The next item considered was a zoning request from General Telephone
for a zoning change from "SF-10" Single Family Dwelling District Classifi-
cation to "SF-10" Single Family Dwelling District Classification, Specific
Use Permit. The Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended that
this request be granted. Mr. Marcus Pritchett from General Telephone
presented information concerning the exchange building. He stated that
it will be designed to eventually be ten stories add that it will be one of
the first electronic switching buildings for this company. It will be designed
· --~ to serve this area until the year 2000. Mr. Pritchett also stated that they
have received a firm committment on the sewer line and that they do want
~ to have the line. Councilman Carter stated that he would like for General
Telephone to provide a copy of the rendering of the building for the Council
to see and to be made available to the people of the town. The mayor then
asked if there was anyone present who had any opposition to present to
this zoning request. Since there was none, the mayor declared the hearing
closed to the public and opened it for Council Discussion. Councilman Carter
moved that the zoning request be granted; Mayor Pro Tem Hefner seconded
and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval. An ordinance
will be presented at the next Council meeting granting this zoning change.
Next, the minutes of the previous meeting were read for approval.
Councilman Tiner moved that they be approved as read; Councilman Carter
seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Richard Cope of Economy Appraisal Service was present to discuss a
maintenance contract with the City on the City taxes. The Council stated
that they would like to see included in the contract a time limit that would
consist of no more than five man days. If after the first two days, Economy
Appraisal can see that it will take more time than this to complete their
work, they are to let the city administrator know how much more time will
be required. A contract will be drawn up by the City's attorney and presented
at next Council meeting for approval.
The bills were presented next for approval. Councilman Harris arrived
while the bills were being reviewed. Departmental totals presented in the
agenda were:
General Government 176. Z4
Police Department 321.39
Fire Department 54. 19
Municipal Court 11.93
Public Works Department 139.08
Water Department 2_, 92-5.38
An additional bill for $6,000 to Fowler-Grafe was presneted for approval
also. After discussion on this bill, Mayor Pro Tem Hefner moved that
the bills be approved as submitted in the agenda folder; Councilman Tiner
seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Councilman Carter then moved that the bill to Fowler-Grafe be approved
for payment. Motion died for lack of a second. This bill will be included
as an item on the next Council agenda.
Since Mr. Ronnie Tidwell from the Soil Conservation Service was not able
to be present, Councilman Tiner moved that this item be tabled until it
is ready to come before the Council; Councilman Carter seconded and
motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Next was a report from the City Engineers, H.D. HenSley and Derrell
Johnson. Mr. Hensley stated that construction on the 16" water line on
Sandy Lake Road has been started and if the weather permits, the line
should be finished by the middle of December. The mayor stated that he
has had a request for a line off of the 16" line on Allen Road and that the
person requesting the water, Mr. Max Hahn would like to work something
out with the City to get the water. The Council stated that anyone desiring
to put in a line may do so.
Derrell Johnson stated that they are in the process of trying to obtain an
easement from Texas Power and Light for use for the metering station.
The City should be looking at the possibility of obtaining approximately
two acres of land for a future ground storage tank that will be needed.
The next item was a revised ordinance for the proposed towing service
for the City. Councilman Harris moved that this item be tabled until next
meeting for review by the Council; Councilman Tiner seconded. Discussion
was then held as to what changes had been made in the ordinance and what
amounts should be put in the blank spaces. Councilman Harris moved that
discussion cease and the motion be voted on; Mayor Pro Tem Hefner seconded
and motion carried 3-1 with Councilman Carter against and the mayor abstaining.
On the motion to table this ordinance the vote was 4-0 with the mayor showing
his approval.
The revised proposed house moving ordinance was presented next. Mayor
Pro Tem Hefner moved that this ordinance be tabled for review; Councilman
Harris seconded and motion carried 3-1 with Councilman Carter against
and the mayor showing his approval.
~The proposed street cutting ordinance was considered as the next item.
Councilman Carter moved that this ordinance be approved; Mayor Pro Tem
Hefner seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Councilman Carter moved that a short recess be taken; Mayor Pro Tem
Hefner seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his aapproval.
The meeting was declared back in session. The hiring of a water utility clerk
was the next item to be considered. City Administrator George Campbell
stated that he had reviewed the work load and had determined that there
is a necessity for another person as soon as possible. He stated that he had
begun to interview the applicants but had not had time to finish all that
had been turned in. Councilman Carter stated that in the previous minutes
when this matter was discussed, it was decided that the city administrator
would determine if there was a work load for an addition person, and if so,
with the city administrator being new to the area, the Council would do the
hiring; that they had already reviewed all the applications presented, and were
ready to make a decision if one was needed. The city administrator then
said that there was a work load for an additional person. Councilman Harris
moved that if Mrs. Melba Riney had not already accepted another position,
that she, be hired for the position of water utility clerk; Councilman Carter
seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The
City Administrator will negoiate a salary with Mrs. Riney.
Any other old business was listed next on the agenda. City Administrator
George Campbell stated that he had been in touch with all companies
concerning the city's contracts and that all contracts are on a lease-
purchase option. Letters are coming stating this in writing.
Mileage for city employees and who receives this mileage was discussed
next. It was decided that unless the city administrator requests the animal
warden or the building inspector to make a special trip out of town for
city business, they would not receive mileage; that that is included in
their regular paycheck. The Council also stated that persons in the City
office would received mileage only if the city administrator requests them
to make official city trips.
Bobby Ottinger has been in touch with the building inspector and stated
that they loan for repair and remodeling on their house has been approved
and that they expect to start work on the house within two weeks.
On the bill for the water tap for the Baptist Church, the present water
tap fee calls for a $15 deposit to be made also. It was decided that the
church would be requested to make this deposit at their new location.
Under new business, Councilman Carter moved that next Council meeting
be changed to November 30; Councilman Harris seconded and motion carried
4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
The resolution authorizing the mayor, the mayor pro tem, and the city
administrator to sign checks was presented next. Councilman Harris
moved that this resolution be adopted; Councilman Carter seconded and
motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. A copy is attached
to the minutes as a permanent record.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Hulen A.Scott, Mayor
Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary