The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on March 13,
1973, in the fire station meeting room.
The following members were present: Hulen Scott, Mayor
Bob Hefner, Mayor Pro Tern
Bill Harris, Councilman
Hazel Beal, Councilwoman
Sam Tiner, Councilman
Councilman DemrCarter was not present because of illness. Also present were
City Administrator George Campbell, City Attorney Larry Jackson, and City
Secretary Dorothy Timmons.
The meeting M called to order and the audience asked to stand while Mayor
Pro Tern Hefner gave the invocation.
Mayor Pro Tern Hefner moved that the reading of the minutes be waived;
Councilman Harris seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing
his approval. The following correction was noted: Councilman Harris had to
leave the meeting prior to the General Telephone Company's presentation on
the rate increaee. Mayor Pro Tern Hefner moved that the minutes be approved
as corrected; Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the
mayor showing his approval.
The first item to be considered was a request from Mr. J. C. Nisbett for
a mobile home per. mit to be placed on the west side of his house for his daughter
to live in for reasons of safety. He stated that he had contacted his two closest
neighbors and they had no objections to the mobile home being moved in. Council-
man Harris moved that the permit be granted for a period of one year; Mayor
Pro Tern Hefner seconded and stated that this should be considered as a hardship
case. Motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval. A fee of $25.00
will be charged for the permit. : ,
Mr. James Rutherford was present to discuss the present animal control ordinance.
He had several questions about how the ordinance was to be enforced and the
penalities for the violation of the ordinance.
Mr. Charles Brown presented a request for the renewal of his second mobile
home permit for his daughter. Mayor Pro Tern Hefner moved that this permit
be renewed for one year; councilman Harris seconded and motion carried 3-0
with the mayor showing his approval. The fee of $Z5.00 will be charged for the
pe trait.
The next item to be considered was the homestead exemption for persons over
65 years of age. April 1 is the deadline for filing for this exemption. Council-
man Tiner arrived while this item was being discussed. Mayor Pro Tern Hefner
moved that this item be moved to 12-A and considered at that time so that copies
of the proposed resolution could be made available to the Council members;
Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his
The firearms ordinance was the next item considered. City Attorney Larry
Jackson stated that Section 3 had been changed to allow the chief of police to
issue the permits for the use of firearms. Councilwoman Beal moved that
this ordinance be adopted and given the number 109; Mayor Pro Tern Hefner
seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
The amendment to the house moving ordinance was the next item to be considered.
City Attorney Larry Jackson stated that this would actually be a new ordinance
rather than an amendment since there have been several changes and corrections
made. After discussion of these changes, Councilman Tiner moved that this
ordinance be adopted as number 110; Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion
carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
City Administrator George Campbell stated that it had come to his attention
that a welding shop was in operation on Sandy Lake Road and a permit had not
been received. He stated that the city inspector would check into this trotter ~
and see what needed to be done.
Councilwoman Beal had several items to present for consideration under old ~'j
business. She stated that Mr. Jim McGiboney had been in touch with her,~
and would like for his name to be removed as chairman of the citizens advisory
committee since his job is going to require that he be out of the country quite
a bit. It was decided that the members of this committee would be contasted
to see if they were still interested in serving in this capacity.
The dog ordinance was discussed as to whether the animal warden has the
authority to go inside the mobile home parks and pick up animals which have
had complaints signed on them. It was stated that the animal warden should
have the consent of the owner of the mobile home park before he picked up
any animals on that property even though the complaint might have been signed
by one of the renters of the property.
The status of the proposed sewer trunk line will be put into the newsletter so
that the citizens can know what is being presented and how it will effectShem.
The approval of the bills was the next item on the agenda. Mayor Pro Tern
Hefner moved that the bills be approved for payment; Councilman Harris
seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
The homestead exemption was disaussed next. The question was raised as to ~_~
whether this would allow those persons over 65 living in mobile home parks to
claim this exemption. After discussion on this item, Mayor Pro Tern Hefner
moved that the resolution allowing the exemption be adopted with the under-
standing that if any persons living in mobile home apply, their application will
be accepted; Councilman Harris seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the
mayor showing his approval.
The meeting was then closed to the public for an executive session.
After the executive session, the meeting was adjourned.
Hulen A. Scott, Mayor
Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary "~
WHEREAS, on November 7, 1972, the Constitution of the
State of Texas was amended to allow cities to exempt $3,000.00
of the assessed value of the homestead of any person who is 65
years of age or older, from ad valorem taxes; and,
WEREAS, the City Council desires to exempt from ad
valorem taxes, $3,000.00 of the assessed value of resident home-
steads of persons 65 years of age or older, as provided by the
Constitutional Amendment adopted by the voters of the State of
Texas; now, therefore,
SECTION 1. That pursuant to Article VIII, Section
l-b, of the Texas Constitution, Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00)
of the assessed value of resident homesteads of persons sixty-five
(65) years of age or older, Shall be exempt from City of Coppell
ad valorem taxes when taxes are levied for the year 1973, and all
s~bsequent levies, upon the owner's compliance with the following
(a) The owner of the resident homestead, or one
of the spouses if the resident homestead is owned by a married
couple , shall be sixty-five (65) years of age or older as of
January 1, of each tax year, beginning with 1973.
(b) The owner of a resident homestead shall submit
to the Assessor and Collector of Taxes for the City, before April
1st of each year, an affidavit that the owner or one of the
spouses if the resident homestead is owned by a married couple,
is sixty-five (65) years of age or older. The initial exemption
claim shall be accompanied by adequate proof of such age, but
subsequent renewals of the exemption may be by affidavit only.
SECTION 2. That any person who makes a false affidavit
in claiming the homestead exemption shall be subject to all
penalties which exist for the lack of payments of taxes, and all
other appropriate criminal penalties.
SECTION 3. That this resolution shall take effect
immediately from and after its passage in accordance with the
provisions of the laws of the State of Texas, and it is accord-
ingly so resolved.
Hulen A. Scott
Dorothy Timmons
Lawrence Jackson
City Attorney